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    posted a message on I can't stand this @#%^#$^#$^ brawl!

    Not sure how the matchmaking works but I'm 11-0 against this boss. Some of them were kinda bad, and I don't think any of them knew about the phases.

    At 60 hp Nefarian deals 30 damage to all minions. So either you have to buff any guy so big that it survives that (really hard),
    or use that 3/4 divine shield guy and add a divine shield right when you pop the 60, or just save most of your buffs and rebuild another big boy in the last phase.

    One weird thing is that Gargoyle heals at the same time with the 30 dmg aoe and doesn't die if you break the 60 and the gargoyle is sitting on your opponent's side.

    Also relax, it's just a crappy 60 dust classic pack.

    Posted in: Tavern Brawl
  • 1

    posted a message on Nerfs - The dust refund policy must be changed as it's not fair anymore

    I do like the nerfs but man I hate these guys defending this big company horsecrap as if some free dust would sink the studio. They are fixing their own lousy work and make you pay for it. This wouldn't be any real problem if this game was reasonably priced and not so damn stingy with rewards.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Players who leave a match instead of conceding should lose more rank points

    It doesn't bother me too much because ragers are often kinda funny, but I think ppl here missed the op's point. It's just selfish and disrespectful to just close the app and leave the winner watching rope burn for 2-3 turns until the server finally kicks out the leaver. It also tends to happen only when you get a really lucky landslide victory.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Monster Smash - Tavern Brawl #175

    Once again bunch of crap players complaining after playing one or two games. Sure they could have added some Cabalist Tomes and burn for Gretta, lower the cost of Centurion's hero power, remove crazy cards like Amalgamate and that wisp mind control. Maybe the brawl would have been better, who knows...

    But here's the other side of the coin: It's actually really satisfying to beat someone who is playing a way better class/deck. That's the main reason why classic Arena was so great. Azalina sure is crazy op but you can beat it with Centurion, Shudderwock, Murlock and even with Rancel.

    Most of the matchups in this brawl felt reasonably fair and balanced.

    Posted in: Tavern Brawl
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