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    posted a message on How do I get to Rank 5 in Standard?

    Just got to rank 5 the other day with a combination of Midrange Hunter, Dragon Tempo Warrior and N'Zoth Priest this month. Played N'Zoth Priest for the majority of the month to 10, then played Dragon Warrior (not too much success though) and then just grinded Hunter until I hit 5. When you're playing different decks, make sure you remember that at the end of the day, the winner is the person who drops to zero first (and stays at zero). A lot of my friends play for value too much even if they're playing an Aggro deck  

    Laddering is super luck oriented I feel since some match ups feel virtually impossible to win sometimes. Just keep cueing with decks (try and use only one deck per session though so you don't confuse yourself) you feel comfortable playing and eventually you'll get a string of good match ups and you just ride the momentum. Also really helps to ladder with someone ghosting you (I had a good irl friend with me most of the time) and also important not to get too emotionally invested if you get lucked. If you feel like you're getting lucked, take a break and come back. Probably the most important thing (which is also why having a friend helps a ton too) because your plays can get pretty darn sloppy if you're in a bad. 

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on Disciple of C'Thun good even without C'Thun Deck?

    My friend and I did a top ten list for WOG cards the day before release and I put it as my number one. I think it's effect is incredibly strong. Been running it in Miracle and stuff just because I can. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on New Card - Validated Doomsayer

    Everyone's talking about it being a BGH target, but weren't people speculating about a BGH nerf?

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on In defense of Secret Paladins

    Trust me when I say this, I don't need to play Secret Paladin, to know how it works. Everything you've stated as weak points (every deck has its flaws) of the deck are extremely obvious and people, more or less, have already figured it out for themselves. Secret Paladin is hated because of how mindless it is for you to throw down whatever fills out your curve and how it forces you to have immediate answers or else the pressure is just too much for you to recover from.  Mysterious Challenger is very, very different from the likes of Tirin tor Mage or whatever it's called (doesn't need secrets from hand, 5 secrets are not as easy to play around with than a mirror entity, thins out your deck, etc). I won't even get into how control priest and "armour" warrior are apparently half-wit decks.

    Apologies for typos and grammar. On mobile 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Top Legend Combo Druid

    Fair fair point. Don't get me wrong, I feel that the S21 and such should be the standard, but there are many that choose to do the initials of the last expansion the deck was used after. Most decks that show off new cards have the name of the card in the title anyways, even if it's just a Midrange Druid with a Raven Idol thrown in, or an Oil Rogue with just Argent Horserider as a new card. But even if it is misleading, how much time are you honestly losing?

    Posted in: Top Legend Combo Druid
  • 10

    posted a message on Top Legend Combo Druid

    I honestly don't know how many times I have to go through this before some people understand. That tag isn't to show what cards the deck has. It's only to show during which patch/format that the deck was used in. What else is he supposed to put? TGT? GVG?

    Posted in: Top Legend Combo Druid
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    posted a message on Midrange Paladin x Control Priest

    If you think it's easy to get board control against a Priest with a Paladin, you must be playing against a really weird priest or something. The combination of Wild Pyromancer and Holy Nova can help deal with the early pressure, and the Auchenais and Lightbomb can completely devastate your board when things get out of hand for them. Overall one of the hardest match ups if both sides get their ideal hands. 

    One way to beat them is to put a lot of pressure with sticky minions early until turn 6. Then you can drop Justicar and keep flooding your board, bait out all of their AOE (mainly Lightbomb and Auchenai) and then finish them up with a Big Quartermaster. I think it's really important that you don't overextend into AOE with your actual cards too much. Use your Hero Power often. And don't play Lay on Hands and Tirion if you can help it. 

    Btw, interesting that you choose to run only one shredder and one uldaman. And one true silver. Double Defender of Argus might also be contributing to your difficulty with beating Control Priest since they don't put up as much pressure as a Shredder or have as much utility as an Uldaman. 

