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    posted a message on (Budget) Hybrid Hunter - Legend Grinders - Guide

    I'm extremely happy that these guides have helped you. It's always nice to hear comments such as these and ultimately make creating these guides feel worth while in the end.

    As I mention this, there's someone going through each of my guides and downvoting all comments and guides to get at me. So with the good comes the bad, but that won't stop me from creating content. ^^

    I wish you the best of luck this season on reaching Legend and believe it is highly possible considering you've already hit the "Meta" at and around Rank 5. This is extremely impressive for someone who's only been playing Ranked for 3 seasons (possibly Hearthstone too?).

    Good luck and grind on,


    Posted in: (Budget) Hybrid Hunter - Legend Grinders - Guide
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    posted a message on Burst Rogue - Legend Grinder - RACE HUNTERS

    Coldlight isn't necessary to the deck, it just happened to be the best way to draw a couple cards late in the game. Can be replaced with a Southsea Deckhand, Wolfrider, or Azure Drake depending on which you feel. That way you either have the option to become a little more aggressive with Deckhand or Wolfrider or you can choose to have a solid card like Azure Drake. 

    Hope this helps. Good luck and grind on,


    Posted in: Burst Rogue - Legend Grinder - RACE HUNTERS
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    posted a message on Burst Rogue - Legend Grinder - RACE HUNTERS

    Hey There Theslar!

    I like the Defias Ringleader to give you a 3rd minion who works well with Coin in your opening hand. Feel free to make changes however you'd like, this was my preference and worked for me, but you may get different results.

    Good luck and Grind on,


    Posted in: Burst Rogue - Legend Grinder - RACE HUNTERS
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    posted a message on (Budget) Aggro Paladin - Aggrodin - Legend Grinder - Guide

    I typically don't play a lot of Paladin, so when I was testing out this deck I fell in love with how aggressive and consistent it was. Glad to hear you are starting your journey to Legend with this, I think you will enjoy it quite a bit. :D

    If you have any questions about the deck, feel free to ask to (hopefully the guide answered most of them prior, but I can always adjust). 

    Good luck on your goal to Legend and Grind On,


    Posted in: (Budget) Aggro Paladin - Aggrodin - Legend Grinder - Guide
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    posted a message on Demon Zoo - Warlock Midrange Deck

    Thank you for the compliment and congrats on a good win-rate too! In time I'd love to come back and make some more guides, but for now I must focus on completing my budget series before real life gets way too busy. I've been getting a lot of requests similar to this lately, so maybe that will encourage me a little more to create more guides in time. ^^

    Good luck and grind on,


    Posted in: Demon Zoo - Warlock Midrange Deck
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    posted a message on (Budget) Aggro Paladin - Aggrodin - Legend Grinder - Guide

    I've actually been getting a lot of flack for either spending too much dust, using naxx, or not using brm as well. So for a lot of people I feel like this is hit or miss, but for the most part there are plenty of newer/budget players appreciating this series. So I am glad you are one of them! ^^

    So far my favorites amoung the 7 I have put together right now, my personal recommendation from best to worst (even tho they are not "bad" and all of the lists posted could definitely get you to Legend):


    Rogue feels like the best but is the most difficult to pilot. Paladin, Hunter, and Zoo all kind of feel in the same category to be honest mostly because they're all consistent aggro decks (Hunter's a little more midrange). Priest has a great choice if you are facing a lot of Aggro decks in the Meta. Shaman, while consistent, feels slightly weaker than playing any of the other 4 decks. Druid is a great deck, but I feel it requires at least a BGH (and possibly a Dr. Boom) to help combat opposing Dr. Booms and be aggressive with your own Dr. 

    Hopefully this helps! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.

    Good luck and grind on,


    Posted in: (Budget) Aggro Paladin - Aggrodin - Legend Grinder - Guide
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    posted a message on (Budget) Mech Shaman - Legend Grinder - Guide

    Another Azure Drake would probably be the next best option. That way you get a little spell power to work with and an additional card. Emperor doesn't really help you that much in this list since you can cast just about every spell and you have no way to refill your hand by any means. 

    Good luck and grind on,


    Posted in: (Budget) Mech Shaman - Legend Grinder - Guide
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    posted a message on (Budget) Control Priest - Legend Grinder - Guide

    I'm glad you like my guide series decks, it's a lot of fun putting them together and helping educate newer players!

    Honestly I see no replacement for either Shade or Lightbomb. You could try Sen'jin Shieldmasta instead of Shade, but Shieldmasta is not nearly as powerful as Shade since he turns into your win-condition.

    Lightbomb on the other hand feels like a necessary evil in order to have a reliable board clear for Large Minions and out of control board states. I'm not even sure what to recommend for a slight downgrade on Lightbomb because there isn't really any. I guess you could try a second Velen's Chosen in the list, but it really doesn't do the same thing at all unfortunately. 

    Good luck and grind on,


    Posted in: (Budget) Control Priest - Legend Grinder - Guide
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    posted a message on (Budget) Hybrid Hunter - Legend Grinders - Guide

    I'm glad the advice answered some of your questions! I wasn't sure if your attacks were the issue or maybe just the deck was under performing for you (both tend to happen). I'm actually going to edit and add a portion of my comment to the Play-Style section since I feel it is decent advice. 

    Not entirely sure when my next stream is due to real life getting busy, but I look forward meeting you sometime!

    Good luck and grind on,


    Posted in: (Budget) Hybrid Hunter - Legend Grinders - Guide
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    posted a message on (Budget) Mech Shaman - Legend Grinder - Guide

    I'm sorry to hear you are running into issues with Warriors and Hunters. I did state that Hunter is a bad matchup and depending on how many Weapons a Warrior has can definitely make this matchup feel one sided. Against both of these classes, Annoy-o-Tron tends to be your greatest asset to protecting your lifetotal or minions from being cleared. 

    The deck is for sure capable of getting you to Legend and many other variations of this list have already achieved Legend in previous seasons, so discounting this strategy is a bit ignorant. Just because the deck didn't work for you doesn't mean it doesn't work at all. 

    Posted in: (Budget) Mech Shaman - Legend Grinder - Guide
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