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    posted a message on Redemption/Taunt/Deathrattle Paladin Deck in need of Criticism.

    Ladeeda's suggestion to use a chill blade champion is quite good, in my opinion. I think that has a similar impact to running a weapon, with the potential for healing. If it seems like it lacks enough board impact I still think rallying blade is good here. You have a couple divine shield minions you will want to play early, so there is a good chance you will benefit from the buff, and it is a solid inclusion even if you don't, capable of removing most 2 and 3 drops. Another option is the currently seldom played but once a staple, 2/1 divine shield with charge. It has synergy with howling commander and immediate impact on the board, albeit with a smaller presence.

    Posted in: Paladin
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    posted a message on Redemption/Taunt/Deathrattle Paladin Deck in need of Criticism.

    The problem with arrogant crusader is that the 2/2 body it leaves behind is not very impactful. You won't really want to land buffs on it as you want to buffs cards that you want your opponent to kill that otherwise he wouldn't , such as your skelemancers. And, at 2 health he is very easily removed by aoes, single target removals, and even low cost minions. A druid for example could wrath it and trade a 2/3 into the remaining body. The Cobalt scalebane gives the benefit of additional buffs for your skelemancers while still being a solid body to revive. Remember that you already have several targets for your revive mechanics, and it may be more valuable to have a few more cards that fit your curve and help you get to the big plays you're trying to make. Maybe run a couple of rallying blades or one blade and one truesilver?

    Posted in: Paladin
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