• 7

    posted a message on Netherstorm Possibly The Second Expansion for YOTR

    I noticed that the Elven Minstrel, when played, declares "There once was a man from Gilneas." The next expansion was inspired by Gilneas.

    Today I was playing against Experiment 3C in the Monster Hunter gamemode, when it emoted something about "the lab in Netherstorm."

    There was already speculation that the second expansion would be in Netherstorm, but I believe Blizzard is now hiding clues in their cards and game modes about the next expansion. This settles in my mind what the next expansion will be. 

    To my knowledge, this hasn't been done in previous sets. I don't remember anything hinting to Frozen Throne or even Catacombs. Could it be that there has been a crumb-trail all along and we've been missing it? What do you think?

    Posted in: General Discussion
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