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    posted a message on Legendary Tier Crafting Guide
    Quote from MTGS_User137028 >>

    I just got Elise from a Un’Go pack, making my pulls for the set all around fairly decent (Rogue Quest in the 58 packs I bought with gold; Pyros, Kalimos and now Elise from subsequent packs), but now I need something to do with her. I have about 6k dust to play with.

    In general I’ve been considering the following crafts since I’m going to likely stop opening packs and start saving gold after my last round of good luck:

    Mage: The quest looked like a ton of fun from the start, but I could never bring myself to pull the trigger. Now I’m wondering--since I missed the initial fun--if I should just forgo getting it since overall the deck seems a little lack luster, and similar to what I’ve already played in freeze mage (note that I have everything else of the deck).

    Priest: This is one place I could maybe put Elise to good use? I’ve wanted to play control priest for quite some time (not interested in Dragons) but the deck has always seemed lack luster and, more importantly, it would be expensive to craft. Both the quest and in particular Lyra seem like fun. In terms of epics I’ve been hoping to pull shadow priests from classic packs forever and more recently I’m missing dragon fire potions and one shadow visions. Less interested in purify priest, and I’m likely missing more stuff there.

    Rogue: Have most of the goodies--I still need a second vilespine slayer--but shaku worth crafting?

    Warrior: Not usually a class I play, but I have most of the really good epics for it and taunt warrior is good. I’d need the quest, Grom, the primordial drakes, and another dirty rat. The deck, however, looks a little boring to play.

    Pally: Sunkeeper worth the craft? I missed Ragnaros and burnbristle as well. I always want to like the class but I haven't had much fun with it since playing around with N'Zoth a year ago. I'm also missing most of the epics from recent sets.

    Finally staples I’m missing from classic (though I’m not super excited about any of them): Cairne, Harrison Jones, Yersa, Geddon.

    Thanks in advance for your thoughts!

     I stole her from a few priests in standard ranked mode, and it did fairly well for myself. I was playing quest priest, usually without Lyra in the deck.  Bear in mind I hadn't played standard ranked much yet, until today and once or twice earlier in the week for the most part so they were all around rank 18. They made a few bad mistakes though, and I usually won it by fatigue or them on concede around fatigue once they realized I had it. I have no clue how it would work around rank 10.
    I intend to craft her once I grind past the stupid hunters and hit the rank 15 safe place in standard. I was grinding wild ranked with pirate warrior first this time around since I could never stand the hunters and rogues in standard this month. Chests were earned from wild  though, so as long as my standard win streaks don't keep being broken by perfect curve aggro hunters I will keep playing till 15 and then see what can bring me to 10 this month for standard. I usually lose interest after 10 since progress slows so much unless you win 2 out of 3 matches to advance faster. Wired pilate walliole is fast enough for me to keep going though.
    The new Elise is a very fun card, and it usually gives you golden cards often epic and legendary rarity. From all of the classes and neutral cards available in the play mode you are in. I believe she will do well for quest priest and warrior, perhaps the most for now.  it doesn't help against aggro and the kind of deck you may include her in won't help against aggro so you will have a tough time finding good fun matches to play with her in for now. Although, she offers so many offers from the pack that she may just fit right into ANY deck actually. Those priests I stole her from made me consider a value-based quest priest with some elemental into discovering elemental action along with my favorite new taunt the 3 drop that discover more taunts. between stolen and discovered cards along with the new Elise pack you will be loaded with shiz if hunters can stop being hunters for a while.
    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place!
    Quote from vajanIII >>

    I know i was say that i wont speak on hpwn anymore, baut tyhis is brutal.

    No one seens rogueo quest  plays on 0!! YOU DO NOT Hve 2 times some nama mnn and guest works!!

    This is absolytely insane!! Rogue quest in brawl *i checked did i buy this!.

    Juat play a minion and you are 1$4!!! And anyone of the 20.000.000 poeple can`t see this!!!

    And my problem is mysery< i play 4 times rogue quest in brawl and they *blizzard dont give me 4&4 request!! *i played more than 4&4 minions( For times!!! But I never mind this.

    ok i AM FROM STU[ID coutry and this is not a thing. But, intesn *i do know on english! , intensn that rogue guest works on first miniion!!!!! is too abnormal takes me a rrst!!

    And no one sompains *of 20.000.ooo poeple!! I am shocked at all abouth THISS!!!!!

