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    posted a message on DEATHWING NEEDS A FRIENDWING (Class Creation Competition #4) - Phase I [Submission Topic]

    The Undead


    The concept of the Undead class is to fill a thematic niche. In the game, the Druid class covers the Life aspect and the Warrior and Priest classes cover the glory of battle and Death. But the Undead class shows the destruction of war and the horror of death. Anub'Arak was chosen for this classes basic hero because of his tremendous loss and relevance in WoW lore. Anub'Arak lost his home, his throne and is now forced by the Lich King to slay and destroy his already shattered people. His former subjects in turn name him the "Traitor King", marking the end of millennia of a strong Nerubian empire.

    Exhume: The idea of this hero power is to provide a powerful tempo tool (If you don't have a play, hit the button and get one) while also encouraging the use of very selective cards in a combo or control archetype. It also provides much needed reload with the class Keyword, Transfuse, and other synergistic cards below.

    Transfuse is certainly a powerful effect, but a pricey one. It would trigger a Discover effect when you play a Transfuse card, and you could either take the original effect or the buffed one. You will need to be extremely choosy about which Transfuse effects you put in your deck, and when to activate them. In a Tempo or Aggro deck, the destroyed cards might not matter as much, but it certainly is powerful enough to include in Control and Combo decks as well.

    And finally, to the cards!

    Kael'thas Sunstrider: One of the most iconic and defining columns of a class's unique identity is their Classic legendary. Since the three themes of the class ( Deathrattle , Deck/Hand manipulation and Stat Change) I decided to present Stat Change because Deathrattle hasn't been introduced yet and Deck/Hand manipulation is more complex. Kael'thas is a powerful Control tool which would be impossible to run in an Undead Aggro or Tempo deck because of the reliance on a large board. It immediately represents 8/8 in stats, along with a strong debuff and the potential to destroy the entire enemy board over time. Kael'thas demands removal but has enough immediate effects to be a powerful inclusion in the Undead classes slower decks.

    Ancient Ritual: An interesting interaction with your Hero Power that is critical in Undead combo decks. Chaining this into more Ancient Ritual off your Hero Power allows for very specific results from such a powerful effect. Even ignoring the huge combo potential, it adds a card to your hand (which is worth something) and allows a Control deck to run early game cards without losing HP value late-game.

    Bonemage: A very all-around card that will likely see play in Aggro, Tempo and Combo decks alike. It summons tokens, a valuable resource in the board-centric buffs and aggro tools to Undead's fast decks. It also provides a way to get a little extra damage out of your burst spells, enabling even more powerful combo turns with Exhume.

    Grieving Comrade: An obvious Aggro card, this minion can be combined with token generators and Deathrattle effects for massive face damage. Though the effect is lost on death, the solid statline and synergy with Undead Deathrattle make this card an auto-include in almost every fast or even quicker Tempo lists in the class.

    Cave Golem: A card that chains nicely with Bonemage, it takes advantage of the Transfuse effect to provide you with a strong 5 drop in an Undead Tempo deck, making a 13-stat minion for just 5 mana. It also provides the class with Elemental synergy and encourages a more Midrange-esque archetype as opposed to a polarized Aggro or Control flavour for the class.

    These cards are intended to support 4 main archetypes; Wide Aggro, Transfuse Tempo, Exhume Combo and Standard Control. I hope you enjoyed reading and throw my class a vote. Cheers!

    Edit: Minor bolding and capitalization.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on DEATHWING NEEDS A FRIENDWING (Class Creation Competition #4) - Phase I [Discussion Topic]
    Quote from Loyalist >>

    My class is the Undead (name suggestions welcome)




    I chose Anub'Arak for this class because he is one of the most iconic minions of the Lich King and also fits perfectly into the niche area of this class. You see, Druid does a good job covering the "Life" side of the Life/Death cycle, and Warrior does a fine job covering the glory of battle, and Priest does a good job showing resurrection and faith, there exists no class that really thematically interacts with death and the dead. That is the main theme for this class, the horror of death and war and minions and spells that interact with that.

     So I will update this section with new cards as they are made. The main themes will have their own spoiler with cards that interact mainly with them, and a General spoiler for multipurpose or more fun/noncompetitive cards.

