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    posted a message on Why do people enjoy cardbacks

    The only one I wanted was last week's tavern brawl one, but I didn't realize it was last week since the Diablo stuff in games in all month long; so I'm probably done with the game now lol. The actual "game" part of Hearthstone really isn't enough to keep me coming back when they even make collecting annoying. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on nerf Force of Nature + Savage Roar?
    Quote from GralQ >>

    The "problem" is the whole deck gameplay:   Druid accelerates, druid plays emperor - nothing my opponent can do. The druid drops in a big minion (taunt, draw , spellpower) My oponent has to trade because its too much threat

    I have no board, i ignore his plays hit face even with my hero power, i finish up with an OTK. Alternatively I outvalue him because he had to trade so much into my big and small minions, so the inevitable ping hero power swipe seals up the value game.  His AOE kills 1 minion

    I actually don't think it's OPd but I think that:

    1) It's too good compared to anything else druid has and all good druid decks are forced to run it
    2) It feels like a cheap (unskilled) version of Golden times patron.

    My problem is really this 2nd point:  Why do they nerf patron to the ground ?? It was a deck that on skilled players hands had 60% + winrate. On unskilled players it could easily be 40%.  Combo druid (both aggro and midrange) play with this lategame pressing. In that chubby guy (hearthstone director) 's words " it is akward to play against things that arent on the board" So why no nerd this combo?

    My rant is because i know the answer to this. Patron was a deck that made unskilled players go like "whoa i could never do that, id never get to legend, id never win a tournament" , so the nerf.   Imagine why so many get scared by games like chess or more comparable: Prismata?  I understand this game's philosophy to keep high rng to make things fun and simple to attract masses; but the limit has to stay somewhere. Patron -the real patron- should still exists

     Lol this is one of those guys that would only play armor and draw cards until he got patron combo and actually think he's skilled, you were never skilled, get that thought out of your head.
    Posted in: Card Discussion
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