     This Cylon just tilted me so I had to post again
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on An Ancient Recipe is This Week's Brawl!

    Big mistake to spam rogue out of the brawl decks, I tried it. Try the hunter and the mage decks, or the warrior as well. Depending on which one you work the best with out of those three you might have the highest chance of winning. Especially against the rogues lol. Many angry rogues will either rope you or concede. The brawl rogue deck is not very good. I played it about a dozen times and lost at least half of those matches because it isn't very reliable in the brawl. Wild Quest Mill Rogue is probably going to become the one that will blow somebody's lid some day. I enjoy milling since I like to imagine it frustrates people, so I plan to try to make that work once I get around to it. I truly enjoyed the concedes the first couple of days of the old gods expansion every time I milled C'Thun. Good times. Good times. Standard mill I haven't had any good idears for yet unfortunately. Too much rng in some of the cards available in standard and no brann so meh. I want to try an Quest and Cruel Dinomancer Only warlock deck and see if i can figure something reliable out until people start running a lot of silence  ... another poster further back in the thread kind of gave me that idea after talking about his warlock brawl experiences. other minions, perhaps for silence can be included so long as i play to only discard the first dinomancer and no other minions. The more minions the more thinking around it and potential problems though, so a right balance and gameplan will have to be made after grinding my teeth through a lot of trial and error.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on An Ancient Recipe is This Week's Brawl!

    I crafted it too. At least it can be fun because i am so sick of the aggro, and as a former aggro gold farmer myself (sometimes current with pirate confess) for me to say that it really means i am sick of the aggro. It doesn't let me have any fun with the priest which for the first expansion I have found to be one of the most fun classes for myself with some of the new cards but it has trouble stalling against aggro for mid game when it can come back well (at least with my draw and only using few cards like potion since if I put too much anti aggro I starts eeing rogues and mages again I swear to god blzzard does this intentionally). But the warrior can at the very least piss off the huntards until it can rag their faces in once they run out of steam. Which is fulfilling. I have seen too many huntards these past couple of days or so, probably because of the tavern brawl. Which unfortunately i can't say many bad things since it's one of the few rng brawls that have actually been good, and a good idea... since they let people play around with the quests except for the mages and shaman which seem to be elemental. But so many hunters today, I am about to spit out my bubblegum and pull up my warrior quest and go all duke nukem on the huntards.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on An Ancient Recipe is This Week's Brawl!

    @Gerbid , you just gave me a potentially brilliant idea.

    Thank you in advance if it works.

    Posted in: News
  • -3

    posted a message on An Ancient Recipe is This Week's Brawl!

    I am so sick of huntards that I decided i will rope every huntard that I see all day today. So I will be spending half the time to most of the time playing today pretty much catching up on tv and roping huntards until they find god and change their ways

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on An Ancient Recipe is This Week's Brawl!

    I won sometimes with warlock quest in standard the first week or so, but I'll be honest it wasn't often even though once i managed to activate the quest in most cases i eventually won out the board and then could push face if they didn't concede. I think we'll need to wait for the next adventure (whoops, expansion, better pull out 4 or 5 times as much as I expected to spend) to see what sort of cards may help out the quest warlock. Not only discard cards or effects, but other cards to help them stall while keeping things in the hand until they can pop the quest.  Maybe somebody will come up with something byt hen, but not with the current decks out there.

    Posted in: News
  • 1

    posted a message on Tracking More Than 500 Wins? Coming Soon to a Hearthstone Near You

    I'm pretty sure even bots wouldn't get that many is they ran pirate warrior 24/7

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place!
    Quote from orginalandyg >>

    It's so obvious the matchmaking is rigged. 

     I am roping every mentally-challenged player (huntards) I come across today since I ALWAYS see everything that beats me when I waste deck slots for them and suddenly stop seeing them almost altogether.
    (Roping retarded facetard huntards all day)
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Pirate warrior dooms the future meta?

    I'll tell you what was really fun, when i just wrecked a taunt quest warrior by turn 6 with 30 murlocs in the deck to clear one of the stupid newer quests and i bet he thought he was gonna stomp me when he saw I kept throwing murlocs even a brawl didn't stop me nor the two warrior taunts he throw out hue hue hue



    taunt warrior caca ptooie



    P.S. to poster above mine rogue is also a free win since while I'm still trying out new things i justconcede as soon as i see one unless I'm playing around with cards in my own quest rogue and am curious how things will turn out

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on New Card - Hot Spring Guardian
    Quote from SanderNightsite >>

    Learn More About Journey to Un'Goro

    Looking to learn more about Hearthstone's fifth expansion? Visit our adventure guide for Journey to Un'Goro!!

