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EnZo’s [Almost] Highlander Bomb Warrior

  • Last updated Aug 17, 2020 (Scholomance Academy)
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  • 14 Minions
  • 13 Spells
  • 2 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Highlander Warrior
  • Crafting Cost: 17740
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 8/17/2020 (Scholomance Academy)
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Hi! I’m EnZo and this is my completely home-brewed [Almost] Highlander Bomb Warrior deck for the Scholomance expansion. I’ve been a warrior-only player for years and I’ve always heavily favored control or highlander versions much more than aggro as I find them much more fun overall. Home-brewing decks has always been part of the fun of Hearthstone for me, even if the decks aren’t always competitive for climbing ranked. I believe this one, however, is quite strong and I look forward to continuing my climb with it! 

Toward the end of last expansion, I ran a lot of my home-brewed version of Big Ripper. This was basically Big Warrior except it ran the warrior quest. I found this deck to be a lot of fun and moderately strong, but it obviously lost to most top meta decks. So, naturally, I was stoked to see more big warrior support with Scholomance and I’ve been playing many different refinements of that deck since launch. That got me from Silver 5 to Gold 5, but then I sort of stalled out. The new big warrior is definitely fun and strong but it’s weak against a lot of the meta which made it extremely difficult to climb with. At least at my rank, priests are many and big warrior is basically auto-concede against priest. It also struggles against most aggro decks.  

Not to mention, playing big warrior so much was getting stale for me. So, I went back to the drawing board looking for a new deck to play or create. That brought me back to bomb warrior, which I used to play a lot a couple expansions ago. I enjoyed the Scholomance version but also found that it had its weaknesses. I decided to take the core elements of the current bomb warrior and build a highlander deck around it. It’s an (almost) highlander deck because it runs two copies of Wrenchcalibur, but it’s literally the closest a deck can be to highlander without being highlander right out of the gate. Drawing either Wrench will activate your Zeph and Alex, and the Corsair cache can only tutor a Wrench.

I quickly found this deck to be more consistent across the entire meta spectrum than Big or Bomb Warrior. Against priest especially, it has a high win rate - which I love! It has already undergone some refinements and it may or may not need more. At first, I included a copy of all invoke cards minus Ritual Chopper. I excluded it because I didn’t want to tutor it over a Wrench most of the time and in the past when I ran Highlander Galakrond Warrior I found that I usually played Galakrond before I could fully invoke anyway. Not to mention, it would mess with my Hoard Pillager weapon pool. My first version also ran Scion of Ruin (obviously) and Barista because the Barista has insane synergy with Scion of Ruin, as well as with Zeph and the other battle cry minions in the deck. I mention this because I’m still not sure if that original version with three invoke cards + Scion & Barista is better than this one or not - we’ll have to see! 

My current version listed here drops those fives cards just previously mentioned. Instead, I added Molten Breath, Evasive Wyrm, Boom Squad, Shield Block, and my most recent change - Frightened Flunky. I found I needed more armor generation and I felt comfortable making the change because, while Scion/Barista synergy is awesome, Scion’s have zero synergy with Playmaker. Playmaker is a great card but this deck only has real synergy with Restless Mummy and Doctor Krastinov. Kargath was a poor combo because it invalidates the highlander aspect of the deck more often than not. Evasive Wyrm gives me another solid combo option with Playmaker, while also providing another dragon to the deck to increase Molten Breath activation consistency. Boom Squad is also there for the same reason if needed. The last slot is essentially one of the few flex slots in this deck. I had Headmaster Kel in this slot but I just decided to swap him out for the less flashy but likely more consistent Frightened Flunky. 

I may add more to this guide later with info such as mulligans and whatnot but that’s it for now. Feel free to comment, critique, question, etcetera!