• 1

    posted a message on Do Secret Paladins think they have any semblance of skill?

    I don't know why but I'm seeing more and more Secret Paladins in casual. Now correct me if I'm wrong but casual is a place to try fun new decks or goof off with different builds. I love seeing Feign Death Hunters, Mill Rogue, Maly Druid, but there have been so many Secret Paladins in a place where people go to get away from Ranked. So Secret Paladin players: do you think you need to test out a deck that's broken beyond belief? Do you think you got yourself to a high rank, or that your deck self-piloted itself to that high of a rank? 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 6

    posted a message on Rank 6 back to Rank 14

    >Reynad viewer

    >Playing secret Paladin 

    I hope you stay Rank 14 where you belong. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on All of my heroes are golden

    ...going outside?

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Why I Wholeheartedly Support the Standard Format

    Those 8 games were in casuals. I'm tinkering with a CW deck and a Dragon Warrior midrange deck (guide is on my profile, i don't know how to link it from here). My friend recently suggested control priest, but that's a deck i already have well over 100 games with. I kinda wanna play something new. That's the problem. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Why I Wholeheartedly Support the Standard Format

    I used to play this game almost exclusively, but recently it's gotten to the point it's more fun to watch grass grow than to play against the 1000th face deck in a row. Example: I've played 8 or so games today. Four were zoo, two were face hunter, one was secret pally, and one was priest. Just under 88% of my games were against face decks. 

    As a longtime Magic player, one of the biggest thrills was deck construction and coming up with new ideas. The metagame, even in normals, mind you, has become stagnant at best. Hopefully, Standard will bring new aspects and mechanics instead of reinventing the wheel and reprinting 30 more cards directed at aggro decks. 

    So, in short: Blizzard, please think about your control and combo players. Players please play fun and interesting decks once Standard comes out. You can start by trying fun new decks in normals instead of running aggro decks in a fun and casual environment. I can guarantee you that you will lose friends in Magic if you play Red Deck Wins against your friends. So don't do the same thing in Hearthstone. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on standard mode control warrior

    Good stuff! I'm holding out hope for the set that's coming before Standard gets released

    Posted in: standard mode control warrior
  • 0

    posted a message on Dragon-Patron! You are not Prepared

    I was disappointed to not see Illidan Stormrage in this deck, especially with that title :c

    Posted in: Dragon-Patron! You are not Prepared
  • 0

    posted a message on Your worst DERP move?

    Played against a beast hunter as control priest. Thoughtstole Ram Wrangler and Skelesaurus. Thinking Skelesaurus was a beast, I played Ram Wrangler with Skelesaurus on the board....and was seriously confused. I auto-conceded in embarrassment. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on [Legend] Face Hunter (Stats/Proof)
    Quote from MattyBRaps >>

    Without trying to be rude.... Have you ever actually hit legend? if so, how many times and more importantly have you done it with "face hunter"?

    Everyone likes to dumb down "face hunter" in to literally being face, but you have to be intelligible with trades and figuring out the lethal play and action turns in advance. Of course that's a trait that's true to every deck, but especially important in face hunter since you have very limited and fast tempo resources. 

    Personally... maybe the meta isn't right, but I haven't hit legend with face hunter. I think it's difficult to play, but of course you're going to get the occasional games where you can just SMOrc over and over, for the win.

     "I'm a face hunter and I don't know the difference between intelligible and intelligent." Kappa Keepo
    Posted in: [Legend] Face Hunter (Stats/Proof)
  • 0

    posted a message on [Legend] EU December cento91's Tempo Mage

    I like counter spell because Mad Scientist feels like a dead card if I have Mirror Entity on the field, as well as the fact that it protects my minions from things like Lightbomb, Holy Nova, Consecration, Flamestrike, etc. Last game I got a counterspell'd a Muster for Battle from my Mad Scientist and it was a massive tempo swing. I get the reasons you don't like it, but I think it's a bit more defensive as an insurance policy for my minions.


    I like the 1-1 split of blast and flame cannon because of the utility blast brings. It enables Antonidas earlier, possibly on curve if you have Apprentice out. It also enables a neat little trick against the mirror matchup where you play drake into their mirror entity, then blast the drake. I think it just comes down to personal preference. This deck already requires a fair amount of luck, and sometimes I'm #neverlucky. :P 


    Thanks for all your help, I really appreciate the guide! I'd up vote it again if I could. 

    Posted in: [Legend] EU December cento91's Tempo Mage
  • 0

    posted a message on [Legend] EU December cento91's Tempo Mage

    I'm playing the same list with:

    -1 Flamecannon +1 Arcane Blast

    -1 Mirror Entity +1 Counterspell

    And it's taken me to rank 8 almost singlehandedly. (Haven't had that much time this month between finals and Christmas Break :P) 

    Posted in: [Legend] EU December cento91's Tempo Mage
  • -17

    posted a message on 15 Winstreak to Legend-featuring Sir Finley Mrglton

    Tried this deck and got absolutely destroyed 3 times in a row by shaman, zoo, and tempo mage. 0/10 would recommend. enjoy your down vote. 

    Posted in: 15 Winstreak to Legend-featuring Sir Finley Mrglton
  • 0

    posted a message on [Heroic] Easier Lord Slitherspear

    Tried this deck 7 times got absolutely crushed each time. Doesn't work. 

    Posted in: [Heroic] Easier Lord Slitherspear
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