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    posted a message on How will Blizzard nerf Warriror?
    Quote from PAH >>
    Quote from Anton_ >>

    no nerfs pls either all dk's or no dk's

     I agree with this (though it's hero cards, not DKs). The problem is that Dr Boom (and Hagatha, but less so) are just INCREDIBLY powerful considering no other class has these kinds of late game value monsters. Not only is Dr Boom's hero power (potentially) INSANE -- there is absolutely no way to play against 5 or 6 Omega Devastators (with rush) in one game -- but Omega Assembly also drawing Zilliax and Omega Devastators. And now so many great mechs and megnatic... it's just all too much. If other classes had late game value generators (Valeera, Rexxar, Jaina) then the meta wouldn't feel so lopsided.

    You either be aggro/tempo or play warrior.


    I have to agree with this. I don't understand why some classes have gotten another hero card and the others haven't. Zul'jin is also a very powerful game turning card, just like Boom.

    About warrior, the problem in my humble opinion is that he is stacking way too much board control in addition to the mech synergy. To make it more obvious how control mech warrior has become overpowered compared to other control archetypes, I like to compare warrior's control options with mage's ones, that is:

    • Dyn-o-matic is a Cinderstorm that can precisely focus minions, destroying solo big minions as well as multiple small minions, with a 3/4 mech body that can be re-used with magnetic
    • Omega Devastator is a minion-focused Pyroblast for 4 with a 4/5 mech body that can be re-used with magnetic
    • Omega Assembly is a better Astral Rift for 1 that gives you 3 mechs, and very likely Dyn-o-matic, Omega Devastator, or even a second Zilliax
    • Warpath is an incredibly flexible card that can be used either as Arcane Explosion, or as a 4 mana Blizzard without frost, or as an 8 mana Flamestrike. It also damages your own minions and can be used to proc "on-hit" effects to draw cards, gain armor, summon 2/3 taunts, etc.
    • Dr Boom can deal Frostbolt damage with hero power, or summon 3 1/1 rush mechs, or gain armor almost equal to Ice barrier (7 vs 8, but 2 mana and doesn't cost a card spot in the deck) or act as another Arcane Explosion. Also discovers rush mechs and again, can get you Dyn-o-matic or Omega Devastator.

    These are the examples that come to my head, but as you can see, the tools warrior got lately have made him an incredibly powerful control class compared to other classes that can or could once play control decks. And I don't think any class is supposed to have such a great package stacking mechanics, no matter if they're control, aggro, or mid.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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