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    posted a message on Upcoming Hearthstone Balance Changes - Giggling Inventor, Mana Wyrm, Aviana

    Someday I will understand the reasonings behind the adjustments they do to cards. Why the **** would they nerf Aviana of all things if it straight up kills an entire archetype when they could just nerf PSYCHMELON. ¡¿WHY?!


    So far this is the closest I've been to taking a time of the game.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Looking for Hearthstone friends? Post your BattleTag Here 2.0

    Battletag: GwwyrdTaeddh#2606

    Region: Europe
    Usual Play Times: Every now and then for maybe an hour or a little more, although more during weekends.
    Level of Experience: Peaked at rank 3. Consider myself somewhat decent, albeit I can't bring myself to care that much about rank.
    Preferred Heroes: Mage, Druid and Shaman (control or weird combo for the three) are my long time favourite ones, but I tend to play a bit of everything.
    I’m Looking For: Players who might wanna chat for a bit, share quests, etc. I don't really play standard anymore, so no decks for that unless it's specifically necessary.
    Tell us something about you: 23 year old, HS is my only Blizzard game (at least so far). Deeply into gaming (Witcher saga, Fable games and generally RPG's with some extras in there), anime, manga and what not. I'm in college and looking for a job so if I don't reply to your friend request or message too fast don't think I'm an ass lol

    Posted in: Players and Teams Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Ultimate Infestation... needs to be changed

    So... I started out Hearthstone playing Druid. Yeah, I said it. I started with Druid and it became and still is my favourite class. Sure, priest could fuck me up by stealing my minions or other classes with hard removal but it was still fun to think of combos. 

    Then I found out that Astral Communion was a card. I loved designing the deck around hard ramping and reach the high cost mana turns of dumping huge minions on the board and crossing fingers for no removal.

    I never really played the Force of Nature combo, I much preferred to play AC because it meant that matches won would either account to RNG first turn ramp or hard grind. And it has to be said, in those instances neither wild growth turning into draw or innervate were good draws at all after playing Astral Communion, in fact it meant that you were probably going to lose due to a lame turn. I do not understand why they would nerf Ancient of Lore back then when now draw cards like UI surpass AoL by the thousands. Ancient of Lore was a 5/5 with either some draw or a little heal. 

    And yet still card draw is not the biggest problem that I think Druid has. Back when Mean Streets of Gadgetzan was released I didn't really like the jade mechanic much already. It basically meant that you just had to put cards in the deck, play them on the board and wow your turns became much better every single time. Much better to the point where Druid picked up auctioneer and I lost all interest in playing decks that require no thought process whatsoever besides how many idols does it take before my opponent cries.

    If Jade Idol was not as it is now, and perhaps just buffed golems every 4 idols played or something similar it would not f*ck*** matter that the class got card draw. The draw becomes an issue when cards like idol and Mark of the Lotus are printed. As of now all of my jade cards are disenchanted as soon as I get any.

    I don't think of aggro to be as much of a problem as Jade, and still those one mana broken cards just literally make me feel sad because I wind up feeling stupid playing any other Druid deck that does not take advantage of such combos. Like, explain to me how Innervate is broken beyond limits in say Malygos Druid? or C'thun Aviana? Even in Astral Communion decks, Innervate is useless if you draw it for anything that is not AC itself. Hell, even Ultimate Infestation would not be that good because no matter how many cards you draw you still need more than one and two turns for sure to play the huge minions.

    No more infinite ranting. I don't know if my post will be banned or something similar since I went and gave my scoop about the whole class rather than just UI being broken card draw (and I agree with those who mention that it should be a choose one card). I would very much hate it if Innervate took the nerf for cards like Jade Idol or Mark of the Lotus. The problem is not that Innervate makes the combos possible, the problem is that you design cards that become SO FUN AND INTERACTIVE when combined with ramp and really good draw cards. Not even tech cards like Geist being so overcosted for what its target is can put a stop to it.


    I'll just go cry in a corner now since Druid is most likely to die as soon as nerfs hit. Sorry for the long post, and thank you if you took your time to read it.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Looking for Hearthstone friends? Post your BattleTag Here 2.0

    Battletag: GwwyrdTaeddh#2606

    Region: EU 
    Usual Play Times:  Holidays or weekends means anytime during the day, usual days mostly during the evenings.
    Level of Experience: Intermediate, highest rank so far is 9
    Preferred Heroes: Mage and Druid were the ones I begun with (hate jade with a passion) but kinda like all of them now.
    I’m Looking For: Preferrably WILD players who value fun over just play x deck and amaze yourself with its winrate.
    Tell us something about you: I like turtles.

    Posted in: Players and Teams Discussion
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    posted a message on New Card Revealed: Skulking Geist

    Kind of like what it does, kind of don't. Last part mostly due to the fact that fucks with some malygos decks.

    Still, it is not a broken card that you can never hope to work around so it is fair (except for the druids that will have it played against them lol)


    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Looking for Hearthstone friends? Post your BattleTag Here 2.0

    Battletag: GwwyrdTaeddh#2606

    Region: EU

    Usual Play Time: On my free time, which varies from time to time, but never really spend more than one day out of the game

    Preferred Heroes: Druid, Shaman and Mage although I like any of the classes to some extent.

    I'm looking for: To fill my friends list, hopefully with people who enjoy playing both formats or play wild more often as I do myself. Most of the time I just play to have fun so if you're into that rather than hardcore ranking I'm your guy.

    Tell Us Something About You: I'm 22. It has been a year and a half since I started playing, some months prior to the release of WotOG. Really enjoy playing weird combo decks, anything involving Malygos sounds interesting and big fan of control decks. I mostly share my friend quest with people I know from more than just adding so if you just feel like talking about cards/meta/random stuff it is welcome.

    Posted in: Players and Teams Discussion
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    posted a message on Looking for Hearthstone friends? Post your BattleTag Here 2.0

    Battletag: GwwyrdTaeddh#2606

    Region: EU

    Usual Play Times: Mostly from 4 pm to 10-11 pm during the week and mostly all day on weekends
    Level of Experience: I'd like to say intermediate but still a beginner with some class or another
    Preferred Heroes: Always liked Druid and Mage, recently taken a liking to others
    I’m Looking For: Just people to play with/share my quests. I don't really care about talking or sharing all the quests possible, but I like to have a laugh often while playing so if you're into that well I guess I'm your guy. 
    Tell us something about you: I'm 22 from Spain. I'm a student, so maybe there are days or at most an entire week where I'm not that active.

    In any case, thanks for any who stuck reading through that lol

    Posted in: Players and Teams Discussion
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