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[OTK Paladin] Apocalypse Now!

  • Last updated Dec 26, 2017 (Kobolds Patch)
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  • 18 Minions
  • 11 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Control Paladin
  • Crafting Cost: 13980
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 12/26/2017 (Kobolds Patch)
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  • Miambo
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Exodia, Obliterate! 

Well met! Or should I say 'There is only my justice now.' 

This is an OTK Paladin deck based around Uther of the Ebon Blade's hero power (The Four Horsemen), Auctionmaster Beardo, and Burgly Bully. While the combo can be slow, its ability to dismantle slower decks (Cubelock in particular) make it a blast to play while still packing enough defense to survive aggro swarms. 

Unlike Apocalypse Paladin decks of old, Kobolds and Catacombs allows this deck to burn through your cards like never before due to Call to Arms. Additionally, Call to Arms on 4 allows you to ready the board for Burgly Bully on 5, be it through trading your small minions or by pulling a Doomsayer or two. Draw is key, so Lynessa Sunsorrow is run to both reuse Spikeridged Steed and to draw more with Potion of Heroism.

Gameplay Tips:

- You need 3 Coins to win with Auctionmaster Beardo with Uther of the Ebon Blade played and 5 spaces on the board with NO PRE-EXISTING HORSEMEN.
- However, it's quite easy to keep a Horseman alive by using unspent Potion of Heroisms or Spikeridged Steeds for one turn, allowing you to win with only 2 coins, in case you don't get enough.
- Zola the Gorgon can be used to copy a Horseman multiple turns in advance so you only need 2 coins, very handy.
- If you're going second, consider saving The Coin to reduce the number of Burgly Bully activations you need.
- Keep track of what 2-Drops have been summoned by Call to Arms so you don't accidentally Doomsayer yourself. Call to Arms is best as a way to retake a lost board.
- If you have all your combo pieces in hand (Uther of the Ebon Blade and Auctionmaster Beardo), let your opponent mill you with Burgly Bully. They might just give you lethal. 
- Say "Disappointing" before obliterating your opposing meta-mancer.


Vs Control: Call to Arms, Burgly Bully, Doomsayer
Only if you KNOW you're against control: Uther of the Ebon Blade, Auctionmaster Beardo.

You absolutely always want to keep Call to Arms. Call to Arms on 4 is just so busted. Burgly Bully is a good keep as a way to follow it up and survive to burgle some coin. Doomsayer is a decent backup plan. Since the combo is kind of large, keeping Uther of the Ebon Blade is not entirely unreasonable if you've also drawn some early excess 2-Drops, especially against Priest.

VS Aggro: Doomsayer, Call to Arms, Consecration, Wild Pyromancer, Equality

Self explanatory. You won't win this by Apocalypse-ing your opponent, but by surviving all their trash. Dirty Rat, which normally is used to protect your Call to Arms summons, is also decent against Aggro, as is Plated Beatle

Druid is in a weird place right now, caught between Aggro and big green men. Make your decision based on other Druid behaviors you've seen, but if you have no idea, air on the side of Aggro, since it's a worse matchup. 

Hey it's hunter hey it's aggro. Mulligan as if it's Aggro. 

Oof, this is a really rough one. Secret Mage is maybe your worse matchup, but control mage is maybe one of the easiest. Mulligan as if it's control (and pray extra hard for Call to Arms). 

Hey it's yellow rexxar. Mulligan extra hard for Consecration and Wild Pyromancer, but otherwise follow the Aggro mulligan. 

Maybe one of the weirdest matchups, since Priest has 2 very powerful decks right now; Dragon and Razakus. Getting your combo out early is paramount against Razakus, but fortunately it is one of the more spell heavy decks. A Burgly Bully on 5 goes a long way. Dragon is, thankfully, not too fast for this deck to follow, and thus you should Mulligan for control against all Priests, keeping Equality if you feel nervous, Dirty Rat if you feel lucky, and Uther of the Ebon Blade if you feel ballsy ;)

Don' even get me started. It's Aggro, but Dirty Rat is a good keep. 

HAHAHAHAHAHA shaman. Aggro.

One of my favorite matchups since Cubelock's so prevalent. Mulligan loosely for control, but don't throw back Consecration, Wild Pyromancer, or Equality, since it could be zoo. Cubelock applies very little non-minion pressure, so save your Equality clears and Sunkeeper Tarim and you should be able to crush those Gul'dans easily. 

HaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH warrior. Honestly if anyone's still playing warrior it's probably some weird fatigue-y deck, so it should be fine mulligan-ing against Aggro in case it's some Pirate shenanigans, and if it's fatigue you'll have ample time to accumulate your OTK.

There is a lot to this deck, and a lot to still be improved, so if you have improvements, suggestions or critiques, please comment. If like 2 more people upvote I'll detail card choices and swaps.
This deck has preformed a lot better than I expected, and took me from rank 13 or so to rank 5 with a winrate around 70%.