It’s from classic. If you copy the deck code with this card in it, it will be available to you.
Believe it or not, some people sit there all week playing stuff like this repeatedly, even though there are no additional rewards for playing, other than pixels on a screen telling them they’re doing great.
Meanwhile, real life passes by outside their window 🙄
Oh, so pixels on your screen give you something else
It's just a small Story mode. There is no need for it to be replayble. Besides that they are still working on Mercenaries as the HUGE and replayable pve mode.
What is difference between Mercenaries and Heroes?
In Magic there are TONS of garbage cards.
And there are the same OP decks for months.
And sometimes they just BAN cards and you 100$ card becomes 0$ garbage
I think they will remove rat pack
You don't need board. Only 1 1/1 creature. And 1 enemy big creature - you get good stats, enemy creature dies.
Or you have 1 big creature and 1 small. Big creature attacks - give his stats to small - small (now big) creature attacks
Serena didn't make big creature small, didn't make herself big, couldn't attack immediately. She is MUCH worse then this one
Who is the last one in bg nerfs?
Card back or pack looks like treasure map. So your idea is good
All cards in deck. C'Thun is not in your deck
Oh, so pixels on your screen give you something else
What is the point of mass retiring?
Maybe you get strong deck, but you lose so much gold. I don't understand
Why you look at 1 cost cards? Look at miniatures
So, Ulduar boss is 2/4 epic card?
I waited for 2 days to get it
What is difference between Mercenaries and Heroes?
They are the same, but Mercenaries are nonames
Battletag: Dalymad#2425
Region: EU
Trade only?: Yes, you go first