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    posted a message on Should this casual player preorder the Gadgetzan packs?

    Alright, so I'm mostly a casual player in HS but this is mostly because I don't have the cards to actually compete in the ladder and make it anywhere. I started HS not too long ago right after LOE came out and I purchased that adventure to try and get some cards that will give me a level playing field in the ladder (at least in the bottom half). Needless to say, it didn't really work and I am still down on cards with actual value.

    So, my question is: is this new expansion my chance to finally level the playing field a bit and get the cards I need? Or should I spend that money and buy classic, or WOG, or TGT packs?

    I don't exactly like paying real money for them, but I'm terrible in the arena and don't exactly have the time to grind up to the gold amount I would need to get packs just by doing the daily quests. Maybe that's my problem? Should I try and get better at the arena while I'm at it?

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Video games with mind-blowing stories

    Not sure if you have a PS4 or PS3 but the story and characters for The Last of Us is amazing and will blow your frickin mind!

    Posted in: Other Games
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    posted a message on This or That
    Quote from mrkiZ >>

    Unbound Elemental because it can escalate very quickly.

    Doomguard or Leeroy Jenkins?

     Leeroy Jenkins cuz whelp... it's Leeeeerooy!
    So you want a "funnel cake" or disguised toast?
    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Headed for Legend - June S27
    Quote from ameateye >>
    Quote from iamdannywu >>
    Quote from ameateye >>
    Quote from nekochan34 >>

    This will only be my second season playing HS. Still just trying to climb the ranks (no where near legend...yet ^_^) I've been playing with Rogue but I think I'm going to work with some midrange Hunter and Tempo Mage. 

     You are in the wrong thread :)
    As a new player, I assume you have a limited collection, so it won't help to thing about legend (I made it after ten months, I assume you can do it faster).
    Rogue might not be so good pick here, because having competitive rogue deck is a bit expensive. Midrange hunter is a good pick, cheap, solid, and you can make viable deck even if you lack some of the cards (Though, you want the OP call of the wild and Highmane). Tempo mage is a good pick if you have Flamewaker (but most of the cards there can't be substituted). I also recommend to try Zoo decks as well.
     Your comment is under the assumption he's a F2P player. What if he's paid to play. :)  Also, limited collection doesn't mean you can't get to Legend. Under frontpage, you'll see Lokshadow's free to play warrior deck where he climbed to Legend. 
    It's rare to see players in their second or third season getting legend but it's no where near impossible. my friend hit rank 2 on his second month of play and some former magic players hit legend pretty quickly also. But base on his comment, he is "no where near legend."  :)  
    I would suggest play what's fun. There are quite a lot of players who made it to Legend using Rogue (Ryzen, Yagut) so check out their stream on twitch if interested.  My friend even hit it with Priest which is consider the worst class to play right now.
     In fact, even if he paid, but only limited amount so money, his collection will be still limited.
    Lokshadow's deck is extremely hard to play (as any worgen OTK deck), I played it a lot and never got more than 50%. As a new player I assume he also not the most skilled player yet.
    OFC I based on his comment that he is nowhere near legend. My comment was friendly, and I tried to give some useful advice. (As a new player I made ton of mistakes, when I think that new player, if he plays correctly, can get into rank 5 within 3-4 months. You just need to know which budget decks are effective, and how can you play them).
    Playing for fun is amazing, but inventing your own crappy decks, or trying to copy decks you don't have the dust to make is not so fun. I made both of these mistakes as a new player.
    And as someone replied me "if someone is ranking hard, he's headed for legend" :)
     Well, just to clear this up, I was in the wrong thread ^_^. I was under the impression that this was a thread about what people were doing this season and what decks they were playing (whether we were actually going to make it to legend... or not). Also I am a F2P player and I do not have the cards to get to legend this season. But I have been trying to get better at Arena to win more gold/dust to get better cards.
    But thanks for the advice everyone! ^_^
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Faeria?

    I haven't bought the game yet, looks like it might be interesting, worth a try at least. I was kind of...not sure how to put this...stunned that you can just buy every card in the game, just like that. Doesn't that kind of ruin the fun of gaining cards through skill?

    Posted in: Other Games
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    posted a message on Headed for Legend - June S27

    This will only be my second season playing HS. Still just trying to climb the ranks (no where near legend...yet ^_^) I've been playing with Rogue but I think I'm going to work with some midrange Hunter and Tempo Mage. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Faeria?

    Did anyone else see Kripps video on Faeria? What did you think?

