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    posted a message on Is Arthas worth 600 dust?

    Youtube the Arthas hero and decide for yourself.

    In my opinion he looks totally ridiculous, both the art and the emotes. It's intentionally cheesy, with your Silver Hand recruits sparkling like Twilight.

    So if you like cheese, go for it.


    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on I'll never understand the control moral high-ground.

    You know, it doesn't matter what you call aggro or control. What matters is the length of the game, and the longer the game goes the more plays you can make. Which means more chances for mistakes,  more comebacks, and ultimately more satisfying wins (or devastating losses).

    Ignoring Pirate Warrior here, the most aggroish deck I encounter at the moment is what people widely consider midrange Hunter. As a Priest player this is by far my worst matchup, but  I would never complain about them being too aggressive. The pressure is incredibly high from turn one, the games are over sooner than against other classes sure, but there is still PLENTY of room to make plays. And that's what matters to me, chances to make cool plays.

    Decks like the old Face Hunter and Pirate Warrior don't leave much room for that. The only positive aspect of those decks is the price and their simplicity, which is a double edged sword considering that those decks will be the first experience for many new players. And if I had to play those two decks back when I was new to HS, I would have dropped the entire game then and there (thankfully Zoo Warlock was a viable alternative, which was also an aggro deck but not face).

    Anyway, this is the most fun I had in Hearthstone in a long, long time. It's not close to the glorious Handlock or Patron warrior days, the current decks in play are all easy to pilot, but as long as I'm not facing a Face deck every second game I'm fine.

    I'm just worried that the next "cancer" face deck is already in the making.



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    posted a message on What was your first legendary?

    Malygos, back when Hearthstone was brand new.

    First pack even, I thought it was a token legendary that everyone gets.



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    posted a message on Favorite DK Emote?

    Death Knight Garrosh "Failure".

    Too bad the hero itself is also a failure :(

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    Played about 30 games and Ysera is infinitely more useful in the Shadowreaper deck, especially in the mirror. I'm currently running both Lich King and Ysera, and I'm about to drop the Lich King because he is a) easy to remove and b) the Death Knight cards don't synergize well with Shadow Anduin (especially the punishing spells milling your deck).
    On the other hand Shadowreaper Anduin benefits so much from the low cost cards of Ysera, and being a dragon means she is immune to your Dragonfire potion. Also much harder to remove than the Lich King, especially versus other Priests.
  • 1

    posted a message on Which class are you using the most right now? (poll)

    Priest, because it's the only Dk I've got. Well, There is also Valeera but eehhh....

    Expansion is unexpectedly fun though, got to give them that.


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    posted a message on Gnomish Vampire breaks a cardinal rule of competitive game design.

    Whether or not this card sees play, I definitely see the concern of the OP.

    When HS was fresh I remember one of the devs saying that "deck attack" is something they want to avoid for all the reasons mentioned so far, and I hope that this card is the exception to the rule and not a taste what's yet to come.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Should I Dust The Paladin Quest?

    The thing with the quest legendaries is that Blizzard will likely try to make them work before they rotate out of standard. They still have a couple adventures/expansions to go.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    I play a lot less now due to the introduction of the standard / wild system, but several people now mention some sort of pity timer? Is that new?

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Is Hearthstone in a bad position?

    I said it back then and I say it now, introducing Standard, while leaving Wild untouched when it comes to balance changes, ruined the game for me.

    Hearthstone was an always growing sandbox, now it's a golden cage. The developers might have an easy time "dictating" the meta now due to how few cards you have available,  but that comes at the price of deck variety.

    "Caging the meta" might be necessary in games like Magic, but in a digital cardgame, where changes can be made with the snap of a finger, I expected them to put in more effort. Like nerfing a select few cards from an expansion that limit design space or lead to power creep.

    A shame really. I wish they would at least revisit Wild mode with a few balance changes to problematic cards (instead of treating it like a massive garbage dump)

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Reno priest is it worth it?

    It's way too early to make predictions what will stick and what won't, but my experience so far:

    Yes, Raza is incredible. I'm playing a Dragon Reno Priest and the value of  free 2 health heals every round is amazing. Amazing versus Aggro, where you can keep developing the board while staying as healthy as possible, or against midrange/control where you can make favorable trades due to topping off your minions without cost.

    I don't think Savjs uses Justicar, but I included her for even more free healing madness. Unless you are up against a Reno Lock (the hardcounter) it's pretty difficult to lose after that.

    In a way, Raza is like a mini Reno. In most games I don't need the big 20+ health heal, since Raza allows me to not fall too much behind in the first place. I hope the next expansions introduces anohter Reno style card, but one that offers something not related to healing.

    Posted in: Priest
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    posted a message on Lifecoach collaboration for a new set.

    Lol, so everything wrong with the new expansion will be blamed on Lifecoach instead. Clever weasel, that Brode. Huar Huarr Huaarr!

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Tyrande skin promotion

    Funny, years ago when Hearthstone launched I thought Anduin really stood out as a lame hero, especially with alternatives like Tyrande, Vol'jin & Velen being available lore-wise.

    But after all these years this little sucker grew on me. "I won't let you down" Anduin, screw Tyrande!

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Mid-range Dragon Paladin (Anti Meta)

    If we wouldn't talk about Paladin I would agree with you, and I also thought about replacing N'zoth.

    But after about 50 games I decided that merely reviving a lone Tirion Fordring is more than enough value. People can usually deal with Tirion, but  a second Tirion back to back with a 5/7 N'zoth on top? The combo alone closes half of my midrange/control games, often by just me hitting face with 3-6 Ashbringer chargers.

    Posted in: Mid-range Dragon Paladin (Anti Meta)
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    posted a message on Mid-range Dragon Paladin (Anti Meta)

    Pretty good deck, but I replaced the Loot Hoarders with Netherspite Historians. There is so much value in this card I can't find the words. From pulling extra late-game threats to anti aggro Dragons, the Historian won me so many games already.

    I also replaced  Ragnaros with one Ivory Knight because I'm meeting too much aggro at the moment, and Rag is simply too slow. Both work great though, if the meta slows a  tiny bit I will go back to the lightlord.

    That said, I also replaced Onyxia for similar reasons. With Dragon Warrior and the new Maelstrom Portal I don't see that much value in flooding the board anymore, and the Netherspite Historians usually pull me another late game Dragon anyway - if I should need one. Instead I added one Book Wyrm, a truly fantastic card against Zoo.

    Posted in: Mid-range Dragon Paladin (Anti Meta)
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