Hey, I am a veteran card player with 15 years of exp. I have gotten legend 2 times. I am looking for a group of players that frequently play at the same time. I am looking to be able to discuss new decks, theory craft and skrim with similar skilled players. I play quite a bit right now. If you have more questions feel free to message me here, post here or message me at Vague#1400 on Bnet. hope to hear from you.
Hey, I am a veteran card player with 15 years of exp. I have gotten legend 2 times. I am looking for a group of players that frequently play at the same time. I am looking to be able to discuss new decks, theory craft and skrim with similar skilled players. I play quite a bit right now. If you have more questions feel free to message me here, post here or message me at Vague#1400 on Bnet. hope to hear from you.