    Posted in: Paladin
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    posted a message on Going to first Fireside Gathering, looking for advice/deck critique

    I'll agree with people above and say that if you can't break rank 17, then you're gonna have a hard time. That being said, that's not really the point anyways. First off, you should makes these decks using the deckbuilder tool on Hearthpwn and provide links here, just so it's easier for people to look at when they're helping you. Second off, Totempo Shaman is really not that great. It works. Some games it will completely dominate due to an unanswered Thunder Bluff, but most of the time, it get's outclassed by other decks like Midrange Paly, Zoo, and Combo Druid. So I'd say scrap that deck. Your Face Hunter seems pretty standard. Personally have never played it myself, but from what i can tell, a Midrange Hunter will probably do much better in a conquest format, just because it's more consistent and has a lot more options. 

    What other classes do you play? Because I would probably recommend you playing something like Midrange Druid, Oil Rogue, Freeze Mage or even Control Priest to deal with some of Control Warrior's weaker match ups such as Secret Paly, Zoo, and so on. 

    Posted in: General Deck Building
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    posted a message on Deathlord is great right now

    Of course it's a fantastic control card. I know it's a great card since I run control priest half the time, and it's great at stopping aggro and also to stop a ForSav combo, etc. However, because I do run the card a lot, there have been games where you're pressured into playing Deathlord without an answer to whatever might pop out just so that you can survive a couple more turns. The reason I named Antoinidas is because Tempo Mage can abuse him if Deathlord dies on their turn and spawn so much damage in their hand you can't possibly out heal. And Ysera is almost impossible to deal with, especially if it's early in the game. Something like Reno, Boom, Loatheb popping out if you have answers? Sweet. But you're not gonna get the luxury of holding back your Deathlord and pass until turn 5/6 or until you can get SW:D most of the time. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Deathlord is great right now

    Wait till pit pulls out an antoinidas or ysera and then get back to me. Seriously though. That card is terrifying if you're the one playing it. Obviously it's great most of the time, but it's worst case scenario is dreadful

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 5

    posted a message on Do you enjoy having one wing per week?

    Personally, I love the way it is now. It's great because: a) Try out new cards in different decks bit by bit. It would be too overwhelming if they release it all at once. For example, all last week I was playing 8 different Reno decks, Battlecry Shaman, Hatrattle, Djinni Priest, Aggro Shade Druid, and Zoo. Now this week I've been playing Overload Shaman, Mill Rogue, Bran Dragon Decks, Midrange paly and Deathrattle Rogue. Having them release all four (or five) wings is way too much. Not enough time to digest all the cards. 

    b), Lets you experience a series of smaller metagames as the cards slowly come out every week. Once they realease the last wing, we're gonna be stuck with that metagame for months before the next expansion anyways. And people playing HS tend to get sick of metagames extremely fast, why make the post-LOE metagame start several weeks earlier?


    And c) it gives F2P players an opportunity to make gold. People were saying Blizzard was trying to get people to buy LoE with money just because they gave one week's notice. Can you imagine if they released ALL the wings after one week? People would flip out and blame Blizzard for being greedy even more so. 

    Posted in: Adventures
  • 9

    posted a message on How are you buying the new adventure? Gold or Cash?

    -.- And you don't aknowledge that they're giving out more cards for less gold. Well done forums, well done. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Balancing Dominant Cards

    I'm sorry but I'm failing to understand the purpose behind these changes. You're nerfing aggro for a bit but then you're also nerfing equality, cabal, sylvanas and shield slam? Many of these changes are unneccesary. 

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Looking to build an Inspire style non-stop healing priest deck

    Feel that injured Kvaldir and Tournament Medic are just not good enough to warrant slots for. You're better off with Zombie Chow and Sen'jin/Shredder respectively because they impact the board a lot better and just more consistent. Especially in a deck like Control Priest where you're gonna have a lot of dead cards, you need good stat sticks on the board that you can just throw down to trade. 

    Posted in: Priest
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    posted a message on Why Aggro decks are so popular

    A lot of people have realized that that aggro decks' cost is a factor in why they are so popular, so I'm not so sure what you're trying to bring up here. Also, Patron actually kept aggro in check...it wasn't an aggro deck and games were definitely not done in three turns for that deck. And anyways, aggro decks are just a lot more efficient for laddering because of the length of the game, the decent enough win rate, strong match ups across the board, and the usually very simplistic play style of the decks.

    It annoys me when people become so impatient and think Blizzard isn't trying to do something to fix it. They aren't idiots people. They actually want this game to succeed (surprise!). Give it a few months. Geez. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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