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    posted a message on [LEGENDARY] Rushino's Demolisher Zoo

    This deck is unbelievably fun to play!!!  Thanks Rushino!  You always feel like you have option. I won 9 in a row and my only loss was due to being massively screwed by RNG against a lucky warlock.  I dont have 1 AoL or BT and I can see even how much better this would be with them.

    Cant wait for the youtube videos and mulligan guide.


    Little match story - i was playing this emoting shit talking priest who at turn 10 had healed himself back to 30 with a descent board.  Turn 9 I played my stealthed up tiger and turn 10 FoN, roar, innervate, roar again.  31 damage.  Bye bye shit talking priest!!!!!  The ultimate OTK.

    Posted in: [LEGENDARY] Rushino's Demolisher Zoo
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    posted a message on [LEGENDARY] Rushino's Demolisher Zoo

    Hi Rushino.  Thanks for all your great work!!

    I dont have 2 FoNs or AoLs.   I have enough dust to only craft a second one of either.  What would suggest?  What would you replace the other with?

    Also, Geomancer a good replacement for BT?

    Thanks...can't wait to play this deck!

    Posted in: [LEGENDARY] Rushino's Demolisher Zoo
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    posted a message on Shit talker got shut up

    I was playing this aggro mage using a druid.  He did his bolt double ice lance thing got me down to 2 health he had around 25 some.   He thought he was great and that he just came up with the most brilliant combo in the world...so he was emoting non stop.  He left my gadg engineer on the board to do his little trick.  I was frozen and had two cards in my hand - faceless and savage roar.  I facelessed my engineer and than played my savage roar.  I forget exactly the order but at some point i got a wild growth and since i was at 10 mana that gave me a free card spell card...that ended up being five cards from that one wild growth.  I ended up getting a full hand even after playing several cards one being the 8 health heal.  I taunted up one of the engineers and clear his one minion with wrath.  Next turn rag and a taunt and so on.  I easily won and for some reason he stopped emoting.  I thoroughly enjoyed shutting him up with good play and not stupid emotes.  Of course he lacked any bit of class to say well played to me when I mounted an epic comeback.  It was fun!

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Paladin: Humiliation Control

    Pyro/equal combo is nice saves your but early if those stupid locks get off to a fast start but Baron Geddon is too.  I dont have Avenging Wrath, Cairne, TBK, or Harrison Jones so I put in Rag, Sylvanas and Baron.  But by far Baron has been the superstar.   He is normally good for 11-20 damage most of it to the face.  Especially if you can bait their hard removal with a card like Sylvanas and kamikaze your minions that are on the board into theirs to get theirs to at least 2 health.  Even when he does get removed its great to follow up with Tirion or Rag.  Especially Rag if Baron was able to clear most if not all their board.

    The problem I have is that version seems too top heavy...trading a 2 mana pyro(i only had 1 in my collection),5,6,6 for a non minion holy light 2, 6,7,8.   I've lost several matches with several high mana cards in my hand.  Pulling a lot of those big cards in the beginning hurts alot especially against quick aggro decks.

    Posted in: Paladin: Humiliation Control
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    posted a message on Paladin: Humiliation Control

    I didnt have all the cards so i wasnt playing the exact deck but I was down 5 health to 34 against a druid and came back to win!!  I got crushed by a murLOCK deck but a couple games later I crushed a murLOCK deck.  Fun times though thanks for making this deck

    Posted in: Paladin: Humiliation Control
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    posted a message on Guide for New Players and those Struggling

    F2P?? P2W??

    It is Free to Play in sense but that doesn’t mean free to win.  Think of it as a trial version and if you like the game you should spend $40-$80(this is around the cost of a new game) on cards.  Spending that doesn’t make it Pay to Win you still have to know how to play.  It just lets you enjoy the game more by giving you many more deck options and making your decks stronger which increases your chance to win.  Someone will probably say Trump took a F2P mage to legend …He is a pro gamer and knows the game so well he can anticipate what his opponent will play and play his cards optimally.  Not needed but will make it easier to get wins as you learn.


    Picking a hero

    You should play each class for a little to get a feel for what class you like.  Have in mind the classes you would want to play and the ones that don’t interest you.  After you have opened all your packs from the $40-$80 you spent look closely at the class specific cards you get.  Look for the classes you have either the most cards or the most high value cards…ie you have multiple epics and/or the legendary.  Compare that with the classes you most want to play.  ie rogue is your first choice but you have only have one rare and no other cards but druid also is high on your list and you have 2 good epics and 2 good rares and 3 commons…you should start with the druid…more on this later.


    Netdeck FTW

    There more to deck building htan you first realize so its best to netdeck.  This means getting a deck someone already built and used successfully from the internet.  It’s fun to build decks but trust me you are going to miss the little nuances that makes some decks work great and other fail miserably.  Maybe after you get more experience you can get good at building decks.  I can’t tell why some decks work well and other don’t. 

