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    posted a message on [METABREAKER]Exodia Mage, KoFT version - LEGEND BY BRAIN

    Kazakus Mage and other controlling mage decks have a pretty good matchup against this deck simply because they can usually pop your block before the combo, then block the combo and kill you.

    Hell, I had one game where I got a block off book and off a tome I got off Courier and we went 3 rounds of iceblocking eachother before I got to kill him.


    Posted in: [METABREAKER]Exodia Mage, KoFT version - LEGEND BY BRAIN
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    posted a message on New Card Reveals - Protect the King (Warrior), Prince Malchezaar (Legendary)

    I don't get why people don't understand Malchezaar's effect is a DOWNSIDE.  Think about it: you have a 1/30 chance of drawing any given card that you want in your deck.  If you put Malchezaar in your deck, you now have a 1/35 chance of drawing the card you want, and there's 5 cards that you have no idea what they are in your deck.

    Of course, you can get very lucky and end up with the perfect legend at the perfect time, but that will be a very rare occasion.  More likely will be you drawing 8/9 drops early against Shaman aggro and just dying because you're not drawing the removal/boardclear that you so desperately need.  It's just more randomness and inconsistency, like Yogg-Saron: it can win you the game in spectacular fashion, but more often than not it will go neutral or just lose you the game outright.  More played for fun than for any kind of competitive deck.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on New Card Reveals - Protect the King (Warrior), Prince Malchezaar (Legendary)

    Keep in mind that Prince Malchezzar's effect is a DOWNSIDE in most matchups.  The only matchup it really helps you is a control mirror that goes to fatigue.  Sure, it can lead to blowout situations where you draw the perfect legendary that you don't even own to break the boardstate,  but more likely it will result in you drawing 8-9 drops against the aggro deck and just losing because you can't find all those sweepers and taunts you put in your deck.

    REMEMBER: The more cards in your deck, the less likely you are to draw any particular card.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on The Mech War Tavern Brawl - New Hearthstone Patch

    Can Boom Bot ever win this Brawl?

    Posted in: News
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