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    posted a message on Feign Death

    This cars is fantastic in Deathrattle hunter with the additions from Whispers and Karazhan! I also put an Anubisath Sentinel in my deck just because it's Deathrattle is crazy powerful with this! It's effectively a 5 mana 10/10, and if you also have a Savanah Highland or infested wolf on the board as well you can end up with a 5/5 hyena or 4/4 spider, not to mention the fact that you'll still get a second buff when the Sentinel actually dies.

    Posted in: Feign Death
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    posted a message on Netherspite Historian

    Chillmaw is also in both card pools.

    Posted in: Netherspite Historian
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    posted a message on 92% winrate dragon mage!

    Posted in: 92% winrate dragon mage!
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    posted a message on Karazhan Dragon Priest

    Fantastic deck I've been climbing up the ladder faster than ever since I've started using it. I am missing a few cards from it, but some of the replacements I put in it have worked very well.

    I subbed Rend Blackhand for Sylvanas, Bog Creeper for Chillmaw and Sen'Jin Shieldmasta for the second Twilight Guardian.

    I haven't really been in too many situations where sylvanas is a good play, but Rend has saved my win streek multiple times. Opponent plays C'thun, Rend it. Opponent plays Deathwing, Rend it. Opponent plays Ysera, Rend it. He's very versatile and if he's behind a taunt he can really help make up for some damage you couldn't put out at the start.

    Bog Creeper stops enemy minions in their tracks and doesn't damage your other minions when it dies, plus you'll find Chillmaw off of Netherspite Historian every 3 games or so.

    While not a dragon Shieldmasta can be more reliable than twilight guardian if you don't have any other dragons in your hand and isn't as weak to silence.

    Also, though there aren't a ton of spells in the deck if you save priest of the feast and a few spells if you go into fatigue he can really help you stay afloat long enough to finish off your opponent.

    EDIT: After playing with this deck a bit more I found Medivh to be an awkward play in the deck as it lost much of its potential value if you already played your holy novas and entombs. I swapped him out for chromaggus and have had better success, and I see the deck's creator has swapped Ragnaros in. I've found chromaggus to work best if played on turn 9 or 10 and be immediately followed by 1 or 2 power word: shields to ensure you get some draws in. The +2 health on him tends to make him stick around much longer too. Getting an entomb, Shadow Word: Death, or even a Netherspite Historian duplicated can be a life saver in late game.

    Posted in: Karazhan Dragon Priest
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