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    Battletag: Serenity#2585

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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2

    I just lost to a Hunter because he ran Elysiana and to add insult to the injury he also got more Zul'jins from her...

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    posted a message on The Pepper Thread - Share your good vibes!

    Just won a game where about 15 Y'sharaaj were played (and got killed) by my adorable Priest opponent... The best moment though was when he overdrew the one card that would have fucked me up (Rag)... Unfortunately he conceded as soon as he saw Exodia and I denied me the chance of winning a game in which 20 Y'sharaaj had been played and killed... 


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    posted a message on Farewell HearthPwn...

    Ave at atque value old friend,you'll be missed... 

    Well,I'll see you guys on the new site,I'm glad to hear Kaladin has already joined,and I hope to see as many members of this community as possible! 

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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2

    I thought about making a thread about this but since I don't think I can expose my thoughts in a way that doesn't make me look like a salt mine I'll just post it here to avoid all the comments that would point me to this thread... Hopefully someone will notice it anyway... 

    The problem is that I fucking hate Warrior in Standard right now... They have so much value that I can't even come close to beating them with anything even remotely slow...

    I know I could just play Mech Hunter and enjoy free wins but that Deck is dull as hell to play so I can't force myself to use it for more than completing Quests... I've tried Mage,Shaman and Warlock and none of them seems to work the way I wanted... 

    Mage basically relies on highrolling the Giant early,not to mention all the RNG involved with Mana Cyclones... Also if you don't draw Conjurer's Call in time you're just stuck with a clunky hand and you get rekt by any kind of Hunter....

    Shaman is a RNG fiesta even worse than Mage due to Hagatha's hero power that doesn't seem to be useful for anything other than making you overdraw... And even Elysiana+Shudderwock doesn't seem to be able to outvalue Omega Assembly and Boom's hero power...

    Warlock is something I probably shouldn't even have tried but apparently not even on curve Jaraxxus can deal all the their removal because once Boom hits (which seems to be always on turn 7) there's no fucking way to make a board stick cause they can clear it with their minions and can afford to hold AOE... 

    Someone the other day suggested I tried Shirvallah OTK and I said I didn't want to burn 800 dust on two Epics I probably wouldn't use anywhere else but I loathe Warrior so much right now that I might give it a try... Does anyone have any other Deck I could try to make them suffer? 

    HSreplay seems to suggest that Dragon Mage is your best bet if you want a Control Deck to beat Warrior but as mentioned above I just don't see how you're supposed to win if you don't get a Giant and Conjurer's Call early,maybe though I'm playing it wrong so any advice is appreciated...  

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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2
    Quote from beppe946 >>
    Quote from Prudence94 >>

    The fact that you can't play a slow Deck in Standard unless you're playing Warrior is stupid... The amount of late game value they get out of 4 cards (Devastator/Assembly/Boom/Dynomatic) is just ridiculous... Say whatever you want about them being uninteractive but I wish there were combo Decks available to punish those greedy fuckers... I'd lose to every single Hunter and Mage out there but It wouldn't matter as long as Warriors wanted to concede on spot whenever they faced me...  Now,this would be a non issue if Wild wasn't infested by Big Priest but unfortunately nerfing to the ground Tempo Rogue seems to take priority over fixing a moronic Deck that we've had to deal with for 2 years already....  

     Bazookadin says hi

    I'm not crafting useless Epics like Bankers for that and also seeing that every Warrior I face seems to have Boom on curve I'm not sure 50 damage is enough to burn through all their HP,especially if you're playing a Deck that is basically just card draw... But luckily SniSnap or whatever it's called is coming so from June 3rd all I'll be playing is TTK Priest even if it means playing a class I despise and losing to every Aggro Deck out there... Oh and hopefully they'll nerf Warrior too,If I have to see Prep gutted I wanna see them suffer as well... 

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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2

    The fact that you can't play a slow Deck in Standard unless you're playing Warrior is stupid... The amount of late game value they get out of 4 cards (Devastator/Assembly/Boom/Dynomatic) is just ridiculous... Say whatever you want about them being uninteractive but I wish there were combo Decks available to punish those greedy fuckers... I'd lose to every single Hunter and Mage out there but It wouldn't matter as long as Warriors wanted to concede on spot whenever they faced me...  Now,this would be a non issue if Wild wasn't infested by Big Priest but unfortunately nerfing to the ground Tempo Rogue seems to take priority over fixing a moronic Deck that we've had to deal with for 2 years already....  

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    posted a message on Game of Thrones is disappointing
    Quote from Zpbridge >>

    Can anyone explain why Drogon did not kill Jon in the finale? Is it because he is a Targaryen? Could it be because Drogon saw how crazy Dany was getting and agreed she would not be the right ruler?

    Both in the series and the books is stated that Dragons are as intelligent as humans so I think the reason Drogon melted the throne and didn't kill Jon is because he knew that what Jon did was right and that it was the throne the one to blame for Dany's death... 