    Posted in: Other Games
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    posted a message on Possible card for each class to improve new player experience [Google Slides inside]
    Quote from jumpsk127 >>
    Quote from nekochan34 >>

    I really liked your presentation and I commend what you are trying to do for new players. I am actually a fairly new player myself and I remember starting out to playing the AI to get all the heroes. And it seems like it should be boring, but it really wasn't for me. I liked getting fairly comfortable with the games mechanics before I started playing casual. Then moved on to rank and arena. I think for new players it's all about if the game interests you enough to play on further.

    For me, it was super fun and interesting to beat the AI and get all these characters and cards that I could play, winning packs and gold by doing the opening quests. If people want to jump right in and play with a friend, but have nothing unlocked, there is always the "have your friend that's played a while beat this easy AI for me" way of doing things. If they don't really want to play, other than play with friends, then why not help them out and unlock all the heroes at least (so they don't have to play the "boring" AI). I got all my class cards by playing casual games, not fighting the AI, earning gold while doing it as well. Took a little bit more time, but it was more fun playing real people.

    I love what you are trying to do for new players, but as others have said, it would kinda screw with the game a little too much. There is also the option, if you get the job, to work out kinks in the matching of games in casual so you always play someone on your level. All in all, that was a great presentation, you can tell you took some serious time to make it. Kudos. 

     Wow thank you very much. I'd like to ask you a question. Well I know it's kinda easy to unlock all the classes (one win each) but to leveling up to 10 for each class, it take some times. (Or maybe I try to leveling up all classes in a row. LOL) My question is "Do you still fun while losing a lot during a process of leveling up due to the fact that you still haven't unlocked all the basic cards?"

    My point is ... even me when i was playing this game first time back in 2014, there was one moment that I almost quitted the game because of this same reason.
    HS was my dream card game when it first came out and still it almost can made me quit. So anyone that isnt a fan of HS or card game will be easily quitted this game.  
    I just want to reduce the chance , but well from all your comments I need to keep working on the "how not to screw the game". 
    I will let you know if I have an update. 

    Thank you very much guys, really appreciate all of your comments
     I can say that, while it definitely gets frustrating, losing more often than winning when leveling up the classes, I still had fun. I have almost quit a few times but I still come back after a day or so or a few hours. Basically you just need patience in this game, if you don't have that you might quit when you start losing all the time.
    When I saw myself get frustrated, I found a class that I had already unlocked and enjoyed and starting playing around with a good starting deck for just that one class and went with it in ranked. Like you mentioned, you don't have to level up all the characters at once. Maybe that would be my advice for newbies to maybe keep them from quitting. 
    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Going First!

    I play rogue all the time and I'm pretty sure I win more often if I have the coin. Makes for a great combo starter...

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on Don't get free packs
    Quote from Slarg232 >>

    Don't you have to win 3 games for the first set and then 7 for the next set?

     This is right. I was new when these came out so I remember playing to get all these packs when I started. 
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Possible card for each class to improve new player experience [Google Slides inside]

    I really liked your presentation and I commend what you are trying to do for new players. I am actually a fairly new player myself and I remember starting out to playing the AI to get all the heroes. And it seems like it should be boring, but it really wasn't for me. I liked getting fairly comfortable with the games mechanics before I started playing casual. Then moved on to rank and arena. I think for new players it's all about if the game interests you enough to play on further.

    For me, it was super fun and interesting to beat the AI and get all these characters and cards that I could play, winning packs and gold by doing the opening quests. If people want to jump right in and play with a friend, but have nothing unlocked, there is always the "have your friend that's played a while beat this easy AI for me" way of doing things. If they don't really want to play, other than play with friends, then why not help them out and unlock all the heroes at least (so they don't have to play the "boring" AI). I got all my class cards by playing casual games, not fighting the AI, earning gold while doing it as well. Took a little bit more time, but it was more fun playing real people.

    I love what you are trying to do for new players, but as others have said, it would kinda screw with the game a little too much. There is also the option, if you get the job, to work out kinks in the matching of games in casual so you always play someone on your level. All in all, that was a great presentation, you can tell you took some serious time to make it. Kudos. 

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on How do you get the cards?
    Quote from Kunigunde53 >>
    Quote from nekochan34 >>

    Grind out your dailies and be patient or buy some packs. No other way. 

