Blizzard posted that seemingly Yogg-Saron has escaped and taken over Ulduar! Read about the Mini Set below!
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Quote from BlizzardThe Old God was locked away, but we should have known its prison would not hold! Yogg-Saron's influence has been corrupting the Tavern since the beginning, and now its full power is unleashed! This is the end of the age of the titans; this is The Fall of Ulduar!
Fall of Ulduar, launching on September 19, consists of 38 new cards: 4 Legendary cards, 1 Epic card, 17 Rare cards, and 16 Common cards. Those new cards can either be opened in TITANS packs or purchased as a complete 72-card set.* Normal versions of the Mini-Set can be purchased for $14.99 or 2000 Gold. The all-Golden version can be purchased for $69.99 or 10,000 Gold. The Golden Mini-Set option also includes a bonus Diamond Legendary.
* Includes one copy of each Legendary card and two copies of each other card.
Anomalies Take Over the Tavern
Yogg-Saron's Anomalies could only be contained within Battlegrounds for so long. Yogg-Saron's faithful servant, Cho’gall, is coming in the Fall of Ulduar to unleash Anomalies on Standard, Wild, Twist, and Arena, too!
Cho’gall “corrupts” the game with a random Anomaly. The Anomaly effect is revealed prior to your mulligan and activates after the mulligan, but before the first turn is taken. At launch, there will be 20 Anomalies, each with an equal chance of corrupting the game, including:
In addition to Cho’gall’s effect, Anomalies will be active in all games for the first week after the launch of Patch 27.4. After that one week period, Anomalies will then be active in 25% of games until Patch 28.0. If you or your opponent (or both of you) have Cho’gall in your decks during these event periods, there’s a chance your game will be corrupted by two Anomalies at once!
Sow Chaos with Yogg-Saron's Tendrils
Yogg-Saron has sunk its tendrils deep into Azeroth and throughout the Fall of Ulduar Mini-Set! Chaotic Tendril is a card in the mini-set and there are ways to generate more Chaotic Tendrils for more chaos. Tendrils have a Battlecry that casts bigger and bigger spells as Yogg-Saron's influence grows!
Witness the Old God’s Power!
Watch out for Mini-Set reveals from Hearthstone, press, and content creators all this week as we prepare for Yogg-Saron's escape! Starting with Hunter:
You can see the reveal calendar and all revealed cards in the Official Card Library.
TITANS Card List & Expansion Guide
Learn more and see all the cards in our dedicated Card List.
Anomalies are a cool concept and all, I just wish they'd stay out of ranked constructed ladders. Like, this would be a great Tavern Brawl, but besides that, it's a little overkill. When I play ranked, I want to play against my opponent's deck, and not a random "screw you" effect on top of that, which could potentially single-handedly change the outcome of that game. Battlegrounds will probably adapt to anomalies fine, as BG always seems to include weird, RNG-based things to spice things up.
Hunter cards are siiiiccckkkk. The plus 1 attack for buff is gonna be crazy
so week 1 just random bs? whats the point of this? Just put card in game and if it happens it happens
Will there be a new Yogg card?
yes. and he will be a titan, but that is all we know now
I’m wondering if they will be making Azeroth into a card…
are U serious?
Yogg As a titan?
I gotta say, I've been playing since August the year that Hearthstone started... I even played the original TCG that was the foundation of Heathstone that Blizz put out years and years ago. I have to say that I am actually appreciating the direction it is going. I played MTG for decades and I lost interest because of the changes it was continually going through. I was a competitive player and a DCI judge. I didn't like the direction because it felt like it was straying away from the basic level of the game.
After leaving the game and growing the hell up, I realized you cannot stay rooted in the basics of what the game was started. If you do that, the game WILL get boring and no one will want to play. The new/FTP players will avoid it because the old players have all the "power cards" that they don't have yet. Then more and more people will leave the game. In order to keep it interesting, you HAVE to come up with new concepts.
So with all that in mind, I'm liking the RNG of things. I can actually appreciate the fun of the game and how it is continually stretching the bounds that it has while still trying to keep things true to the cannon of where the game started. Yeah, there are going to be multiple versions of Legendary minions... there always have been in WoW, which is where this game got it's roots in case many new players didn't know that. So the fact that R&D is trying to do new things, good for them. The fact that they are making a number of things fun, GOOD FOR THEM.
The very first meme thought that enters my head when I saw those tentacles: Shudderwock. Assuming you can generate lots of them, you can now get Shudderwock to be an infinite yogg box (well, until someone dies).
Im screaming.
More RNG: The Movie, The Musical, The Miniset. At least those Hunter cards look pretty cool.
