• 9

    posted a message on Even Paladin #176249

    Even pally.. odd pally... EVERY single game vs these 2 decks. Spam minions, go face. Win by turn 4-5. This is the most depressing Hearthstone has been since launch for a person like me who enjoys slower control-type decks where you actually have to think and make decisions to win games instead of just playing braindead decks like these.

    /rant over.


    Posted in: Even Paladin #176249
  • 1

    posted a message on Odd Hunter

    Am i the only one who hates that we have to keep seeing these decks in each expansion of this game? How can you possibly find this deck fun to play? Its literally just play whatever`s in your hand, go face and click hero power. The worst part of it is it forces people like me who enjoys more complicated control/combo decks into either a. stop playing those decks and go for counters or play the same stupid thing to get ranks in standard, or b. to keep playing the decks i enjoy but suffer a low win-rate because they cant effectively deal with something that can kill you by turn 6.

    I recognize its just a part of the game and people can play whatever they want... i just find it frustrating.. /end of rant.


    Posted in: Odd Hunter
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