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    posted a message on New Warrior Card - Explore Un'Goro

    Useful for late-game top-deck. Otherwise... not so much.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Bittertide Hydra: Overrated?

    Are you suggesting you know more than the Hearthstone community? "don't bring up what the HS community thinks about a card as an argument". 

    Also, Flamewreathed Faceless was a strong card (at least played on turn 4). It's a stronger body than any other card on the board until about turn 6. The hypothetical 5 mana 8/8 would You're right about control though. Playing an early 8/8 would control the board. But if you say that control would play it, how does "nobody would play it except aggro druid" work?  The goal of an aggro deck is to quickly end the game right? Well, even with an aggro deck the game won't always end on turn 5. Given I play aggro decks, I think I have at least some idea of what an aggro deck is. Playing a really aggressive deck with a mana curve centred at 2 will start to lose out around turn 5. A 5 mana 8/8 without a drawback can be the final card to win. There are many games I have lost even though my opponent had less than 10 health by turn 5 with aggro decks. With a 5 mana 8/8, I could end of the game. There are also reasons that aggro players don't play Mountain and Arcane Giant. When's the last time you've seen 8 cards in the hand of an aggro player on turn 5? Never? Oh, that's right, because an aggro deck has to actually use cards in the early game. Arcane Giant is utterly unsuitable in a deck without many spells, and many aggro decks would be too busy placing minions to play 7 spells by turn 5.

    Oh, here's another thing. If this card is hard-removed, it doesn't provide that much value. A 4-mana Polymorph would only be a net gain of 1 mana- sure, it's 1 mana, but Polymorph is typically used on 7+ mana cards, or cards that received that much buffing.

    Also, midrange. The statement you've made is really odd. A midrange deck usually wants cards which have a better sole value than any other card in the opponent's deck. What better example than a 5 mana 8/8? A midrange deck usually doesn't believe in synergies any way, so it won't "screw up your synergies". And a 5 mana card too slow against control decks? What do you mean? Midrange decks are usually centered around 4 mana. 5 mana is just 1 more than that!

    In an aggro deck, a 5 mana 8/8 card is worth it as a finisher. In a midrange deck, it's the ultimate example of value. And in a control deck, well I don't need to explain, since you said yourself that it would be used.

    Honestly, I don't see how losing 2 card slots is pretext to avoid such a value card.

    EDIT: Sorry I didn't quote Grynax, thought I did.


    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Bittertide Hydra: Overrated?
    Quote from Grynax >>

    Raw stats are not powerful enough anymore in this game, so it definitely isn't really relevant in constructed. I'm not sure about it ever having been overrated, but I sure haven't seen it in a while. In all honesty, Team 5 could just print a vanilla 5-Mana 8/8 without a downside and no one would play it apart from Aggro-Druid. And even then, going wide is much more effective than going big.

     Oh really now? Everyone, and I mean everyone would play it. I mean seriously. Flamewreathed Faceless is a 4 mana 7/7 with 2 Overload. Everyone was complaining about it. It was easily one of the best shaman cards, and it was so cheap, a common.Don't believe me? On Hearthpwn's poll on the card, 54.2% called it Meta-defining. Now that's a strong card. Now imagine Flamewreathed Faceless... without the Overload. That's a recipe for a bloody OP card. It would be nerfed instantly. At least it would be nerfed to a 7/7 or a 7/6. Aggro Druid wouldn't be the only one playing it. Every aggro deck would play it. Most midrange decks would play it. Even control might play it. (I mean seriously, who wants to lose the almost 50% chance of having a 5 mana 8/8 body on turn 5?) 
    Sure, no one plays Flamewreathed Faceless anymore (in constructed, in arena it's picked 60% of the time). But it's only a 6 mana 7/7. A legit 5 mana 8/8? WTF?
    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Tortollan Forager

    Aggro Druid's best card!

    Posted in: Tortollan Forager
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