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    posted a message on Game of Thrones is disappointing

    I just finished watching the episode and it turns out those Reddit leaks were true after all...  It was so bland and predictable that I don't even manage to rant about it... I'm just sad that such a great series didn't get a final episode to be remembered and above all that it didn't get the final season it deserved, because this could've been the best season of the show by far and instead we got this rushed down thing no one will ever want to rewatch and that spoils all the good things that have been done in the previous seasons... 

    In an attempt to forget this crappy episode and season I'll leave here what I think was the best scene in the whole series...

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    posted a message on Game of Thrones is disappointing

    I really don't understand all the hatred towards this episode,yes it would've been much better if they had taken more time to develop some plotlines (that can be said about the whole season though,it could've been the best of all of them but laziness ruined it),but overall the episode is still good... It's the best of the season by a mile... 

    Dany losing it makes perfect sense,it was rushed as fuck and I would've like it way more if she snapped after Missandei's death or right after Jon refused her and the battle against the Iron Fleet involved so much plot armor that it made me sick but that's it,everything else makes perfect sense and I don't see how else it could've ended...

    Jon has been useless for the majority of the time so I can't see why people still expect him to do something relevant... He will kill Dany next episode almost for sure but I don't see that as worth of note,it's just soo predictable as everything else his character does...

    Varys died doing what he thought was most important and that is giving the realm a good ruler... I don't see anything wrong with that...

    Tyrion has been useless for a while now so I wouldn't even count him in...

    Grey Worm,poor thing just lost the love of his life... Unsullied or not you'd be pissed if that happened to you... Also,he was just obeying his Queen...

    Euron is goddamn useless and his whole plotline was a waste time that could've been used in a better way but those 2 minutes aren't a reason to hate on an otherwise good episode...

    Jaime and Cersei made perfect sense to me,again his plotline could've been developed a bit more.but I loved the way it ended... What did people want exactly? Arya killing Cersei? or worse Jaime and Brienne together?

    Arya giving up revenge (also thanks to Sandor) shows great character development so I don't see anything wrong with that too...

    Also,finally seeing Drogon wrecking havoc and showing all his mightiness after 7 seasons of just spitting fire once in a blue a moon felt great...


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    posted a message on Game of Thrones is disappointing

    After some crappy episodes,namely 2 and especially 3,we've finally got a good one... Hadn't it been for some plots that were overly rushed I would've given it 9/10 but as it stands I'd say it's still an 8/8.5,because you know,Dragon(s) are cool... Now onto the actual spoilers...

    Rip Varys you were a great character and I've always admired the dedication with which you defended your way of thinking...

    Cersei,someone needs to give an Oscar to this woman (Seriously I'll be pissed if Lena Headey doesn't win some kind of award for her GOT Performance)...  She blew up the Sept of Baelor and like 10 members of the cast along thousands of people,tortured many other and the list of her despicable actions could go on for ages still she cares so fucking much about her children that I can't help but like her even though she's an asshole most of the time... The moment when she and Jaime were hugging and she kept saying she wanted her child to live had in me tears...

    Jaime,his going back to his sister was probably a bit rushed,especially after all the happened with Brienne, and his fight against Euron didn't make sense at all,still I really like the way his character developed... Also I was sooooo glad that it wasn't Arya that killed Cersei...

    Tyrion Hmm how long since he has done anything relevant? He freed Jaime and that's it... I miss the Tyrion from earlier seasons...

    Euron,seriously? All he wanted to was to kill Jaime Lannister and have sex with Cersei? Wasted potential,the character in the book is much more interesting... 

    Jon: Is there anyone who likes him because I find him boring... He realized Dany has completely lost it and will probably kill her in the next episode but other than that he's so predictable... Hopefully the throne got destroyed so there's nothing for people to make him sit onto...

    Arya: The moment she called the Hound by name had me almost in tears and I think I lost it when she said "Thank You"... I'm really glad she didn't kill Cersei and would really like if she added Dany's name to her list (even though she probably gave up revenge so that's not gonna happen)... Also,someone will need to explain to me the horse thingy because I didn't really get it...

    Qyburn: I found his death poetic... Killed by his own creation... 

    Cleganebowl! : The fight itself was nothing impressive but I loved Sandor's character development,probably the best in the show... He went from killing a kid on his King's whim to saving Sansa to being an almost parental figure for Arya...

