Patchnotes for a Server-side Patch rolling out right now. Read all about it below!
Quote from BlizzardPatch 25.6.3 is a server-side hotfix rolling out now with the following updates:
Battlegrounds Updates
The following heroes now have more Armor:
- Ysera now has 6 Armor, but Ysera still has 10 Armor at high MMR.
- Millificent Manastorm now has 8 Armor, or 10 Armor at high MMR.
- Lord Jaraxxus now has 8 Armor, or 12 Armor at high MMR.
- George the Fallen now has 10 Armor.
- Illidan Stormrage now has 12 Armor.
- Scabbs Cutterbutter now has 13 Armor.
- Mr. Biggleswoth now has 16 Armor.
- Maiev Shadowsong now has 18 Armor, or 12 Armor at high MMR.
- E.T.C., Band Manager now has 20 Armor.
The following heroes now have less Armor:
- Mutanus the Devourer now has 7 Armor at higher MMR, but still has 10 Armor at lower MMR.
- C’Thun now has 7 Armor, but C’Thun still has 10 Armor at higher MMR.
- Ini Stormcoil now has 7 Armor, or 10 Armor at higher MMR.
- Fungalmancer Flurgl now has 8 Armor, or 10 Armor at higher MMR.
- Reno Jackson, Professor Putricide, and Enhance-o Mechano now have 10 Armor.
- Captain Hooktusk now has 10 Armor, or 7 Armor at higher MMR.
- Ragnaros now has 10 Armor, or 13 Armor at higher MMR.
- Alexstrasza and the Jailer now have 11 Armor.
- Silas Darkmoon, Tickatus, Yogg-Saron, Drek’Thar, Kael’thas Sunstrider, Onyxia, and Chenvaala now have 12 Armor.
- N’Zoth and Queen Azshara now have 13 Armor.
- Aranna Starseeker now has 14 Armor.
The Buddies Barov’s Apprentice (Lord Barov), Karl the Lost (George the Fallen), and Unearthed Underling (Lich Baz’hial) have been removed from E.T.C., Band Manager’s Hero Power pool.
Bug Fixes and Game Improvements
- [Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug where the minions summoned by Sly Raptor’s Deathrattle was sometimes not buffed by Mama Bear.
- [Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug where Greta Gold Gun did not permanently Golden a minion as Lady Vashj.
- [Battlegrounds] Fixed an issue for a general performance upgrade.
- [Duels] Fixed a bug where the From Golden Light Hero Power was resurrecting two minions instead of one.
- [Shop] Fixed a bug with the implementation of the Hong Kong Dollar (HKD) that left the shop closed for some players.
- [Progression] Fixed a bug where players could not open the Quest Journal if they’d completed all Daily, Weekly, and Event Quests, and all Battlegrounds Missions.
Dude u nuts xD
I sure hope you bring these reasons next time blizzard fix something pack-related(more legendaries, free packs, remember?) in less than 2-3 hours.
Lemme copy this text. It will make a great copypasta.
As I am sure you may know, I don't actually work at Blizzard and the above outline of a development cycle is pretty standard across the industry.
Are you going to complain that Blizzard fix something TOO quickly?
Not to mention that (for Blizzard) fixing something that is literally losing them money in real-time like that, and requires immediate action that overrides anything else (called "pulling the Andon Chord", which means that ALL development on anything else stops until this is fixed) is VASTLY different to a bog standard functionality bug that is fixed in the standard development cycle.
That's a pretty short turnaround for most Development teams, when you take into consideration the process for creating a fix:
Investigation of a Bug
Replication of Bug
Project Planning for Scrum Development
Proritisation of Changes
Implementation of Bug Fix in the Code
Development Testing of Code
Implementation of further Code Fixes
QA Testing of Changes
Implementation of Code Changes for knock on effects / Regression
QA Testing of Further Changes
UAT Testing
Content and Release Notes Creation and Checking
QA Testing of Content Changes
Merge Testing and Smoke Tests
Development Fixes for Merge Conflictions
QA Regression Testing and UAT
Release Planning
Production Release Cycle
Getting all that done in a few weeks for a large scale production cycle is pretty good.
1 question. Im a complete idiot, but why there is a bug in the first place ?
because humans make mistakes
Correct. #BugsHappen
3 march to 29 march to fix turalyon bug. Took 26 work days apparently
Paying attention to the superior mode of the game is probably wise. Standard is going to be aggro forever and wild is a lost cause.
Finally the bugfix for the journal.
Shout out all my Duels homies. I see you. They finally fixed From Golden Light giving 2 minions instead of 1.
Ok great I was wondering what the fuck was going on. Just playing against cheaters.
Finally they nerfed paladin
But they still wont give us compensation for losing vs this bug.
It's not the first (Elise signature bug) and definitely not the last situation where we just wasting gold to be screw over.
It's not the ladder where you just waste some stars because of bugs, we pay gold.
Duels used to be my favorite game mode, but since this paladin bug im not touching it anymore
Just want to remind a fact that it took them 26 work days for it to be fixed (3march-29 march)