Primarily against Hunter/Zoo; I have an absolutely terrible time in those MUs. I know Zoo is a gigantic hit and miss depending on FWA, and even when you have it, it can get iffy.
Current tech cards [can only fit 5 of them]: Brawl BGH Ironbeak Owl (I think 1 is mandatory, so this would be for the second) Harrison Black Knight Gorehowl Unstable Ghoul
Not running Cleave or WW. Odd man out has usually been Unstable Ghoul. Gorehowl+BK is immense value in other control MUs and is potentially swinging late-game with the surprise reach for lethal. My winrate against other control decks is pretty good. 80%+ in the mirror, priest is high 50's, handlock is high 50's. Zoo unfortunately drags that down to sub 45% total, lol.
In short, when do you Armor vs dropping a minion, potentially off curve? Assume lack of follow up, or an awkward follow up.
1) Naked board opponent. Coining out Cruel Taskmaster? Or just playing a Taskmaster.
2) FWA just killed an Undertaker. You have Armorsmith (or Acolyte) in hand. There's a 2/1 on your opponent's side, or even a 2/2 Mad Scientist. Do you burn your Axe charge on that? Do you just armor? Do you drop a minion?
3) Minimum value for Brawl against Zoo? If the majority of your MUs are against Zoo/Hunter, is Brawl even a consideration in the deck?
4) Warlock has 3/2 on board, you're on 3 mana. Do you Armor+Shield Slam if you have no other available plays? If you have an Acolyte, do you drop that instead?
5) Hunter has Mad Scientist. Running your only minion into it will give him a trap. All you can do is armor or drop another 2 or 3 drop. Do you kill the Mad Scientist? Ignore and armor? Ignore and drop minion?
6) I've liked keeping Owl against Hunter. Silencing an Undertake or a Mad Scientist is really great, Haunted Creeper pretty good; and at worst you trade for the silenced minion or whatever drop has been there already. I like keeping it for Hunter. Owl worth keeping against Zoo?
7) For Zoo, mulligans are FWA or bust. For Hunter [assuming no initial FWA, and ONLY the individual cards with other unplayable ones], do you keep an Acolyte? Armor Smith no Cruel Taskmaster? Cruel Taskmaster?
Can't make this deck work. Rank 9, down to 11 now. Following the mulligan suggestions, but the card game itself just seems so terrible. If you don't draw according to curve, you're smoked. I'm not sure man. This seems interesting and all that, but I cannot get a win with this deck. Almost all my experience has been between Ramp Druid/Token Druid, so I don't know if how I play those two influences anything (I've only ever peaked at Rank 3 with them), but I find you just lose the early game with a weak mid game if you come out behind (naked Demolisher against any board, Loot Hoarders you didn't get in the opening two or three draws, etc.). And then, if the early and mid game come out smoothly, the lone late game option is Rag and maybe the Ancients if they're not used to stem the tide because of a weak start, and if you can't force out removal, then it's not going to do anything at all.
I feel like Shaman ALWAYS has Light Storm/Wolves in a timely manner. I've never ever beaten a Shaman in any quick way whatsoever. Am I just being paranoid? Playing too slowly?
And on an unrelated note, does anyone else find that you just queue into specific things depending on your deck? I must have played about 55% handlock/zoo last night, but as soon as I switch over to a deck that didn't auto die to handlock, I play nothing but midrange lock and aggro paladin. I don't get it, it's super frustrating.
edit: I just don't see how Shaman is an easy MU. They have SO much removal, and if they have early Wolves/Flametongue, how do you even deal with that?
Peaked rank 4, bouncing between 5 and 6 ever since. Having an extremely hard time against token Druids. Any advice on what mull for? That and aggro Mage, I have no idea what to aim for. If you don't get a big card early seems globe you're screwed no matter how good your next few draws are.
Having an INCREDIBLY difficult time against a control warrior in pretty much every flavor of ramp. What are you guys doing to beat them?
edit: considering minions range from 4 mana and onward, I'm having a hard time being able to keep anything on the board consistently. Execute, Shield Bash, the card draw; all of it makes it so hard to know what to do against them. What do I mull for? Face? Kill the armorsmith? How do I deal with Alexstrasza, Grommash, AND Ysera?
