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    posted a message on Cost of Hearthstone compared to MTG

    Honestly I think magic is the cheaper hobby on the per-card basis and the more expensive on the competitive edge - excluding dedicated f2p hearthstone accounts. That being said I'd so much more happily throw money at MTG any day of the week. It's just more satisfying.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on How Far We've Fallen: Dr. Boom

    There's so much power in the 7 mana slot now that, with power creep, it's hard to justify. Sure Dr. Bonemare only nets you 9/9 and taunt, but it's controllable and predictable, no reliance on the randomness of the bots deathrattle, and that taunt minion lets you wall up and protect your mare. Further you can use those stats to boost something that has card text that further benefits you. Maybe you beef up a minion with poison, or one that has an on damage effect, while it isn't true stat creep (of which there has been plenty since GvG) the stat value is outweighed by the strategic value of other moves. Even if you don't have a 7 mana card in hand there is just better value for a total of 7 mana to be readily had elsewhere. Its not become a bad card - but I can't think of many (/any) situations where I'd slot boom in over any other number of turn 7 plays.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Your experience with Hallows End Arena

    It reminded me why I left this terribly designed idiotic slot machine of a card game, but hey - free stuff, and it does look snappy on mobile. I'll be back the next time my wife tells me there's more free stuff to be had.

    Posted in: The Arena
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    posted a message on If there was a chance to bring 1 Wild card to Standard, which one would you choose and why?

    Sir Finnly

    Hero power Tom foolery.

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on What does the community think Hearthstone's best and worse features are?

    I feel question 2 really needs an "Enter a paragraph here:" option. RNG's importance, balance, power creep, deck/expansion costs, class identity, slow reactions and heavy handed responses... Question 2 poses a long list of responses from me.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Why did Blizzard nerf otk/combo decks to later print otk/combo cards that do even better ?
    Quote from scorpyon >>

    Welcome to Hearthstone. We hope you enjoy your WTFWHATWASTHAT?OMFGHAXWHODESIGNEDTHISFUUUUU-----------!!!

     This should be the description Blizzard gives on app stores and b.net for the game.
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Where'd all the people whining about PRIESTONE PRIESTONE PRIESTONE go???

    "Flipping idiot", lol. Posts like this beautiful gem are why I check hearthpwn every day despite not having played in months... How do you get this rage-y?

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on State of the Game

    I've actually called it on Hearthstone shortly after this latest dropped. I pop in to hearthpwn to see whats up a couple times a week (after a couple years you get dedicated to a game after all) - but it's a bit like opening the national news in general these days, I do it expecting there's some new toxic mess looming. I haven't had consistent fun in this game for a couple expansions now but this last one tanked my interest. More and more I've felt games are often decided by either random dice events or whale decks with dust costs so high they'd make moby dick blush. Playing competitive slots just isn't my game. Hoping on access in to the MtG:Arena beta and checking out all the other digital CG's I've neglected to ever look at in the meantime.

    To addendum: I'm sure my leaving is/was of little concern to Blizzard; I'm a long time player but I've never dropped a dime on the game. Sure I've never got legendary but I play hard enough to end every season in the 10-5 bracket with occasional blips in the 5-1 - and hey, I do it running shaman murloc in wild. Just my thought on the state of the game. If it never trundles back around to the game I originally enjoyed then I hope it keeps a happy playerbase for a long life none the less.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place!

    Aggro druid, 15k dust priest deck, ramp druid, jade druid, couple more priest decks worth more in dust than my entire card collection. Going to be a fun grind this month...

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Do you guys think the new Knights of The Frozen Throne expansion lived up to it's hype?

    I'd agree with Redwings. There's some truly interesting decks waiting in the wings that just need their chance to shine right now, and I hope we'll soon get to see the variety really open up.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on How are yall doing with Lich King?

    Murlocs have been a versatile answer in several classes. Draw dependent, definitely but...huh. Who'd have thought the lich kings great weakness would be murkeye and MGRLGRLGRL

    Posted in: Adventures
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    posted a message on Is there any way to beat the Llich King with paladin BESIDES Dk Uther?

    My wife wrecked him with paladin murloc. And shaman murloc. And rogue murloc. I'm noticing she has a trend going here. I've taken up her lead and am playing murloc catchup. Murkeye is a pretty critical craft though.

    Posted in: Adventures
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    posted a message on Wild is so much fun right now anyone else playing wild?
    Quote from Dudensio >>

    As a FTP player, long ago after thinking long and hard, I took the choice to disenchant everything I had on wild to be able to somewhat had a decent enough collection to make one or two really good decks on Standard.

    Wild is gone for me, forever; that is  unless I drop hundreds of dollars to re-craft everything I need; which won't happen unless I somehow become literally rich.

    It's not as if I regret my choice, at least not right now. Standard meta has been a blast last expansion, and this one is promising to shape itself to be a good one as well, provided you can afford it. 

     My wife did this too. I wish they'd put the packs back up for gold. I feel "people would be upset if they mistakenly bought them then couldn't use them in standard" is pretty weak and has many solutions that are generally easy
    Posted in: Wild Format
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    posted a message on Wild is so much fun right now anyone else playing wild?

    Honestly the wild pirates don't bother me as long as they don't draw into ships cannon > nzoth + patches with a turn 2 coin or turn 3

    Posted in: Wild Format
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    posted a message on Wild is so much fun right now anyone else playing wild?
    Quote from Lamsednav >>

    I can tell you for sure, once you get to R10 and lower, it's totally not fun.

    It's the cancerous of all places. Pathetic tryhards.

    YES! I was having fun in 10-6 the last few seasons right up until the druid, priest and warlock wave hit. Now I can either play a very small subset of decks or enjoy losing with decks I like playing. I was having a blast being the wierdo pushing a wild quest shaman murloc deck and an aggressive quest warrior deck, no real goal of getting legendary or even 5 bracket, just having fun and now it's just....yea. Exactly.
    Posted in: Wild Format
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