    Deathrattle and Deathrattle Interaction:


    Desecrate is meant to be a worse Consecration in most Undead decks, with the main power of the card being that if it triggers a Deathrattle it becomes a powerful board clear, with the consistency coming from running Deathrattle minions with under 2 health.

    Grieving Comrade is a wide-board Aggro card, meant to be used with the 1-Attack token Skeletons summoned by other cards to make trades for more instant damage. If Grieving Comrade dies, the minions lose their Deathrattle. The card will not deal 2 damage when it dies as death triggers before Deathrattle, which also makes it weak to board clears

    Cunning Sorcerer This card has a strong Deathrattle that also interacts with powerful spell cards like Desecrate. This card will make the spells in your hand have permanent 1+ damage on death. Cunning Sorcerer also features in the subgroup of cards for this class, Spell Damage, which are mainly highly conditional effects (like Dalaran Mage) over traditional buffs like Bloodmage Thalnos


     Buffs and Debuffs:


    Felburn This card is a simple Basic removal tool that can also be used in Aggro to snowball. A versatile buff card that is comparable to Demonfire, I think this card is fair, but buffs and debuffs are hard to balance so any feedback is welcome.

    Kael'thas Sunstrider The card is an immediate threat on the board, with a small but noticeable impact. This card punishes opponents for going wide while also being almost unusable in Undead's wide-board Aggro decks. I think the card has enough of an impact to justify being played in a deck while also not being unfun to play against.

    Uncontrollable Energy I am probably the most shaky on this card out of all so far.  The art is great, but the name is long and I feel like the effect is complex and hard to balance. Any help or advice would be much appreciated

    Spellbreaker Shanya So how this card works is if I played a 1/1 and gave it 3/3, the stats are white, not green, and bouncing or silencing the card doesn't change it's stats. This card is a very risky include because it's a 6 mana 5/6 against classes without Silence or Bounce. I'm also not sure this deserves a legendary slot, or a slot at all. Gadgetzan has been hard to make cards for, and I can't decide between Goons and Kabal. It's also hard to balance for knowing the Goons failed.

    Crimson Curse Again, comparable to Demonheart, slightly more useful but weaker to silence and also Demonheart/Demonfire saw little play.

    Blood Rite As with Desecrate, this card requires a very specific deck to be consistant. It is very strong at 3 mana and I am considering moving it to 4. The only reason I haven't is just how bad it is against control (weaken all your minions and then get it removed is brutal)


    Transfuse: (full disclosure, these are the least fleshed out of my card types)

     Transfuse: I really like the idea of destroying your own deck for more powerful cards. The way this mechanic works is when you play a Transfuse card, you will Discover the normal effect or the Transfuse effect on play. In some cases, you might not need Spell Damage or whatever effect. In others, you may want to destroy some cards for other benefits.

    Bonemage A great card in most Undead decks, Bonemage not only generates a wide board (Great for buffs), it also buffs your spells (Great for Combo) and it buffs your Tempo-Transfuse cards (not many made yet but a core pillar of transfuse identity).

    Withering Curse A solid removal or burst card that comes with the hefty Transfuse price, this card and perhaps one "sister card" (similar effect or use) will be central to the Combo/Control archetype in the Undead class. It will probably be used in Aggro and Tempo as well, so another solid all-rounder.

    Cave Golem The first of the Tempo-Transfuse cards, this card depends on you Transfusing heavily as the Undead class card draw is going to be sparse and will penalize you for using it. It is a very strong card if you get an Adapt off however, with an Adapt being worth 3~ stats you are looking at 2 extra stats, a huge bonus in Tempo along with the versatility Adapt brings.

    And finally, the misfits

     Blood Reaver This card fits in with the class theme of a powerful effect in exchange for a wide board or strict deckbuilding. Potentially gamebreaking with a possible 13 adapts, but also potentially game losing as a topdeck or on an empty board. This card needs to kill 6 minions to be above the stat average, so I will accept suggestions on if this could be better balanced.

    Kur the Unyielding A powerful control tool, Kur is another counter to opponents that go wide while also working to counter spells and get value. This card must be removed via a 6+damage clear or a 6+ damage minion, almost guaranteeing solid value against an aggro deck. This card can also be countered by cards like Bonemare or even small attack buffs like Dark Iron Dwarf.