    Back to picking your hero – some cards are better than other in the current meta.  So even if one hero has 3 epics and one that has none but has several other “good” cards in the current meta you should probably play the hero without the epics.  So picking a hero to start out with is a cross between liking the hero play style, having a good amount of cards, and having the right cards for a deck that’s playable in the current meta. 


    Knowing how to play

    A good way to get better is to youtube videos and maybe streams.  For me I find watching most streams  to be boring and not helpful.  The ones I like are when the youtuber talks you through the possible moves he could make and why you would and wouldn’t want to make them.  There are some streamers like this but when its youtube they edit it down to just the game play. 

    Filling in the holes - crafting and disenchanting/dusting

    MY RULES:  I say never DE a legendary unless it’s a universally bad legendary.  Do DE golden legendaries because than you can craft whatever legendary you like.  Now pick 1-3 classes you want to play and DE all class cards you get from the other classes.  Use this dust to craft the cards you need to fill in the holes of the deck you want play.  Never DE general cards because they are useful in a variety of decks.  Craft general cards first unless a class card is a win condition for the deck you want to play. 



    There are better places to spend you time and gold when you start.  Trust me.  In the past I have wasted money and time just getting extremely frustrated trying to compete.  I read someone say you should be able get to a certain point on the ladder(single digits it think) before even trying it.  Otherwise you are the fodder for the much more experience players.  When you have a good understanding of several different classes and have played against the rest many times you can try arena but it is much different than constructed.  Spend your 100 gold  and time on getting more packs so you can grow your card collection faster.  I went 0-3, 1-3 peaking at 2-3 once so many times.  It wasn’t fun either.  I just started playing it again.  With a class I know and not getting reamed by RNG on the draft in the couple arenas I have done lately I do no worse than 3-3 and I have done 6-3 with one loss do to getting a phone call.  Not great or even good most of the time…I have a lot to learn still.  One statistic I heard(I don’t know tha accuracy maybe completely off base) but 6-3 is better than 80 some percent of all arena matches.  So most people will be doormats for the people who do well…simple statistics confirms that statement.  Another thing is there a lot of exaggeration on forums about how people did.  Save yourself a lot of grief, gold and/or money and don’t play for a long time.


    These are just some observation I have made.  I wish someone had told this this stuff when I first started so I thought I type it up and share.

    Remember it's a game have fun and if its frustrating you quit for a little.


    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on a

    im my experience if he's gotten 4 descent sized minions on the board he either got a god draw or its late in the game.  Either way its a loss no matter if you go to face or kill the minion.  Maybe you spent to many cards clearing away insignificant stuff in the early game and dont have the firepower and/or health to close it out.  

    I had to change my mindset from "this is MY board...I must dominate board" to here have the board and take this spell and that one and have a couple cards and mana while your at...whats that you have 5 minions and a couple taunts now...but you only have 4 health oops Im sorry frost bolt, fire blast....enjoy your board from the grave.

    Posted in: a
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    posted a message on a

    Nice deck...faasstt games  Would love to see some youtube videos of you explaining some finer points of your play.

    After trying a couple overhyped decks i lost about 9 ranks so I was in the higher teens when I started trying this deck.  But damn several times I have finished with 30 health not even a scratch and 90% i win with 20 plus health early.  I went about 11-3 or 4  the losses were me having bad RNG and/or them having great RNG.

    IMO not as fun as some tempo rogues or other more intellectual decks.  I like a bit more thinking through your turns.  But much more fun than combo decks like miracle rogue/uth hunter where you sit there all game getting reamed praying that you get your combos....or some other mindless rush decks..   For straight balls to the wall smack them in the face fun this deck cant be beat though.

    Posted in: a
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    posted a message on [Updated] Burstdown Miracle Rogue

    I don't know if your trolling but your reply doesn't any sense.  I didn't say I was losing once or twice.  I'm losing 80% of the time and to people who don't know how to play.

    Any legitimate help would be appreciated

    Posted in: [Updated] Burstdown Miracle Rogue
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    posted a message on [Updated] Burstdown Miracle Rogue

    Anyone know of a narrated youtube video on playing a miracle rogue where the youtuber will talk through what he is doing...even if its slightly different deck.  I dont get much from just watching a stream.

    When it works its great but more often than not I have nothing to play the during the early turns and than end up losing before I get started.  I 'm losing to 1st turn arcane missilers and an aggro warrior...its pathetic. Yes I lost to an aggro warriors apparently there is such a thing still

    I have gone from easy to get to 12 with another deck all the way back to 19 trying to figure this out.  I get killed or am almost killed by the time I can assemble my combos.


    Posted in: [Updated] Burstdown Miracle Rogue
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