• 0

    posted a message on Class Creation Competition Phase II - Discussion Topic


    You didn't make it to phase II, but you have still created a complete and interesting class! May I take a look?

    Verdant Spheres : Does your hero power affect a random card in your hand or can you choose the card it affects? Just to know. It may change how your cards are balanced.

    Burning Grasp : Simple yet efficient card.

    Pulsing Flames : The artwork is awesome. Good synergy with your hero power indeed. Ah, the wording should be "all enemy minions" to be in line with other similar cards.

    Sin'dorei Historian : Good simple card.

    Gravity Lapse : Maybe it should say "Return a random enemy minion to your opponent's hand. It costs (2) more next turn." This wording is more similar to what you may find on Sap and Loatheb. But I love the effect. Perhaps it should cost 3 mana, because (i) it's random and (ii) the higher-cost effect isn't permanent (like Freezing Trap).

    P.S. : Oh, I see why you have used numbers here... Read your comment. Hmm, confusing indeed. But really interesting...

    Arcane Eruption : "Deal 3 damage, then deal 3 damage randomly split among all enemies." Really cool effect! Can kill a Piloted Shredder and its repop, for example. A little too strong for its cost, should be 6 mana.

    Cavern Blood Magus : Well, maybe it should only empty your mana crystals. A 10-mana 10/2, ok that's weak... But a 10-mana 20/2? It seems a little out of place for a basic card. A 1-mana 1/3 that empties only your mana crystals seems really good. The stats will always be ok for its cost and the minion will retain its versatility.

    Mental Elasticity : I'm starting to see a pattern here... :)

    Power Conduit, Arcane Annihilator, Wave of Flame : Now that I've looked at all your cards, I really start to appreciate the interaction between your hero power and your spells. Weaker than usual spells, but that can be greatly buffed! Nice for control decks.



    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 10

    posted a message on Class Creation Competition Phase II - Submission Topic

    The Lorewalker

    "Show me what you've learned."

    Lorewalker Cho


    Reminder : The Lorewalker class is aimed for Control, Aggro Mill, Control Mill, Fatigue and Hand decks. The purpose of the class is to copy your opponent's cards, fill your opponent's hand and resort to peaceful ways to win.

    3 Card Examples

    Hear and Learn : Lorewalkers, especially Cho, love to recount stories and tell you more about the history of Pandaria. Hear and Learn is your base class card for milling your opponent. It adds 3 cards to your opponent's hand : History Lesson, a 2-mana spell which reads "Draw a card." Thus, the Lorewalker is the sole class to possess a class card which is specifically made for milling.

    When you mill your opponent, you want to constantly keep his hand filled with cards. History Lesson perfectly fulfill this purpose, because it's sticky ; it draws a card.

    Hear and Learn

    TOKEN CARD - History Lesson

    History Lesson

    Transcribe : You wouldn't be a Lorewalker if you didn't write down stories you learned. Transcribe is your most versatile class card and can be powerful in any kind of deck. It acts like Shadowstep, but for spells. You want to further mill your opponent? Copy Hear and Learn. Need another AoE effect during the late game? Copy Tranquility. You copied a great spell with your hero power? Copy it. (Too much copies...)

    As you might suspect, the Lorewalker is a spell-heavy class. As such, Transcribe is an essential tool. In the classic set, the Lorewalker will even receive more spells that you might want to copy, with diversified effects ; healing, soft removal, early-game AoE, etc.


    Mind Opening : On paper, it's really thrilling to be able to copy your opponent's cards, with your hero power or class cards (like Careful Research). In practice, you will not be necessarily inclined to play those cards. Or you won't be able. Deadly Poison and you don't have a weapon? Nerubian Egg and you have nothing to activate it? Millhouse Mana... wait, why do my opponent even play THAT card?

    Mind Opening lets you discard useless cards, cycle through your deck and find the cards you really need. In a control deck, it's essential to always have adequate answers in hand, or have your big threats during the late game. The cost to pay? Mind Opening won't cycle itself. But that's not too dramatic.

    Mind Opening

     The 7 Other Cards

    Study your opponent and copy his style of play...

