Very very stupid!
- Everyone on this forum talked about the combo broken in wild as soon as they saw the card. The only fool who didn't see the problem was Blizzard as usual.
- Blizzard's solution is even more stupid. Ban the card in wild. So when the card rotates does it disappear? Is it only viewable and not usable? If your plan is to adjust the card adjust it now! Shouldn't Wild be the format where all the cards can be used?
Whenever there is a card release. Is it possible that there is always something wrong? Is it possible that people have to come here and get pissed off? Your job is card design and every time there is a problem.
How can't I be pissed off?
Prediction 101 : Holy Glowsticks will get nerf %100
I think that is ur answer
Deal 10 damage with a single cast of ignite = Play mozaki and ignite 10 damage
Gain 600 (150-300) atack with your hero as druid = Just play quest druid in duels and choose 2 atack hero power
Deal 10 damage in one atack with Lion's frenzy = Lions frenzy + inner demon
Nope u're wrong it's like a quest warlock remember that one with pilot twist
So Demon hunter has '' Glide'' ୧〳 ^ ౪ ^ 〵୨
No nerf for ladder CMON !
Fuck that terrible decision they have no vision
Yeap exactly You'll keep both of them but if u disenchanted old malygos it's gone from your collection until craft again.
It's criticism do you know what is a mean ?!!