    Corpse Worm A minion with nice synergy in the Undead buff archetype, this card has the potential to benefit from a wide board or create one to empower the classes buff spells and minions. I will work on some more buff recipient cards and trigger effects in the future, but this card will be played in Undead Buff decks regardless.

    Amateur Hellraiser One of 2 card draw items I will create for this class and the only one that fits in Aggro, this card will become a powerful tool to reload your hand in the card starved Undead class.It has a fine body for 2 mana and stacks up well compared to cards like Raven Familiar

    Shockwaves I would love for some help condensing and clarifying this card's text. It is intended to destroy a minion, deal 2 less damage then the minions health to adjacent minions and continue doing that until the damage is 0 or until all targets are hit (like the card says). The purpose of this card is to provide a strong single target removal and board clear that helps encourage strategy and positioning against the Undead class. I considered this at 7 mana, but Twisting Nether is massively better at only 1 mana more.

    Shambling Servant Not meant to be played on turn 1, this card is a tool for Exhume decks to stop board clears or power cards from other control decks. Playing this a turn before a clear gives the opponent a choice. Should I give him a board clear or let his board survive? Will he even get the clear? Is the damage worth it? A very interesting card that definitely doesn't belong in Basic and will be moved ASAP.

    Ancient Ritual Meant for control or combo decks to curate their Hero Power to provide more useful cards every turn. This also allows for the running of early game cards like Tar Creeper without ruining late game value. You can also Ancient Ritual>Exhume>Ancient Ritual for potentially insane comboes. A very flavourful and strong card for sure.

    Gorefiend A card you would only run in a buff deck, has the potential to be totally ridiculous but you would almost need it to survive one turn at the least. As my guideline, I used Dispatch Kodo which saw almost no play. All balancing help is appreciated

     Thank you for your feedback, I would love balancing, flavour and art suggestions and would also appreciate any suggestions on my 5 example cards (I was thinking Grieving Comrade, Desecrate, Cave Golem, Blood Rite and Kael'Thas Sunstrider, but I am not sure. Any set changes would also be welcome. Thank you again!

     To avoid editing confusion, additions and edits are listed here:

    1. Added in the initial post

    2. Added "Gorefiend"

     Posting this again because it got 0 traction the first time and I really need some feedback before Submission. 
    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on DEATHWING NEEDS A FRIENDWING (Class Creation Competition #4) - Phase I [Discussion Topic]

    My class is the Undead (name suggestions welcome)




    I chose Anub'Arak for this class because he is one of the most iconic minions of the Lich King and also fits perfectly into the niche area of this class. You see, Druid does a good job covering the "Life" side of the Life/Death cycle, and Warrior does a fine job covering the glory of battle, and Priest does a good job showing resurrection and faith, there exists no class that really thematically interacts with death and the dead. That is the main theme for this class, the horror of death and war and minions and spells that interact with that.

     So I will update this section with new cards as they are made. The main themes will have their own spoiler with cards that interact mainly with them, and a General spoiler for multipurpose or more fun/noncompetitive cards.

    Deathrattle and Deathrattle Interaction:


    Desecrate is meant to be a worse Consecration in most Undead decks, with the main power of the card being that if it triggers a Deathrattle it becomes a powerful board clear, with the consistency coming from running Deathrattle minions with under 2 health.

    Grieving Comrade is a wide-board Aggro card, meant to be used with the 1-Attack token Skeletons summoned by other cards to make trades for more instant damage. If Grieving Comrade dies, the minions lose their Deathrattle. The card will not deal 2 damage when it dies as death triggers before Deathrattle, which also makes it weak to board clears

    Cunning Sorcerer This card has a strong Deathrattle that also interacts with powerful spell cards like Desecrate. This card will make the spells in your hand have permanent 1+ damage on death. Cunning Sorcerer also features in the subgroup of cards for this class, Spell Damage, which are mainly highly conditional effects (like Dalaran Mage) over traditional buffs like Bloodmage Thalnos


     Buffs and Debuffs:


    Felburn This card is a simple Basic removal tool that can also be used in Aggro to snowball. A versatile buff card that is comparable to Demonfire, I think this card is fair, but buffs and debuffs are hard to balance so any feedback is welcome.

