Griftah is in World of Warcraft. He sells you items that keep away beings that aren't even in game or items that let you do things you already did. It's actually pretty funny to see him in hearthstone.
Good but really just seems like it would make an annoying meta of people swapping between day and night and the day or night swapping cards being useless if both players use night cards
A minion overstated that will hurt you eventually, but you want to play it to mess up opponent draws and make them suffer twofold.
You have never been GONKED I see
Griftah is in World of Warcraft. He sells you items that keep away beings that aren't even in game or items that let you do things you already did. It's actually pretty funny to see him in hearthstone.
We have a rock paper scissors kind of meta. Many decks are viable.
Giggling Inventor good? Mossy Horror
Baku's pretty good but nothing does really need a nerf, to be honest.
Card Name
Mossy Horror
GrimmProps, you said exactly what I was about to.
Seriously though, why is this conversation here on HearthPwn? This game has literally nothing at all to do with manga.
It's pretty good, but watch out for reckless flurry being a dead draw if you dont have the armor hero power.
Baku is slightly worse if your goal is to not have garrosh as your hero
Last, I would've run the 5 mana 3/2 mech instead of mosh personally9
Here's 5 more. Leave comments if you want.
It's okay, some cards have text issues like capitalization on the 2/3 undead dragon.
Razorfen Hunter
Another vanilla minion that summons a 1/1.
Next: A 1 mana 1/3
Next: A mage murloc
Good but really just seems like it would make an annoying meta of people swapping between day and night and the day or night swapping cards being useless if both players use night cards
A nice simple card. You can use it to extend a minion's lifetime or to make value trades with nearly dead minions.