    And last but not least the Mad Queen Daenerys Targaryen: Her plotline is the biggest reason I wouldn't give 9/10 to this episode... Her losing it and wrecking havoc makes perfect sense and Emila Clarke's acting was spot on (When she said "Let it be fear" it gave me chills) but I don't like the way they've done it...  She destroyed the Iron Fleet doing the same thing she did last time (The very same fleet that last week had killed Rhaegal and forced to retreat) how exactly? Have the Ironborns,especially Euron,turned into morons all of sudden? Anyway,after getting rid of the ships she destroys the gates and then stops and sits atop a building all until the bells ring,after that she just loses it and goes apeshit on the civilians... I get that she was always unstable,that she felt like people didn't love her and she also had lost Jorah,Missandei and 2 of her children so Jon refusing her was the last straw but why did she lose it just when the bells rang? If she really wanted to kill everyone why did she stop instead of wrecking havoc from the start? Basically what did the sound of the bells trigger in her that those death's or Jon's betrayal didn't? This is my biggest gripe with this episode... I think the Mad Queen plotline is fine and has been foreshadowed enough throughout the series but I didn't like at all the way it was executed...

    Overall I think this was a good episode but I think it could've been the best in the whole series if they had taken the time to polish it more... I feel like if this season had 10 episodes instead of 6 it would've been the best in the show by a mile... Plotlines like Dany/Jaime's wouldn't have felt rushed and the whole WW thing would have been way better if it took 2/3 episodes instead of 1 (I mean it's called "The Long Night" for a reason) but unfortunately D&D don't share my opinion... 

    Now I don't know what to expect from the finale but I have a feeling we've seen the best of the season today... Hopefully I'm wrong because it would be a shame if such a great show had a poor ending... 

    P.s. Props to Drogon for being a good boi that didn't get itself killed and for using up all HBO's CGI budget for the next 10 years...   


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    posted a message on One and only rogue card to nerf
    Quote from clawz161 >>

    Give waggle pick the paladin treatment, make it eight mana

    Waggle Pick isn't the problem though... It's a Deathrattle card,which means an Ooze/Harrison shits on it... If it weren't for Raiding Party tutoring it,alongside cards that synergize with it,it would barely see play...  

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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2

    Fuck Warriors,I don't care if Rogue is OP and they're keeping it in check but right now I hate playing against anything that includes Garrosh/Magni... Elysiana into a copy effect is so retarded that it makes me wish DKs/Exodia were still in rotation...  Also,Omega Devastator is stupid enough on its own and the fact that they can generate like 4/5 through discoveries is outrageous... #Iwantbalancechangesnow

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    posted a message on Game of Thrones is disappointing

    Huge spoilers ahead so do not keep reading if you haven't watched the episode...

    They've been hyping this battle for the last 2 seasons,they spent the first 2 episodes creating even more hype and making you think it would the epic battle of Life Vs Death and instead we got one of the worst,if not the worst,episodes of a TV series I've ever seen.... Even if we set aside the fact that it was all so goddamn dark that seeing what was going on was almost impossible more than a half of what happened doesn't make much sense.... 

    • What was the Dothraki's purpose?! They came to Westeros and all they did was being sent into an illogical,nonsensical and useless charge...   
    • What the hell did Dany and Jon do the whole time? When the WW were climbing the walls fire would've have stopped them but where were Dragons in that moment? Apparently flying somewhere else because both their riders seemed to have turned into idiots all of sudden and were flying cluelessly in the air...
    • How on earth did Jon survive all those WW after falling the Dragon?! God I hate plot armor,especially when the show initially made you think no one was save from death... 
    • Also,the NK,who had hit Viserion from a much bigger distance last season,somehow missed Drogon even if he was closer to him,like seriously? Has he somehow gone blind in between seasons?...  
    • Why did Theon have to die? Hadn't he charged the NK (why would you ever do something so stupid?) he might still be alive...
    • You're fighting someone who's known for rising the dead and you decide to hide where? In a fucking crypt? Brilliant...
    • And last but not least NK's death... I can get over the fact that it was Arya who killed him (Bland but still better than Jon) but the way it was done was outrageous... It seems that all of sudden the NK and his Generals have turned into complete morons that don't even notice someone running past them... I get that Arya is no one,a skilled assassin etc but she literally ran past the whole WW'army and no one even tried to stop her... How does that make even the slightest bit of sense to anyone?!?! 
    • Also,if we go by Melisandre's words Arya is gonna kill Cersei too... C'mon what's after that? Jaime and Brienne get married? or worse Dany/Jon end up on the throne?

    The show had been declining lately but I really didn't think it could get this boring and predictable,hopefully the next episodes will be better but after the abomination that I had to watch today I highly doubt that...  


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    posted a message on No Ice Block - No Problem! [Freeze mage] + Guide

    I'm glad to see there are still people like me that love this Deck... I think this list is the best I've seen around or at least the closest to the playstyle I'd want the Deck to have while also being able to tackle the meta... My only gripe is Liefedrinker,we desperately need healing and early game presence (and face damage too I suppose) but the card is just bad,I'd personally replace both with cycle/another AOE and Tony... I'll give it a try and see how it does,fingers crossed that I won't see too many Warriors...  

    Posted in: No Ice Block - No Problem! [Freeze mage] + Guide
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