Hearthstone Quest Update - Big Increase in Requirements and Lower Increase in Rewards

What was already a bittersweet day with the removal of Duels contrasted with the arrival of the Duos game mode in Battlegrounds, had an even bigger shadow cast over it when realization hit over what Blizzard had meant with "Some Daily and Weekly Quests have been adjusted to be harder to complete but will grant more XP. " in the Patch Notes last Thursday.

As an example, an image below of 2 very common quests to get as your Weeklies in Hearthstone.

Quest Update

The Quest on the left is the weekly everyone gets to win Ranked games. This used to be Win 5 Games and is now Win 15 Games. This used to reward 2875 xp (assuming you had the battlepass) and now rewards 3450 xp. So 575 xp increase on a 2875 xp total. That is a 20% increase in XP for 150% increase in requirements.

There have also been reported upgrades to quests from 16 Miniaturize Minions played up to 60 Minis played, Spend 500 Mana increased to Spend 750 Mana, 50 Battlecries played increased to 100 Battlecries played and Use Your Hero Power 20 times increased to 40 Times (which is quite ironic because this quest was actually made easier not long ago, only for it now be harder to complete than it previously was).

All the quests follow the same pattern of having greatly increased requirements, off set with not even close to the same increase in rewards.

A Blizzard CM on reddit called it "sticker shock" but that does not seem to accurately describe the feelings in the community over a change that sees the typical requirement for quests go up 150% and the typical reward not even increase by 30% in response to it. We created this post for you to vent your feelings over this change, submit ideas for what needs to change, or leave comments on what you are going to do after this change has been made.

Be aware though that our usual rules apply, and we will not condone threats, hateful language and similar bad behaviour.


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