myself i only dust duplicates(and wait a full year incase they get nerfed)that way if you like to collect diamonds, coins achievs you will have a easier time in the long run
Just as context, I started playing this game in 2015 and reached legend a handful of times between 2016 and 2019.
Took a couple years brake and came back this month to check how things are out of curiosity.
The game is a joke now. And I'm talking about standard ladder. It used to be quite challenging to grind between rank 5 to legend. Players really trying hard . Hundreds of games with lots of attrition to gain the stars needed.
Tried it now and there's no comparison. The ladder is filled with BOTS. First I thought: "Hey, these bots might be a thing only on low ranks, right? When I climb a bit, they'll disappear" NOPE. Got diamond 5 in one sit with a suboptimal deck ( probably tier 3-4). Which is the equivalent to rank5 in the old days. So I was ready to face competition. And STILL, I am facing bots at Diamond5-4. This makes climbing to legend completely pointless.
The grind was all about keeping a slight above 50% winrate. But when 1 out of 3 opponents are BOTS, even a dummy can reach 50% winrate. Whats the point? Where is the challenge? Also , bot matches are BORING as hell. The moment I realized I was "cheating" my way to legend against AI , I stopped. Diamond 3. No point to continue. Maybe at high legend you can only face players? Who knows. Maybe. I dont care. What they did with this game? The player count is so low that they need to do this? Or they want to prevent more players from quitting out of frustration?
Anyway, the game feels artificial. Knowing that you are playing against AI leaves a bad taste on my mouth and a feeling that there's no point to even play. Oh, also tried Arena , and surprise surprise, there are bots there. WITH INSANE DECKS that will end your run.
If you are reading this and thinking about coming back to Hearthstone, dont. The game is DEAD
nah man if you dusted your wild stuff thats on you
depends on why you need the dust..
myself i only dust duplicates(and wait a full year incase they get nerfed)that way if you like to collect diamonds, coins achievs you will have a easier time in the long run
tie between shudder and time warp
legend was always ez bots or not
Darion Mograine
looks like a dk who drank too much soy
you get this bug after you didnt buy packs with money for a certain amount of time
thank you, i can now pretend it will arrive before rotation.
anyone know if it's supposed to be available if we have it in wild (like gold wild cards unlocks core golden version)
kinda breaks golden decks as is