    Capture the EssenceCareful Research

    Capture the Essence : When you play the Lorewalker class, you don't destroy your opponent's minions. You appreciate their strength and you copy them! Capture the Essence works similar to Mirror Entity . It's harder to use correctly on a filled board. However, it's more subtle (your opponent won't know if you have this card in hand or not) and you choose when to use it. Great card in control matchups.

    Careful Research : Careful Research embodies the Lorewalker style of play. Not only does this card give you information about what you might expect from your opponent, but it also give you some cards. Learn from your opponent and use his best assets against him! You play against a Druid and suspect that he keeps Savage Roar and Force of Nature in hand? Usually that's a pretty dangerous and tricky situation, but not when you play the Lorewalker class!

    Mill your opponent...

    Experimented TeacherTranquility

    Experimented Teacher : A Lorewalker's most essential skill : teaching. Experimented Teacher is a strong early minion that helps you "flood" your opponent's hand. It comboes well with your other class cards, like Exotic Lore Student and Defiant Guard. And what would be a teacher without a student? Experimented Teacher adds a 0-mana vanilla 2/2 minion to your opponent's hand.

    Tranquility : You will need a peaceful environment to teach and study, without loud bangs and clashing swords. Tranquility is the class base AoE effect. It doesn't destroy everything or do a horrendous amount of damage. However, it's excellent for slowing down the game and milling your opponent, while preserving your own board. It can be used in conjunction with cards like Experimented Teacher and Hear and Learn to destroy some key targets.

    Fill your opponent's hand to your advantage...

    Exotic Lore StudentDefiant Guard

    Exotic Lore Student : Ok, you fill your opponent's hand, and after that? Exotic Lore Student, like Goblin Sapper and Clockwork Giant, benefits from your opponent having a well filled hand. It comboes with your other class cards, like Hear and Learn and Experimented Teacher. It is similar to Questing Adventurer ; it has stronger stats, but you don't control its effect.

    Defiant Guard : When you mill your opponent, you want him to keep his cards in hand. Defiant Guard helps you slow down your opponent. Against aggro decks, it will probably prevent your opponent from playing two minions at once. Against midrange decks, it could prevent your opponent from playing a minion on curve. Notice that even if your minion dies, its effect still apply.

    Take control of the late game...


    Prosperity : Pandaria, a thriving land full of wonders. Prosperity acts as a stronger Innervate. It will come later, but it can be excessively powerful. A turn-6 Ysera or a turn-5 Ragnaros (with the Coin) can immediately turn the game into your favour. Also, you may have noticed that your hero power produces overpriced cards. Prosperity helps you play these cards at a reasonable cost.

    TOKEN CARD - Young Trainee

    Young Trainee

     What to expect next?

    A new Lorewalker legendary which has an excellent synergy with your hero power, a scroll that accomplishes all your dreams, and trolls drinking tea...

    Good luck to all the competitors! I love everything that I've seen so far!

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 15

    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition #22: Submission Topic


    This card is made for Midrange and Control Beast-oriented Hunter. It has an excellent synergy with big costly cards, like Gahz'rilla and King Krush, that you would normally see in those decks.

    Also, it has an excellent synergy with Call Pet on turn 6. As we know, Call Pet is mostly unplayable, because it is unreliable. Spinosaurus helps you overcome this problem ang gives you a strong minion (most of the time, in a standard Midrange deck, it will be a 4/5).

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 13

    posted a message on Class Creation Competition Phase I - Submission Topic [Ended]

    The Lorewalker

    Our favorite Pandaren is back and he wants to test his new skills!

    Lorewalker Cho

    The Lorewalker class is a class based on teaching and learning. In practice, it means that you will like to copy your opponent's cards, give cards to your opponent, imitate his style and be prepared for every eventuality. Your Hero Power (Study), for example, let you copy a card from your opponent's hand, in the same way as Mind Vision does. Except that the copied card cost (1) more.

    The Lorewalker class is well suited for : Control, Mill , Fatigue and Hand decks. You will certainly see why...


