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    posted a message on Nature Boy [LEGEND]

    Having a good tolerance to wait until you have enough mana is important. I'm thinking you're getting killed by elemental shaman? Let's say they have the perfect curve up till four mana and you're at 20 HP looking on to take roughly 10 more. Ideally at this point, you should be at 6 mana or above. If not, you might need to use Nourish for ramp, Nature Studies for armor, ramp, or early removal, maybe passively used Arbor Up just as a threat, looked for your Umbral Owls to remove early threats, or have enough mana to begin setting up one of the things to look out for especially just regaining control of the board (see the main post). By now they should run out of resources or you set up big taunts through Anacondra, Deviant, or your eight drops by Ward. Sometimes Guff is also a taunt if you just want to play him on the board to soak up damage. 

    Conversely, this deck is horrible early game. This deck truly excels if you can get your ramp early, other than that, it's a fight. I didn't realize this at the time, but there is a similar deck like this that only takes advantage of Lady Anacondra's effect. In other words, they don't use Deviant or Guff as other minions. Look up Jambre since he's a high legend player who probably has a more successful version of the deck. I just wanted to meme. 

    Posted in: Nature Boy [LEGEND]
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    posted a message on Meat and Eggs Deathrattle

    It's absolute trash on ladder. I had a lucky win streak from ten to eight, but lost all my stars trying to figure out if it's worth it. Short answer is no. 

    Long answer: I tried different variants with this deck including Loot Hoarder and Corpse Widow, with different types of synergy in between. I even tried Ticking Abomination as a source to proc the eggs, as well as Crazed Alch as a tech even for Doomsayers or Eggs. All does not work because it can not out tempo the current meta. You're going to get dead draws or low impact minions that just does not compete with Rogue's or Shaman's board. You sacrifice a lot of early board presence to set up for a big board down the line. Most of my wins were probably due to lucky draws or playing against slow decks. Nonetheless, it's a cool deck. Synergies with Spiritsinger Umbra procs the eggs when you play Meat Wagon after so it's a double effect. The win condition is mostly getting Play Dead on Devilsaur Egg early or surprising them with Tundra Rhino, as Tundra is the real MVP of the deck. Playing Play Dead when Egg and Rhino is out is easy burst. Plus it helps to get minions off the Death Knight if necessary for burst. Chances are though, you'll be out tempo'd by then as their board has minions with health three or greater. Hunter's just not great right now.  Good news is that if Blizzard decides to improve on this archetype, almost all of the cards will be staying for another rotation. 

    Feel free to try it and tinker it on your own. Thanks for replying.

    Posted in: Meat and Eggs Deathrattle
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