• 1

    posted a message on Weekly Design Competition #19 - [Ended]

    Here is my submission for this week, hope you enjoy! =D

    Designed to be a counter to Dragon decks and to be a solid, all around good card. 

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 5

    posted a message on Weekly Design Competition #18 - [Ended]

    Here is my submission for this week, hope you enjoy! =D

    The idea behind this card is that for every minion that is killed by the Guild Leader, it gives all other friendly minions +1/+1, similar to Stormwind Champion. The difference here is that it can quickly increase to +2/+2, +3/+3 or even +10/+10 for every friendly minion, depending on the amount of creatures that are killed by the Guild Leader.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 28

    posted a message on Weekly Design Competition #17 - [Ended]

    Here is my Submission for this week, hope you enjoy! =D

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 15

    posted a message on Weekly Design Competition #12 - [Ended]

    Here's my submission for this week!

    The idea behind this card is that you play it and kill a minion or attack face. At the end of each turn, it disappears then reappears somewhere on the board. It could either be on your side of the battlefield or the opponents. The disappear-reappear mechanic doesn't actually kill the dragon, so any damage it has already taken still applies and any buffs such as Blessing of Kings and Mark of the Wild is still applied. 

    There is only one Time-Lost Proto-Drake in the WoW universe and when I saw this weeks theme, I wanted to think outside the box a little =D. Instead of doing another Galakrond or another Murozond, I thought that I would do this. The Time-Lost Proto-Drake is perhaps the rarest mob in WoW, as it has a massive respawn timer, sometimes doesn't even spawn this mob, has a huge flight path and is one of the most sought after rare-mob for its 98% drop chance of a mount. I think it deserves to be a legendary after some people have looked for this dragon for weeks in WoW! =D

    It's a pretty fun card to play with and I think the mechanic reflects the long tedious wait for the Time-Lost Proto-Drake mount in WoW. =D

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 4

    posted a message on Weekly Design Competition #11 - [Ended]

    Thanks to everyone who commented on the discussion thread for help fine tuning this card! Its a rather niche card but it could see some play in a more aggressive warlock deck. It's very similar to Far Sight but it has that distinct warlock feel about it.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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