Discover Taunt Druid [Early/Midgame)
- Last updated Apr 2, 2021 (Forged in the Barrens)
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- 18 Minions
- 12 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Taunt Druid
- Crafting Cost: 8020
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 4/2/2021 (Forged in the Barrens)
- Registered User
- 2
- 9
- 16
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Welcome to my second deck creation here on hearthpwn,
The Discover Taunt Druid
The decklist is running various discover cards which makes it more interactive/versatile to play and more viable to find fitting answers for your threats.
Dwarven Archaeologist in combination with Nature Studies, Raven Idol, Resizing Pouch, Crystalsong Portal & Venomous Scorpid gives us either early board pressure with discovered minions or even more nature spells to buff our taunt minions. Furthermore you want to use it to find fitting answers to the opponents board.
Toad of the Wilds&Stonehill Defender are our early taunt minions which we want to play to build up a wall. We want to buff them with our nature spells to get early board control and do value trades if needed. If you can find your Plaguemaw the Rotting or Guff Runetotem try to hide them behind our taunt minions and play your buffs.
Most of the time we want to play on curve and discover anything which fits to your boardsituation and depending on your hand. You want to win at turn 8/9.
A buffed Speaker Gidra helps us to clear the board when things are getting out of hand or to get an huge damage swing with her windfury effect. Also dont hesitate to rush a Druid of the Plains into something, even it would die, it's working as a clear and to keep your other minions alive. (If he survives, even better).
Our two Thickhide Kodo & Gold Road Grunt is our survivability.
Look for one Dwarven Archaeologist, Nature Studies and Toad of the Wilds/Stonehill Defender/Venomous Scorpid.
An example would be to play Nature Studies on turn 1, into Dwarven Archaeologist + another reduced discover spell on turn 2.
Or Nature Studies on turn 1, into Toad of the Wilds on turn 2, into a buffed 4/6 Toad on turn 3, followed up by curve and building up a board.
Substitutions would be:
+1Arbor Up for -1Emerald Explorer/Speaker Gidra
+1 Far Watch Post/Mor'shan Watch Post for -1Crystalsong Portal
Good luck and have fun with this list :)