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    posted a message on [Quick Rank 20] 10% Winrate Purify Priest

    Please upvote the deck so it will become the deck of the week guys.

    Posted in: [Quick Rank 20] 10% Winrate Purify Priest
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    posted a message on Is paid coaching worth it?
    Quote from Khennen »
    Quote from Azutael »

    I have doubts that you would gain much more insight from coaching, that you couldn't just get from watching high skilled players.

    Depends on how you yourself learn the best I suppose, I for one think it would be a waste for me personally.

    I'm totally agree with you, if you're a smart guy you will get a lot just by watching high skilled players. I think if you need help to progress since you are at an intermediate level, the best option is finding someone as good as you or better and play regularly with him, pointing each other mistakes and way to improve your plays, the more ppl you play with and get feedback the better you will play. I would never pay a coaching session because it's a no-guarantee and I don't want to spend money for that but if you have nothing better to buy than HS coaching session, have fun.

    Yeah I confirmed this. It worked wonder for me (when I was training in other card games tho, not hearthstone, because we don't have spectator mode). We were constanstly having a third person to look at the game from a complete fresh point of view, for the sake of pointing out moves that even the 2-in-game players didn't recognize.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Evaluating 17 Hearthstone Streamers

    Yeah the definition of being a good streamer needs to be revised. It depends on what you are expecting/wanting to see. If you want to become a perfectionist at playing etablished decks, Dog, Forsen... are good for you to learn about mulligan, decision making etc. If you want to be ahead of the meta with new decks or tech, these above streamers aren't suited anymore (not completely, but to a certain extent).

    Interaction with viewers is something that I personally don't take seriously when I evaluate streamers. Some are overly nice and want to shout to all followers, while some are jerk who don't care about that. What can you learn from that? Nothing, and no harm anyway.

    Reynad is good and is known because of his deck making skill. His decks are widely considered as effective for laddering/tournament. As in tournament his result is a bit flawed though, but I'm pretty sure we prefer to listen to his LeaXAmsterday experience anyway.

    Posted in: Streams and Videos
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    posted a message on Seasons should last only for 21 days.
    Quote from Nuba »

    Hello everybody.

    So I have been thinking in the last 3 seasons (1, 2 and this one: 3) that the number of people achieving legendary rank is just absurd. Dont take me bad, but anyone who actually tries for legendary rank gets it. Usually I see the real "tryhard" players getting it in the first 20 days or so, then I start to see everybody getting legendary rank, mostly because the competition between ranks 5->1 goes down the pipe in the last 10 days of season.

    I think the game would be more competitive if there were less days of season, or perhaps there was no legendary rank but leagues like in SC2.

    I know the "casual" feeling of the game would go away, but it would make the game more competitive, always having a rating (and being able to see it) is better than having ranks. Maybe give extra prizes to the top 1%(or 0.5%) players or something would be better than having legendary status currently.

    Isn't that people who pursue higher fame should just enter tournaments and win some to be known, then enter a team with sponsor? What's the point of reorganizing the rank between rank 1 and rank 2000 legend, when that title will never be treated equally as an invite to Dreamhack series?

    Tl;dr, my point is: if people want to prove their skill, feel free to enter tournaments and fill up their cred, instead of grinding the ladder with average people and think "im good".

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Miracle Rogue is the worst, please help

    Wait what so you aren't the streamer whose name is Drake22 and he always wear a lion hat? O.o

    Standard ramp druid is 50-50 vs miracle. Handlock is ok as well but no way better than 50% winrate vs miracle. Backspace rogue, uh dunno I don't like that deck Q_Q

    Tbh, Kitkaz version of ctrl warrior works fine, but I believe Tides version has an edge to consider as well. With Ysera you can burst sht out of nowhere with 18 dmg Korkron Face Nightmare, or 15 dmg Awaken Gromash. Not to mention Argus + anything with 4 or more hp will instantly spell trouble to miracle.

    Im legend rank 150, but I do listen to people who haven't reached legend as well. It's not like legend=quality insight or something 100%

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on How to fight Shaman with Handlock?

    - Save Hellfire for Feral, or any kind of board with Flametongue.

    - Save Shadowflame for any board that include Feral and/or Azure Drake.

    - Save Siphon for Fire Elys.

    - Play Alex/Jaraxxus after they unleash reach spells on you, like Bolts, Donghammer+Rockbiter, or Lava Burst. Generally at this stage you might die anyway so the better play should be play a very huge board protected by taunts, then next turn Alex/Jaraxxus.

    - In early turns, if they want to turtle with Squires and tokens to set up free bodies for Flametongue, don't hesitate to throw out some random 2 or 3 drops to force Shaman to clear it, whether it's Owl, Earthen, BGH, Sunfury, Argus etc. If they Bolt/Rockbiter it, it's still perfectly fine because they now have less reach spells and their curve is getting fk up by overload.

    - Ideal handlock hand with Giants and Drakes should just ignore tiny shaman minions and go for face, tap when you have taunts to set up cheap Moltens. When they run out of Flametongues, Hexes or cards in hand, you win outright. Jaraxxus is a backup plan if they decide to try hard and Lightning Storm your 2 moltens and suicide their potatoes into yours.

    - If your hand isn't ideal, then buy time with Hellfire/Flame, any kind of janky taunts like Watcher, Senjin etc, and trade with Azure thanks to Coil or Soulfire.

    - Calculate their lethal damage every turn. I personally don't factor in gimmicky cards like Bloodlust or Leeroy Windfury, but I do count 2x Lava Burst, or Donghammer+2x Rockbiter.

    - Just concede if you lose to any kind of shaman that run BGH or TBK. You can't afford to play around them...

     - Tbh I believe Drakes are an integral part of Handlock. Having at least 2 more health than Yeti definitely improves your winrate vs Warrior and Priest and Miracle by a lot. It also bypasses most single reach spells of Freeze (Giant) mage, so they have to rely on ping+Blizzard+Flamestrike, or Doomsayer to do clear Drake. You can take out everything except Drakes, and 4 giants.

    From rank 150 legend Handlock ~~

    Posted in: Warlock
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    posted a message on This is why you play rush decks:

    Playing rush/burn deck

    Complain about Ragnaros turn 8



    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Sipiwi94's Value/Tempo Rogue

    Tried it, the deck is just so good, but right now I'm having a huge trouble vs Shaman. Any tips for this?

    Posted in: Sipiwi94's Value/Tempo Rogue
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    posted a message on Don't you think that luck factor or RNG factor in hearthstone is too much even for a card game?
    Quote from Kitaen »

    rng is absolutely fine in general, although i think they could flatten out some of it, say tinkmaster tinks anywhere from 2-2 to 4-4 - it would be still fun to play

    pagle could always fish a card on his first attempt and then have a drastically reduced chance on the following

    My pagel always fishes out a card when he's about to die next turn!

    Posted in: General Discussion
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