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    posted a message on To Christians: Anyone else uncomfortable playing Warlock for religious reasons?

    “Real life” and “demons and possessions” seem incongruent to me

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    posted a message on Tess Bug?

    Should have mentioned it's an iPhone but that's besides the point.

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    posted a message on Tess Bug?

    Had the craziest Pickpocket Rogue vs Pickpocket thief game that, unfortunately, was played on the phone so the best evidence of it I have it the attached screenshot.

    Basically what happened was that my opponent, who started as Priest but was the Rogue DK, played Tess for the second time (first time as priest. I played one too earlier.) when I had an empty board and a bunch of stuff happened and then I ended up with a full board with two Rotfaces and a full board.

    My guess is some kind of interaction with the class changes, the multiple vanishes autocast by Tess, and all the other shenanigans (Mindcontrols, Psychic Screams, Holy Water, etc) caused some kind of game logic confusion which resulted in me getting a bunch of minions instead of my opponent. I wish I had video evidence of this crazy game but just wondering if anyone has encountered bugs with Tess?

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