    Kael'thas Sunstrider The card is an immediate threat on the board, with a small but noticeable impact. This card punishes opponents for going wide while also being almost unusable in Undead's wide-board Aggro decks. I think the card has enough of an impact to justify being played in a deck while also not being unfun to play against.

    Uncontrollable Energy I am probably the most shaky on this card out of all so far.  The art is great, but the name is long and I feel like the effect is complex and hard to balance. Any help or advice would be much appreciated

    Spellbreaker Shanya So how this card works is if I played a 1/1 and gave it 3/3, the stats are white, not green, and bouncing or silencing the card doesn't change it's stats. This card is a very risky include because it's a 6 mana 5/6 against classes without Silence or Bounce. I'm also not sure this deserves a legendary slot, or a slot at all. Gadgetzan has been hard to make cards for, and I can't decide between Goons and Kabal. It's also hard to balance for knowing the Goons failed.

    Crimson Curse Again, comparable to Demonheart, slightly more useful but weaker to silence and also Demonheart/Demonfire saw little play.

    Blood Rite As with Desecrate, this card requires a very specific deck to be consistant. It is very strong at 3 mana and I am considering moving it to 4. The only reason I haven't is just how bad it is against control (weaken all your minions and then get it removed is brutal)


    Transfuse: (full disclosure, these are the least fleshed out of my card types)

     Transfuse: I really like the idea of destroying your own deck for more powerful cards. The way this mechanic works is when you play a Transfuse card, you will Discover the normal effect or the Transfuse effect on play. In some cases, you might not need Spell Damage or whatever effect. In others, you may want to destroy some cards for other benefits.

    Bonemage A great card in most Undead decks, Bonemage not only generates a wide board (Great for buffs), it also buffs your spells (Great for Combo) and it buffs your Tempo-Transfuse cards (not many made yet but a core pillar of transfuse identity).

    Withering Curse A solid removal or burst card that comes with the hefty Transfuse price, this card and perhaps one "sister card" (similar effect or use) will be central to the Combo/Control archetype in the Undead class. It will probably be used in Aggro and Tempo as well, so another solid all-rounder.

    Cave Golem The first of the Tempo-Transfuse cards, this card depends on you Transfusing heavily as the Undead class card draw is going to be sparse and will penalize you for using it. It is a very strong card if you get an Adapt off however, with an Adapt being worth 3~ stats you are looking at 2 extra stats, a huge bonus in Tempo along with the versatility Adapt brings.

    And finally, the misfits

     Blood Reaver This card fits in with the class theme of a powerful effect in exchange for a wide board or strict deckbuilding. Potentially gamebreaking with a possible 13 adapts, but also potentially game losing as a topdeck or on an empty board. This card needs to kill 6 minions to be above the stat average, so I will accept suggestions on if this could be better balanced.

    Kur the Unyielding A powerful control tool, Kur is another counter to opponents that go wide while also working to counter spells and get value. This card must be removed via a 6+damage clear or a 6+ damage minion, almost guaranteeing solid value against an aggro deck. This card can also be countered by cards like Bonemare or even small attack buffs like Dark Iron Dwarf.

    Corpse Worm A minion with nice synergy in the Undead buff archetype, this card has the potential to benefit from a wide board or create one to empower the classes buff spells and minions. I will work on some more buff recipient cards and trigger effects in the future, but this card will be played in Undead Buff decks regardless.

    Amateur Hellraiser One of 2 card draw items I will create for this class and the only one that fits in Aggro, this card will become a powerful tool to reload your hand in the card starved Undead class.It has a fine body for 2 mana and stacks up well compared to cards like Raven Familiar

    Shockwaves I would love for some help condensing and clarifying this card's text. It is intended to destroy a minion, deal 2 less damage then the minions health to adjacent minions and continue doing that until the damage is 0 or until all targets are hit (like the card says). The purpose of this card is to provide a strong single target removal and board clear that helps encourage strategy and positioning against the Undead class. I considered this at 7 mana, but Twisting Nether is massively better at only 1 mana more.

