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Quest Secret Rogue

  • Last updated Apr 18, 2020 (Outland DH Nerfs)
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  • 18 Minions
  • 12 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Thief Rogue
  • Crafting Cost: 12000
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 4/17/2020 (Outland DH Nerfs)
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have tried many variants of the secret package because it looked interesting (Galakrond, Stealth, Aggro and even combinations of them all) but this one has turned out to be an easy winner out of the variants i've played, best thing about this deck is it runs such low cost cards that have decent impact, a lot of draw to keep the engine going and secrets for tempo and sticking board so the draw back of playing quest on turn 1 doesn't feel bad at all if you mulligan correctly as you should almost always have something to play on turn 2 if not then turn 3 and then generate more threats as you keep drawing and discovering.

Low sample size but am 11-1 so far beating the decks to beat (DH, Warlock and Priest) and currently Diamond 1, I expect this to drop of course 


Edit: Removed Bazaar Mugger for Sky Gen'ral Kragg for obvious reasons (more atk on Rush, 1 mana cheaper and a guaranteed body on board AND with taunt....dafuq) - will need to play later today to give it a test.

Game Plan: Changes based on what you are facing ofcourse

Pharaoh Cat and Questing Explorer are the nuts, in any match up these are good, note that if you quest turn 1, questing turn 2 and then pharoah weapon 3 that's fine as it doesn't float mana and you still get a 2 mana 2/3 draw a card - you arguably just ditch the Cat.

If against a Tempo Demon Hunter, Sky Gen'ral Kragg will be a nice minion to swing the board (if you have things to do on the turns before, don't just hard mulligan as turn 4 is sometime away).

If you have Coin EVIL Miscreant is good otherwise ditch it.

Dirty Tricks is good to get more fuel in your engine, so if your up against a control deck this is a good support card,

Vendetta this is a good removal tool, and is free if you have a card from another class - i'd keep this if you are playing something aggressive and have Dragons Hoard or Hench-Clan Burglar for the swing turns.

You need to close out games against Hunters and Demon Hunters as fast as you can, the best strategy for DH is to take control of board, for Hunters make as minimal trades as needed - while pushing as much damage to their face as possible, there are a few different variances of Hunter at the moment, but Pack Tactics is a one card to watch out for when you do look at trading with a secret in play - Flare is also another card to watch out for. Face Hunter with Toxic Reinforcements and Teron Gorefiend you will just lose, i've played that deck and it's actually insane even without drawing Teron.

Against Control Decks - Questing Explorer EVIL Miscreant if you have coin, you just want value in these match ups, Hench-Clan Burglar is decent - get the quest active asap so you can start pushing face and making value trades - typically these games are sort of never the same as you use things you discover to make plays Dragons Hoard has given me some insane value Shadowjeweler Hanar in the late game can just outright win the game.

Warlock - I mention this separate to Control because they have some swarm potential and Rogue is very prone to swarm as there is no Fan of Knives - you play this with as much tempo as possible, making them use removal in awkward situations, re-filling with Dirty Tricks and pushing as much face damage as possible and only trading when necessary - so don't trade 1/1 imps unless you feel threatened - if they end up drawing too much they may find some healing but you should have too much damage for them to keep up - if they do manage to keep up you will then need to switch to a more value oriented gameplan, either all i think this match up the Rogue is favoured.

Druid - Beats Big Druid Blackjack Stunner and Maiev Shadowsong is MVP in this match up, also Discovering AOE removal is best in this match up for their beast summons when @ 7 mana.

This does struggle against Spell Druid if they ramp early enough, unless you have Flik Skyshiv and/or the Druid draws badly then you may have a chance, the best thing to do in this match up is discover some mass AOE spells - mulligan ofcourse Pharoah Cat and Questing Explorer


Standout Cards:

All the Rogue Secrets...

Bamboozle helps you keep control of the board and can be extremely high tempo if you make them hit the right minion - interested to see what happens if it evolves into a dormant minion, wouldn't be mad @ Imprisoned Antaen

Dirty Tricks awesome for refill/cycle, 2 mana draw 2 is insane and every deck runs spells (opponent with coin can be clutch if you play this early enough).

Ambush really good for tempo against any deck really, felt good against Hunter, Demon Hunter, Warlock, Priest and even Shaman I can imagine it would also feel good against a Big Druid but then bad against Spell Mage and Spell Druid.

Questing Explorer having this on the Mulligan is the nuts, I feel like this makes the quest 100% better, it's a 2 mana 2/3 draw a card, which Rogue doesn't really have any decent tempo+draw cards, this deck doesn't run backstabs so early minions with good effects and stats are clutch - good Bamboozle target also.

Shadowjeweler Hanar although dependent on a Secret for full value, with the amount of draw you have in this deck it's not hard at all, typically you want this later in the game so you can get as many secrets as possible, in combination with Shadowstep it can be devastating, even without Shadowstep this can outright win you the game - this can also be used on 2 for a tempo play as a 1/5 as a last resort or if have a secret to follow up on 3 as it can be hard to remove on 2/3 - gives you a Christmas tree look on your portrait if used right.

Bazaar Burglary This quest is actually nuts, it procs Questing Explorer - easily the best draw card in the game, it's easy to complete and in this meta where you can trade with your face for free is OP and you can also switch to be the aggressor - unless ofcourse you always were :P

Blackjack Stunner probably the most broken card printed in my opinion, it shuts down decks that play big minions, shuts down taunts and in combination with Shadowstep can also swing the game in your favour - the most broken thing about this is this can target untargettable minions - yes I am looking at you Winged Guardian.... I used this on a Dragonqueen Alexstrasza and boy did it feel so good to put a dead card in to your opponents hand. 

Underbelly Fence this card is super good if you manage to meet the condition early and versatile enough to answer something on board or to apply pressure.

The Thief Secret Package definitely feels extremely strong.

Cards that I feel you can replace:

Akama - Can be replaced, only reason for this inclusion is a 3/4 for 3 Mana and stealth so you always get to make the best trade, i've never used the prime so far as games usually close out around turns 6 - 10.

Skyvateer - Added this for the body and also cycle, would recommend replacing for something cheap if you wanted in this meta esp since Bamboozle can turn it into something decent early.

Shadowstep - Only used for extra value, haven't really used it too much and can probably be replaced with Backstab if you are struggling early.

You could probably swap these out for the Togwaggle package 2x EVIL Cable Rat good synergy with Bamboozle and generates a lackey and 1x Heistbaron Togwaggle for huge swing turns - I haven't tried this yet but could just be bad.

Deck Weaknesses/Conclusion: I've only lost one match (and played 12 in total) so far to really explore the weaknesses, majority of the games were easy (OTK DH was hard) but it feels super strong.

The burgle package with the quest feels good for value against match ups where you'd run out of resources generally, the trade off of free face trades is good too (even 3 damage to enemy face a turn or on opposing minions and put your minions face) - with the amount of draw in the deck also you don't really run out of fuel.


Thanks to Rogues ability of discovering other class cards you can search for particular spells/minions you need in that particular match up - Dragon's Hoard can give you some stupid cards you wouldn't normally be able to get a hold of.

I haven't played any Spell Druids, but by definition they just shit on Rogue as not enough AOE removal unless RNG discoveries or bad draws on their part, if they don't ramp you should be fine but definitely swarmy boards can be deadly esp with Soul of the Forest.