I don’t know about you but I’ve played the game since closed beta and at this point I’m bored with it. I still support the company and own everything in the game up to this point and the anomalies will actually make the game interesting again. The random rule restrictions force you to think once again and play your deck in an entirely different way. With 20 random rules tossed into a pool it will be very funny to see how each current meta deck does with each anomaly. This is no different than BG hero’s being better or worse when paired together there. Definitely will make for some very fun and interesting moments and interactions for sure. Statistics are statistics and what one level of player achieves with the same deck as another player can be quite different. The key is looking at the anomalies as a whole and finding a deck that is consistent with the majority of them to have the best success. Figuring that out will be fun. Two anomalies tossed in when chogall activates….oh this should be hilariously fun! Imo seeing stats on matchups really doesn’t mean as much as you think it does. I think you will like it.
So, for a week, any effort that anyone put into deck building doesn’t matter, because random anomaly effects will undermine your deck’s strategy and determine the winner. No agency, so no skill required.
Also, vicious syndicate and hsreplay will be unable to gather any meaningful statistics about the new set, because they won’t be able to account for the anomalies, so we’ll be flying blind for weeks.
I’m not loving this feature. I think this kind of thing should be limited to Twist.
should be limited to Tavern Brawl.
yup, I fixed it.
Now this looks really fun!
Especially the first week of guaranteed anomalies. Only 25% chance seems rather low but maybe it's still worth it. At least he got Taunt and Lifesteal which is huge. With that it seems decent enough on its own and to some extent exactly what fun decks like Yogg Mage really need.
And chaotic tendril seems amazing. At least I can already see a silly meme deck idea. Although since it just casts one spell of a certain mana cost and not X Mana worth of random spells it probably is not even all that great. But it certainly will be super fun. And I also think it might be decent enough on its own maybe.
Only the Hunter cards albeit expected are rather "lame" regarding the "fun aspect". I guess Bestial Madness is in line with Invigorating Sermon. But Twisted Frostwing looks even like blatant power creep. Restless Mummy was a 3/2 Rush with Reborn so 3/2 and 3/1. This without anything else is at least a 3/3 with another 3/3. And wasn't Restless Mummy actually a "good card"? I guess this is a different class. For what it's worth the Beast tag might also be another minor addition. They at least could've made it like a 3/1 or something but... I guess times have changed...
Imagine this during the time where we still got good solo adventures. Especially the dungeon run style ones were my favorites. It could be so awesome. Crazy anomalies, maybe some sort of endless mode would be fitting; who knows what else they may come up with. But instead... don't get me wrong this does look like it can be a lot of fun, but what about some nice single player stuff? It always felt so immersive and so well done. I really miss it. Was it really not worth the effort for them? I would even gladly pay double. But of course most people wouldn't... It's just sad because those single player content was so good and just got better and better until... well... you know... times have changed...
But let's hope for something even more awesome in the remaining cards. What I really hope is a more badass Renathal. No idea what character of the lore would fit but I always struggle to decide what cards I want to put into my deck. I would gladly take even more card slots instead of some measly 5 extra Health. (Although it does sometimes help a bit I think.) What about 60 cards (and no extra Health)? Yeah, that's what I'm hoping for. Because what cards am I even supposed to cut in my current fun decks for the new Cho'gall and those tendrils for example. At best they would increase the current maximum of 60 and let us go beyond that. I wonder how many cards I would take. Without the restriction of only 2 normal and 1 Legendary cards my decks probably could easily become over 500 cards but with that restriction still in place and the fact that you want good early game I think it would probably be around 100 to maybe 150 cards. Now that would be nice.
If you haven’t played battlegrounds go and play it. The anomalies actually make the game play entirely different and something that was desperately needed to combat the boredom of the same old grind. You have to adapt your deck play style and think quite a bit more to win in most cases. Anomalies are why classic was removed from the game. You can’t play classic with anomalies because it wouldn’t be classic then and for a mode nobody played anyway it would just take up space. The new art looks badass. I’ll be buying the golden whale set like I always do for that diamond yogg bling. Anomalies are going to mess everyone up for sure….should be a cluster of laughs and wtf’s…..hahaha
No thanks, BG needs his own appart game, it does not gives you perks for playing or enhances your card collection appart from the XP you get for playing.
Maybe one day Priest will get a game finisher card similar to Warrior's Odyn that can convert Healing to Damage for the rest of the game..
You're talking about the class that literally had a "Destroy the enemy hero" win condition until last expansion...
You can tell that to the original post, people were saying Priest doesn't have any win condition than "bore the opponent to death"...