I don't know man. It seems like you need too many cards in the correct order to keep a Warrior's armor low. Innervate/Coin Yeti, etc. Do you go for their face? Clear the minions on the field? I just have no idea how to play against them in general.
Sorry, I meant in terms of the original deck. Does anyone else have any input? I've dropped from 5 to 8/7 because I feel like I'm playing a TON of control warrior, coupled with the general RNG of a bad draw against Zoo/Hunter rushes (double soulfire first 10 cards, double mark, double kill command, etc. It's been ridiculous), I just can't get a win streak going.
How do you play against control warrior? Miracle rogue? It seems like the deck is so passive, that you just let them get a head full of steam and do whatever they want.
Having a hard time playing other control decks, mainly because of the really, really bad hard removal Druids have. Or at least, I think that's the issue. Games that I play either boil down to:
Get to my late game with Innervates/Early WGs as they enter their midgame, and I win based on the efficiency. But, given the luck of the draw, if I don't get those cards, they are constantly ahead because of the weaker early game, and expensive card draw (as in =only three cards).
We get to the late game at the same time, and I lose because I can't Death, or Sap, or Execute, or Poly, or Hex, or Equality.
Trying to use this deck. Have queued against 5 priests in a row, went 2-3. This is silly. Where's the meta shift!
Additionally, do you think Rag is better than Ysera? And I feel like Hogger is just a little too weak, granted it's 6/6, but it's split, and pretty much any clear/soft clear gets rid of the 2/2 right off the bat, while also damaging Hogger, which at a 6 drop 4/4 seems susceptible. Why not just a Sylvanas?
Lastly, Yeti over Senjin. What do you think? Or is forcing taunts really important for this deck?
Having a really hard time playing this deck; there just seems to be so much weakness to AoE cards and weapons in general. Nothing is tanky enough to withstand it, and even mid-size taunt cards like Sen'jin cause rather large problems.
Current list:
Primarily against Hunter/Zoo; I have an absolutely terrible time in those MUs. I know Zoo is a gigantic hit and miss depending on FWA, and even when you have it, it can get iffy.
Current tech cards [can only fit 5 of them]:
Ironbeak Owl (I think 1 is mandatory, so this would be for the second)
Black Knight
Unstable Ghoul
Not running Cleave or WW. Odd man out has usually been Unstable Ghoul. Gorehowl+BK is immense value in other control MUs and is potentially swinging late-game with the surprise reach for lethal. My winrate against other control decks is pretty good. 80%+ in the mirror, priest is high 50's, handlock is high 50's. Zoo unfortunately drags that down to sub 45% total, lol.
In short, when do you Armor vs dropping a minion, potentially off curve? Assume lack of follow up, or an awkward follow up.
1) Naked board opponent. Coining out Cruel Taskmaster? Or just playing a Taskmaster.
2) FWA just killed an Undertaker. You have Armorsmith (or Acolyte) in hand. There's a 2/1 on your opponent's side, or even a 2/2 Mad Scientist. Do you burn your Axe charge on that? Do you just armor? Do you drop a minion?
3) Minimum value for Brawl against Zoo? If the majority of your MUs are against Zoo/Hunter, is Brawl even a consideration in the deck?
4) Warlock has 3/2 on board, you're on 3 mana. Do you Armor+Shield Slam if you have no other available plays? If you have an Acolyte, do you drop that instead?
5) Hunter has Mad Scientist. Running your only minion into it will give him a trap. All you can do is armor or drop another 2 or 3 drop. Do you kill the Mad Scientist? Ignore and armor? Ignore and drop minion?
6) I've liked keeping Owl against Hunter. Silencing an Undertake or a Mad Scientist is really great, Haunted Creeper pretty good; and at worst you trade for the silenced minion or whatever drop has been there already. I like keeping it for Hunter. Owl worth keeping against Zoo?