     The dream for opening elemental shaman hand is: fire plume coined out, this card, then this card the next turn to heal face or heal the first hot spring heh... while holding the legend or new "doctor 7" elemental in hand and getting it a nifty cost cut...
    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Farewell to the Dragon Army - 73.5% winrate

     Felt good in arena the other day when I realized this lucky mofoI was facing was a jade druid (he managed to keep shuffling more of them into his deck, had 12 in it already) and I was like fack this and just went straight face... and I swear... by the look of the highlights on his end... that he was dumping bricks in his chair... and it felt good... for me as I saw his avatar explode and I won the match


    moral of the story: against jade druid, always go face... the man is right

    Posted in: Farewell to the Dragon Army - 73.5% winrate
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    posted a message on S36 Mertvets's Dragon Priest legend (Outdated)

     Which set are Mathcups from? Fast Times at Relative High? I think I need to craft those, comrade.

    Posted in: S36 Mertvets's Dragon Priest legend (Outdated)
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    posted a message on Hearthstone Hits All-Time Low on Mobile
    Quote from kloklon >>
    Quote from Necronomnicon >>
    Quote from Clife >>

    I made a 2 1/2 month break of hearthstone and returned, just to see that you can rush through the ladder as jade shaman up until rank 10 (without even losing and from rank 25 onwards). These ranked ladder systems literally caught all the cancer at ranks 5-legend now lol.

    Still I can't really admit that hearthstone IS in fact too expensive. Like the problem is that people want to try out different cards, different decks, different heroes such as Rexxar and Anduin (oh wait I missed that lol)...Guess it's finally time to increase the amount of dust you can get out of disenchanting stuff permanently. I'm not asking for free packs or cards but dude just increase that goddamn dust you could get out of disenchanting a card...How is it alright to craft a NORMAL legendary for 1600 dust but if you disenchant one you only get 400 dust worth 1 epic card. This is not fair trading bro...make it double the amount you could get of now and we got a deal

     really, with TWO legendary cards per class now, or at least in the coming expansion, they need to lower the legendary crafting cost to 1200 dust to compete with Elder Scrolls Legends at the same cost to craft a legendary on top of the fact that TESL is FAR more newb AND FTP friendly. I spent only about 9 bucks on arena tickets in beta of TESL, still have a ticket left over even after using the one I got buying the madhouse pack (which gave me three copies of a legendary, and 9 other cards, so two legends I could dust for 2/3 another legend right there if I wanna). You get multiple packs in single arena runs often in Legends on top of a solo arena available with fun scenarios.  Besides those, I only bought the 5$ starter deal. I already have 71% of the collection and haven't even played it in months and only started like last august iirc and played till around sometime in october. I have 13 of the legendaries, and most of the epics and enough dust to craft 4 more legendaries. I plant o buy dark brotherhood as well, and it's only 20$ compared to hearthstone's 50 but to be fair brotherhood seems more like an adventure pack than an expansion even if they're calling it that. I had to bust my balls in hearthstone, running aggro nonstop since coming in later in the beta (but still months before open beta I think) on top of using the quest infinite reroll exploit up until they patche dit out permanently the second time it showed up  after nax and barely caught up in cards enough to get enough of the tgt set once it came out while sitll having to buy the prepurchase of it to do that. Which was the first purchase I made in hearthstone as well. i did not play for about 3 or 4, maybe 5 months or so since the open beta or whatever though for hearthstone. not even for a daily. So to be fair it took me about half a year to catch up, but with legends, I think it might only take month or 2 really. and it's far less reliant on retarded RNG and the same 2 or 3 decks that you need to craft to win yet need to win to be able to craft...
     well... why not play tes:L then if you enjoy i more than hs?

    Why not play TESL if you don't mind starting over and are too simple-minded to manage more than a single game at a time while being okay with selling your BattleNet to recoup expenses? *



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    posted a message on Hearthstone Hits All-Time Low on Mobile

    accidental double

    Posted in: General Discussion
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