Mini Set Teaser Season - Are We Going to Deepholm?!

Updated: Wednesday

With the Heroic Tavern Brawl almost over, it is usually the time for the Mini Set to be announced, which means that we need to be on the lookout for teasers and jokes with alternate meanings and remarks that foreshadow what is coming.

We got that in spades today, as Blizzard tweeted the following exchange:

What Does It Mean?!

So, Blizzard sends a reply that they'll put the last Elemental Lord into the game, what's significant about that? Well, to explain that first a little reminder. We have already seen 3 elemental lords in game: Ragnaros, the elemental lord of Fire, Al'Akir, the lord of Wind, and Neptulon the lord of Water. That leaves 1 element: Earth, and the Elemental lord of the plane of Earth is actually an Elemental lady, Therazane.

Back to why this is significant, it's fairly simple: Showdown in the Badlands brought us the keyword Excavate, and a whole thing about Mining the earth and digging up Azerite. There was also a very strong presence of Elementals. Which then conveniently brings us to Earth Elementals and their master: The Stonemother, Therazane.

So What Could the Mini Set Be About?

Good question. All the named elemental lords so far have been legendaries. Blizzard making this obvious reference, with no preamble, seems to indicate that Therazane is more than a passing reference, and is actually an important factor in this Mini Set. So does Therazane just show up in the Badlands? Probably not. The elemental Lords need to be specifically summoned to Azeroth, as they were banished to their Elemental planes by the Titans long ago. So it is possible that someone summons Therazane to Azeroth, but the more logical and COOL option would be that we somehow end up in Therazane's plane of Earth: Deepholm. Because that is where we also meet her in the original World of Warcraft expansion Cataclysm, where Deepholm and the Stonemother have a whole zone and questing story dedicated to them.


In the end, we need to remember that this is all speculation based on a 2 letter tweet, but you can definitely see the outlines of something that would be a cool and thematically relevant topic to make a Mini Set out of. We will likely see more solid teasers or announcements later this week, but until then, let's get spicy and think about what this all could mean. Leave your opinions in the comments!

More Blizzard Teasing

Wednesday's Teaser

Wednesday saw a more clear teaser being tweeted out by Blizzard. Therazane is definitely in the Mini-Set!


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