    Ladder is really tough when you are missing cards... And if you are flipping out about your opponent dropping rares and epics then you really need to build your collection. Don't be afraid to de stuff and focus on one deck that you like, it's a good and efficient way to start. Zoo for example is pretty cheap and once you have the core stuff you will have a deck that will probably be viable in some form or another for as long as HS is around 

     That sounds like a good idea - making a zoo deck - I was trying to avoid it because people seem to hate it so much but maybe to get the cards I actually want - it seems like a viable option. 
     I think its bad advice. Be ultra conservative about disenchanting, only ever disenchant cards that are unplayable in constructed.
    keep all cards that are played in any constructed deck and even keep the ones that are good enough so that they could be played, but that are not being played because they do not fit into any deck list right now.
    So you can only disenchant cards that are actually bad. Otherwise you dig yourself into a hole and you bleed dust, 300 or 1200 dust at a time, because you end up destroying cards that you will need to re-craft in a few months.
    The way i got my cards is by playing all the dailies and grinding a little bit on top of that. I keep 40 gold quests to cycle them away the next day. This gives me 1 pack per day from daily quests and the extra gold i grind, and an additional one pack per week from brawl. On top of that i do one purchase whenever they release new cards, this is either the adventure or the 50 packs for the price of 40 packs pre-sale. In annual cost this is cheaper than a world of warcraft subscription.
    I started 3 months after the official release, so i have everything i need for both standard and wild. I even have the luxury to keep crap cards and slowly work towards a full set, i even keep bad golden cards, the dust from triple cards and double legendarys is enough.
    So just hang in there, spend some money but spend less than you would for a world of warcraft subscription, keep collecting the newest card set, and the classic set, and buy the adventures. The older sets rotate out, you keep up with the new releases, and in one year when the grand tournament and blackrock mountain rotate out, you will have everything you need for standard, epics and legendarys and all. Then you will also have some extra dust to either build reserves for the next release or to go for cards for wild mode constructed.
    This game rewards patience and persistence above all else (except for a really big wallet and a willingness to spend more than you would spend on a game like WOW). You will get there, and that is not just a promise, with this strategy and smart disenchanting and crafting decisions, its like a mathematical fact.
    The only ways to screw it up is to disenchant good cards and to craft bad cards, or by getting addicted to golden cards, or by getting your account suspended.
    More money or being far above average in the arena will speed it up, but its not necessary if you have patience. It is much harder if you spend no money at all. For me, the sweet spot is when it costs a bit more than a single-purchase game like diablo 3 or overwatch, but it costs a bit less than a WOW subscription or a physical trading card game like MTG.
    I think this is similar for most players. No full set, but access to all cards required for all top tier constructed decks. Its the most common strategy. It fits the amount of legendarys your opponents have and also the average revenue per player that blizzard gets from this game. What you do not see is that many of these players are missing most of the bad epics and legendarys that do not see constructed play.
     Seriously, good advice! I'm the kind of person that collects, so disenchanting stuff never really occurred to me. I have been very temped to disenchant one of my common goldens that I don't plan on using for anything. 
    Your logic about the money involved also makes total sense. I don't want to spend a disproportionate amount of money on a game that is technically free. Buying an adventure or a few packs here and there (if you're feeling lucky) then sure. 
    I basically just need to be patient - which is not my forte...
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on How do you get the cards?
    Quote from abrown2986 >>

    I hit that same wall you did.  Then I got a golden epic.  I disenchanted it and got the four rares that I needed to make a decent Zoo deck.  I got to rank 5 that season with virtually no legendaries.  Now it is several years later, I started before nax, and I have more legendaries.   Never put a dime in the game, still having fun.  

     That is actually awesome to hear - I don't really want to pay for this game (can't afford it as well) - though I do plan on buying LoE for fun and cards ^_^
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on How do you get the cards?
    Quote from NammaN63 >>

    Here is a good guide on getting golds.  Of course, getting more golds means more card buying options:


    I would like to add, when doing daily quests, I try to queue up 2 or 3 quests until I find some synergy between quests.  Also, if not entering Arena, I would play in rank as much as possible because end of each month (season) you get rank based rewards in cards and dust.  Higher the rank more card(s) and dust.


     That is an awesome guide - I also have been playing ranked but I have hit a wall in ranked and need better cards to round out the decks I've been playing - this will also be the first month I've played that I have been above rank 20 so it'll be exciting to see what I get.
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on How do you get the cards?

    Grind out your dailies and be patient or buy some packs. No other way. 

    Ladder is really tough when you are missing cards... And if you are flipping out about your opponent dropping rares and epics then you really need to build your collection. Don't be afraid to de stuff and focus on one deck that you like, it's a good and efficient way to start. Zoo for example is pretty cheap and once you have the core stuff you will have a deck that will probably be viable in some form or another for as long as HS is around 

     That sounds like a good idea - making a zoo deck - I was trying to avoid it because people seem to hate it so much but maybe to get the cards I actually want - it seems like a viable option. 
    Posted in: General Discussion
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