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    posted a message on Shaman Fanatics?

    580 wins. Legend with Elemental Shaman by 400 wins exact.

    The next most played class is Priest 120.

    10 wins with Druid. LOL

    Posted in: Shaman
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    posted a message on Discuss the Nerf - Hex

    Ok. So As a free-to-play Shaman-main players from over a year. I got Legend last expansion with Elemental Shaman. I will explain why this change is bad.

    1st to make it clear. 4 mana Hex will do absolutely nothing in Shaman (non-aggro) match up against Control or Midrange(so why the hell they change it?).

    HOWEVER, it will make Shaman match-up against aggro way worse for many reasons:1) 3 mana Shaman card is shitty, the only other playable card lightning storm, feral spirit which suck ass in tempo.(And dropping naked mana totem is game losing)

    2)  Against aggro, tempo is everything. Shaman dont have a solid 3 mana play now. 4 mana turn is an powerful swing turn for Shaman (spell power+mealstrom, totem+flametounge, jade lightning, water healing). Putting hex in 4 mana slot limit a lot of other plays. 

    3) Hex is one of the best anti-aggro without hurting so much for Shaman to work with other match-up. You can hex Flappy, bloodsail, frothing or hyena in early game. The alternative substitute is lightning bolt which is very ineffective and do little against other match-up. (You also can use devolve, but this is very situational and a rng -fest)

    I know shaman in recent expansion deal pretty good against aggro, but it is still a top deck & rng match up, you hope for the best mulligan as possible and most of the time you still in passive position. Trogg and totem golem era has passed, fast deck can easily outpaced shaman resources. 

    To play shaman, You need to sacrifice your firstborn to RNG god (heroes power, evovle, devolve, lightning storm, etc). Some good constant card is hold the midrange and control shaman together. Please Blizzard DONT KILL MY CLASS.

    TDLR: 4 mana hex is bad for tempo against aggro

    ......... Need 3 mana 8/8


    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Why is "everybody" hitting legend this month (EU)?

    So do we have any statistic of how many people reach legend this month right now? Or do we have to wait for the season end?

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on NEED HELP, PLEASE!! Counter Miracle Giant Rogue Laddering

    Hey guy, this is my first time go legend but i got stuck around rank 3 for days because of so many miracle rogue. They basically run Auctioneer, draw the whole deck then drop giant Van Cleef, and 2 Arcane Giant in the same turn. How we gonna beat that!!!!

    Are there any reliable deck out there able to deal with Miracle Rogue? (and also against Quest rogue too, the 2 most popular deck around this rank)

    I am pretty noobie so some advise or guidance is much appreciated.

    Thank you. 


    Posted in: Standard Format
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