Ultimate Face Warrior (High Brawliseum Wins!)
- Last updated Aug 7, 2019 (Saviors of Uldum)
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- 18 Minions
- 8 Spells
- 4 Weapons
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Rush Warrior
- Crafting Cost: 5160
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 8/7/2019 (Saviors of Uldum)
- Scorpyon
- Moderator
- 7
- 36
- 73
Battle Tag:
Total Deck Rating
This is the best version of this deck that I have managed to come up with yet. The extra cards from Saviors of Uldum make a huge difference. It's definitely a lot stronger.
I'm currently 7-0 on the Heroic Tavern Brawl with this deck and it does especially well against all the Quest Druid decks that are on there. To beat them, just flood the early board with tempo and they cannot keep up to complete their quest in time.
Look for early game Town Crier, or even the Upgrade to get a 1/3 weapon - this sounds weird, but it will buff your Bloodsail Raider and give your Hench-Clan Thug a quick boost from the start (if you can coin him out on turn 2).
After that, use your Dire Wolf Alpha's to gain extra tempo damage and/or follow up with the Livewire Lance on turn 3 to keep the boosts going on the thug.
Look out especially for this combo:
Kor'kron Elite (or Leeroy Jenkins) and Inner Rage and Bloodsworn Mercenary for huge burst damage.
With Leeroy (or with an extra Inner Rage), it's a cool 16-damage burst from hand.
Great deck, I like it. Keep us updated if something works better :)
I do not think it works...
this deck is absolutely awful in this meta. It beats almost nothing
It took me from rank 8 to rank 4 in a couple of hours, so not sure what to tell you.
What's the trouble you're having? Perhaps it's the mulligan / starting turns?
Also, if you're facing straight control warriors, this is the only deck it really has problems with, so that could also be the case.
Rank 8 to 4 in a couple of hours is nothing to write home about tbh (not saying the deck is bad though).
It wasnt a brag - the poster said it beats almost nothing. I pointed out that this wasnt the case for me.
Great deck! I did remove 1Mercenary and add the quest lol
What about sulthraze vs one of the reapers?
I had a Sulthraze originally before swapping it out - not because it wasn't any good (it really is useful) - but the extra damage and being able to play it one turn sooner (before the opponent starts to stabilise) is really good with the Reapers. But give Sulthraze a try and let me know how you get on with it.
I'm open to ideas. :-)
I Vote you up but what is a Face Warrior without Frothing Berserker ?
I just prefer to cut those 2 mediocre Dire Wolf Alphas for 2 Frothings which are way more powerful imo
Frothing Berserker is pretty great, yes - but he is also fairly slow and doesn't always last on the board to make an impact, whereas the wolves impact whatever they come down next to (and you need a good turn 2 play).
Not saying you cant make the change, but that's just my experience - I used them in a very early version of the deck. :-)
without frothing its actually decent in the current meta. as they said above its kinda slow and you want you opponent dead as fast as possible and dire wolf helps that. a 2/4 for 3 is just a bad card.