7) For Zoo, mulligans are FWA or bust. For Hunter [assuming no initial FWA, and ONLY the individual cards with other unplayable ones], do you keep an Acolyte? Armor Smith no Cruel Taskmaster? Cruel Taskmaster?
Thanks in advance.
Can't make this deck work. Rank 9, down to 11 now. Following the mulligan suggestions, but the card game itself just seems so terrible. If you don't draw according to curve, you're smoked. I'm not sure man. This seems interesting and all that, but I cannot get a win with this deck. Almost all my experience has been between Ramp Druid/Token Druid, so I don't know if how I play those two influences anything (I've only ever peaked at Rank 3 with them), but I find you just lose the early game with a weak mid game if you come out behind (naked Demolisher against any board, Loot Hoarders you didn't get in the opening two or three draws, etc.). And then, if the early and mid game come out smoothly, the lone late game option is Rag and maybe the Ancients if they're not used to stem the tide because of a weak start, and if you can't force out removal, then it's not going to do anything at all.
I feel like Shaman ALWAYS has Light Storm/Wolves in a timely manner. I've never ever beaten a Shaman in any quick way whatsoever. Am I just being paranoid? Playing too slowly?
And on an unrelated note, does anyone else find that you just queue into specific things depending on your deck? I must have played about 55% handlock/zoo last night, but as soon as I switch over to a deck that didn't auto die to handlock, I play nothing but midrange lock and aggro paladin. I don't get it, it's super frustrating.
edit: I just don't see how Shaman is an easy MU. They have SO much removal, and if they have early Wolves/Flametongue, how do you even deal with that?
Peaked rank 4, bouncing between 5 and 6 ever since. Having an extremely hard time against token Druids. Any advice on what mull for? That and aggro Mage, I have no idea what to aim for. If you don't get a big card early seems globe you're screwed no matter how good your next few draws are.
Having an INCREDIBLY difficult time against a control warrior in pretty much every flavor of ramp. What are you guys doing to beat them?
edit: considering minions range from 4 mana and onward, I'm having a hard time being able to keep anything on the board consistently. Execute, Shield Bash, the card draw; all of it makes it so hard to know what to do against them. What do I mull for? Face? Kill the armorsmith? How do I deal with Alexstrasza, Grommash, AND Ysera?
I don't know man. It seems like you need too many cards in the correct order to keep a Warrior's armor low. Innervate/Coin Yeti, etc. Do you go for their face? Clear the minions on the field? I just have no idea how to play against them in general.
Sorry, I meant in terms of the original deck. Does anyone else have any input? I've dropped from 5 to 8/7 because I feel like I'm playing a TON of control warrior, coupled with the general RNG of a bad draw against Zoo/Hunter rushes (double soulfire first 10 cards, double mark, double kill command, etc. It's been ridiculous), I just can't get a win streak going.
How do you play against control warrior? Miracle rogue? It seems like the deck is so passive, that you just let them get a head full of steam and do whatever they want.
Having a hard time playing other control decks, mainly because of the really, really bad hard removal Druids have. Or at least, I think that's the issue. Games that I play either boil down to:
Get to my late game with Innervates/Early WGs as they enter their midgame, and I win based on the efficiency. But, given the luck of the draw, if I don't get those cards, they are constantly ahead because of the weaker early game, and expensive card draw (as in =only three cards).
We get to the late game at the same time, and I lose because I can't Death, or Sap, or Execute, or Poly, or Hex, or Equality.
A little help, guys?
Trying to use this deck. Have queued against 5 priests in a row, went 2-3. This is silly. Where's the meta shift!
Additionally, do you think Rag is better than Ysera? And I feel like Hogger is just a little too weak, granted it's 6/6, but it's split, and pretty much any clear/soft clear gets rid of the 2/2 right off the bat, while also damaging Hogger, which at a 6 drop 4/4 seems susceptible. Why not just a Sylvanas?
Lastly, Yeti over Senjin. What do you think? Or is forcing taunts really important for this deck?
Having a really hard time playing this deck; there just seems to be so much weakness to AoE cards and weapons in general. Nothing is tanky enough to withstand it, and even mid-size taunt cards like Sen'jin cause rather large problems.