    Shambling Servant Not meant to be played on turn 1, this card is a tool for Exhume decks to stop board clears or power cards from other control decks. Playing this a turn before a clear gives the opponent a choice. Should I give him a board clear or let his board survive? Will he even get the clear? Is the damage worth it? A very interesting card that definitely doesn't belong in Basic and will be moved ASAP.

    Ancient Ritual Meant for control or combo decks to curate their Hero Power to provide more useful cards every turn. This also allows for the running of early game cards like Tar Creeper without ruining late game value. You can also Ancient Ritual>Exhume>Ancient Ritual for potentially insane comboes. A very flavourful and strong card for sure.

    Gorefiend A card you would only run in a buff deck, has the potential to be totally ridiculous but you would almost need it to survive one turn at the least. As my guideline, I used Dispatch Kodo which saw almost no play. All balancing help is appreciated

     Thank you for your feedback, I would love balancing, flavour and art suggestions and would also appreciate any suggestions on my 5 example cards (I was thinking Grieving Comrade, Desecrate, Cave Golem, Blood Rite and Kael'Thas Sunstrider, but I am not sure. Any set changes would also be welcome. Thank you again!

     To avoid editing confusion, additions and edits are listed here:

    1. Added in the initial post

    2. Added "Gorefiend"

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 0

    posted a message on Everyone is complaining about highlander priest...

    I just run 2x Defile 2x Tar Creeper in my Warlock list and they get totally destroyed.

    For Mage, Volcanic Potions and Counterspells are great (Aggrodin runs Kings, CtA and Dinosize, all great Counters.

    If you are really struggling Arcane Artificer, Lone Champion and Doomsayer are enough tech to win almost every time.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on DEATHWING NEEDS A FRIENDWING (Class Creation Competition #4) - Phase I [Challenges Poll]

    I would highly recommend using Hearthcards. It provides you with the normal template and a few extra features to boot.


    Edit: Looks like you're having trouble with the Class border. I would recommend using an existing one.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • -7

    posted a message on Oakheart Armor/Control Warrior

    Whatever you do do not craft this deck. Kolento never played this, 4chan is trolling you.

    Posted in: Oakheart Armor/Control Warrior
  • 1

    posted a message on Card Creation: Dargonax

    What do you think? Too powerful? I tried to make it fit thematically with Dargonax's lore and it fit's in Warlock rather nicely.


    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 0

    posted a message on Make the Card

    NEXT: A card that incorporates Death Knight card's

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Make the Card

    To clarify: If I had played a Blackwing Corruptor, a Netherspite Historian, a Midnight Drake (7 attack) and a Blackwing Technician that didn't trigger, Neltheraku would be a Battlecry: Deal 3 damage and Discover a Dragon with a 10/12 statline

    Next: An affect that rewards Warlock's for being at low health

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on How much is it worth to add ANY card to your hand? (POLL)

    You could perform the Raza/Shadowform combo consistantly.

    Just pick Coldarra Drake.

    Finish the Priest Quest and play Jarraxus

    In any fatigue deck, discover a Jade Idol.

    Token Druid can play Bloodlust


    the list goes on and on

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 1

    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 5.17 - Submission Topic

    This card is meant to improve the tempo of Handbuff decks so they work a little smoother.


    Battlecry: To me, Sunwalkers!

    Attack: Feel the fury of the Light!

    Death: Mu'sha... Awaits...

    Flavour: Aponi rose to lead the Sunwalker Paladins an'she didn't look back (An'she is the Tauren sun goddess)

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 0

    posted a message on Make the Keyword

    To basically support Inspire decks in a way Blizzard would support

    Next Keyword: Infuse

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 0

    posted a message on Make the Card

    Next: A Beast card that synergize's with Jungle Moonkin

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Make the Keyword

    Next keyword: Scourge

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 5.16 - Discussion Topic

    I basically looked for notable hunter's and noticed this guy, who is pretty important in the lore and also happens to be an Undead (Warlock) and a former Ranger-Lord (Hunter) of the Bloodelves. I made a card that fits his theme (destroying plagued beasts), and benefits Hunter's and Warlocks for board control while also not promoting aggro too blatantly.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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