    The first card is the Experimented Teacher. A strong early minion that can substitute Zombie Chow.  It can also help you "flood" your opponent's hand. As you might suspect, some (future) cards in the Lorewalker class will benefit from your opponent playing cards (like a Mind Control Tech, or a reversed Questing Adventurer).

    Note : Experimented Teacher adds a vanilla 2/2 minion for (0) to your opponent's hand.

    Experimented Teacher

    The second card is Careful Research. A card that embodies the Lorewalker style of play. Not only does this card give you information about what you might expect from your opponent, but it also give you some cards. Learn from your opponent and use his best assets against him!

    You play against a Druid and suspects that he keeps a Savage Roar/Force of Nature combo? Nice, copy it. You play against a Mage and he keeps some cards forever and ever? Might be a Fireball or a Flamestrike. Oh, yes it is, better adapt my game plan accordingly.

    Careful Research

    The third card is Tranquility.  The base class AoE effect. It doesn't destroy everything or do a horrendous amount of damage. That wouldn't be polite... and, sincerely, it's far more easier to study in a peaceful environnement. No more loud bangs and clashing swords while I'm reading that book, please.

    Also, it's an AoE effect that is well adapted for the Lorewalker class. It's excellent for slowing down the game and milling your opponent, while preserving your own board. It can be used in conjunction with cards like Experimented Teacher to destroy some key targets.


    In conclusion, play the Lorewalker class if you want to play a fun game, where you never exactly know how you will play.

    And yes, Lorewalker Cho loves to play the Lorewalker Cho legendary.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 1

    posted a message on Card Album - My Creations!

    Hello Zenmasta, nice work!

    Flesh Golem : Nice mechanic. Strong card. You may essentially look at this card like a 3/3 "Deathrattle : Summon a 3/2-ish". So it's really stronger than Harvest Golem. If you don't need the Deathrattle mechanic, you would definitely pick this card because of its value.

    Forsaken Apothecary : Nice simple card. 

    Frostbrood Drake : Could prevent your opponent from playing yet another Piloted Shredder, or Sylvannas. Ok stats, a little situational, at least it's a Dragon. Balanced card overall.

    Fungal Giant : Wow, first time I see this effect. Love it. But it is definitely too strong. You will always have a 8/8 for 5 mana or less, I believe. Without a drawback, like Fel Reaver. Should be priced at 12-mana.

    Furious Devilsaur : I love devilsaurs!

    Gordok Ogre-Mage : Pure chaos. Hehehe.

    Hakar the Soulflayer : Looks... balanced? If your opponent needs only 1 or 2 cards to take care of it, which should be the case, you get an okay value. This card can be really strong on an empty board. I think it would be played in Druid decks, because of the synergy with Savage Roar and Cenarius.

    I will do like Buhadog and look at the other cards later. Until then, continue to have fun with card-making!

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 17

    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition #21: Submission Topic


    A card with a 7-character name, a 7-word text and a 7 in its effect? Challenge accepted!

    Good card for minion-heavy decks. Enjoy!

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 0

    posted a message on Un'Goro Crater

    Ferocity and Fortify are nice mechanics! I would like to see cards that combine these keywords with other mechanics (for example, "Fortify" and "Taunt" seem to fit well together).

    Love the Raging Devilsaur.

    The Pterrordax Hatchling seems really strong. If you have the upper hand (for example, because you are the starting player), you can continually trade with your opponent's minions. In arena, this card would be an auto-include if you had the chance to get it. Maybe the stats should be a little weaker, what's your opinion?

    Continue the good work!

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 6

    posted a message on Weekly Design Competition #19 - [Ended]

    Patrol the town

    "To ensure peace and security, it is strictly forbidden to gather at night. By law, all suspect groups will be arrested."

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 12

    posted a message on Weekly Design Competition #18 - [Ended]

    Blitz squad

    "Job's done. Move on!"

    Note : If the battlecry kills a minion, this card returns to your hand.

    Other note : If this minion effectively comes into the battlefield and kills a minion afterwards, it needs to survive in order to succesfully return to your hand.


    Posted in: Fan Creations
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