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    posted a message on Underdog Rules - Tavern Brawl #15

    Why did they write each turn? It only happens at the start of your turn

    Posted in: Tavern Brawl
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    posted a message on ATLC: Hope Value Town Loses, here's why

    Kolento mentioned in some interview that Strifecro never played with him and instead chose to practice with someone else. It's not like bearing the same team banner means you communicate a lot.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Reynad just called hearthpwn a piece of shit
    Quote from alky13 jump

    Who does even care about what he says?

    Not caring doesn't always mean not being curious. I don't think Donald Trump has anything intelligent to offer but I would watch the hell out of an interview if he called Kanye a nigger or something. Drama is fun even when participants are just outright wrong.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Reynad just called hearthpwn a piece of shit
    Quote from LunacyHS jump

    Wait.... what? When/where did he say that? Hearthpwn > Tempo Storm lol.

    Someone donated him and asked for his opinion on a deck on hearthpwn. He said he won't be clicking on hearthpwn links in the future because "that site is a piece of shit". I'm really hoping to get a good gossip on this from you guys, please don't disappoint.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Reynad just called hearthpwn a piece of shit

    I freaking LOVE hearthstone drama. Can someone explain why there's a rivalry between reynad and hearthpwn? Is is solely because tempostorm website is behind hearthpwn?

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on End of Season rewards
    Quote from Magemastah jump

    I hope they publish Ranked Rewards table similar to this:

    I may be wrong about this but I think that table uses input from players so it's not official.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on End of Season rewards
    Quote from Balthier21 jump
    Quote from T4te jump

    You are really fucking irritating. Over a dozen of people tell you the same thing and you still know better.

    Whirthun on Twitter: "Rewards do not increase passed rank 5. Players who make Legend will receive rank 5 chests.

    So hard to use google?

    yeah so funny that i kinda found that comment on google but unlike wirthuns other comments this comment/page does not longer exist

    That's because you actually get a little more dust after rank 5 as Zeriyah clarified and he didn't want to confuse people.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on THE TRUTH - GRIND TO LEGEND NEXT MONTH - ***FULL WRITE UP***

    There are dozens of decks proven to be useful on the road to legend and you open a topic named "Grind to legend next month full write up" for a new experimental deck that you don't even seem to know works yet. Wow.

    Posted in: Paladin
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    posted a message on The $50 question....

    Pre order gives you more value and with the new arena reward system, I don't think it's a must to buy classic packs now. I'd go with tgt packs

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on New Player Q- I have 700 gold, wait and spend on new packs or buy another Leg?
    Quote from RenoTheGambit jump


    So far I have purchased 2 legs of Naxx.  I have 700 gold.  Would you buy the new cards when they come out of should I buy another leg- Either leg 1 of BRM or Leg 3 of Naxx?

    I would definitely either invest in Arena or buy adventure wings. You can't really do well without playing arena if you're f2p.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Anyone else hoping for a replay system?
    Quote from adriamrk jump
    Quote from LateForFate jump
    Quote from adriamrk jump


    Quote from LateForFate jump

    Warcraft III's easy replay system with very small (200kb or so) files always impressed me. And if they can implement a near perfect replay system for a strategy game with hundreds of characters moving simultaneously 12 years ago, they can do it for a turn-based card game with an average of 5 apm.

    that's because you're not actually watching a recorded video. you need to watch the replays within Warcraft because the file is just a bunch of text, commandos that are given to all objects in a game to duplicate what you and your opponent did. 200kb of text makes a crazy amount of letters

    I understand that and never claimed it was a video. What's your point? Making a video version of the replay option would be no different than using any other program so isn't it being something else better?

    are you fucking for real? you said it impressed you.. why would it impress you if you did know the file is just all text. saying it impressed you most certainly indicates that you thought it was a video with "impressive" compression. you're just acting like you already knew that in order to not look stupid

    What the hell? As a player who have played a lot of Dota on Warcraft III, I've encountered bugged replay files (especially when W3 gets a new update) where characters would do something they were not supposed to do and from then point on the game would come crumbling down. I was still impressed with it because it rarely bugged and worked very well. Small replay size was also impressive to me but that doesn't mean I thought they were 200kb interactive videos with a resolution of 50 fucking screens. You also couldn't jump to a point in a replay in W3, which makes it even more obvious that it isn't a video. And why would it need to be a video to be impressive?

    You're freaking weird.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Anyone else hoping for a replay system?
    Quote from adriamrk jump


    Quote from LateForFate jump

    Warcraft III's easy replay system with very small (200kb or so) files always impressed me. And if they can implement a near perfect replay system for a strategy game with hundreds of characters moving simultaneously 12 years ago, they can do it for a turn-based card game with an average of 5 apm.

    that's because you're not actually watching a recorded video. you need to watch the replays within Warcraft because the file is just a bunch of text, commandos that are given to all objects in a game to duplicate what you and your opponent did. 200kb of text makes a crazy amount of letters

    I understand that and never claimed it was a video. What's your point? Making a video version of the replay option would be no different than using any other program so isn't it being something else better?

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Unstoppable deck.

    *Insert face hunter comments to win prizes*

    Posted in: General Deck Building
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    posted a message on Anyone else hoping for a replay system?

    Warcraft III's easy replay system with very small (200kb or so) files always impressed me. And if they can implement a near perfect replay system for a strategy game with hundreds of characters moving simultaneously 12 years ago, they can do it for a turn-based card game with an average of 5 apm.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Just got cancer wishes and threats, where to report?
    Quote from DKnG666 jump
    Quote from fxckdarsh jump
    Quote from DKnG666 jump

    Cyberbully? Really? 

    Where is this world going? 

    People with self-esteem problems are trying to enforce a censorship because some stranger wrote a couple of bad words in private chat... I really hope Blizz won't do anything about it because if they react anyhow this will be the end of free speech and the beginning of the rule of the weak over the str... over the normal.

    Alright man let's not get carried away here. Not being able to say rude words on Hearthstone is not the same as the end of free speech and the weak ruling over the strong. Plus, I'd hardly consider not getting offended over mean words to be a mark of strength, just a mark of thicker skin.

    Here I see you're a guy to talk reasonably. How do you realistically imagine blocking rude words in HS? What about a situation you want to talk to your RL friend over the HS chat and use some bad words (describing a massive party you were last night to for example)? Forbidding the use of some words is censorship and any kind of censorship is restraining the freedom of speech. You, as an American, should value freedom above all right? :)

    I always encourage people in threads like this to get over those "insults" and stop feeling offended by them (and stop creating threads like this) to make their lives better. It's really easier not to feel offended by some random moron. Think about this fact - what if this moron is reading this? Do you think he'll stop bming? I think he'll conclude something like "weee my flaming hit the spot yay I should do it more often" because he's a... yes you guessed it - a moron. And if the OP didn't react at all or replied him with a "lol" the moron might conclude "i didn't want to make him laugh I wanted to make him cry maybe that's pointless after all".

    Report to Blizz directly - nothing can stop you. But creating threads like this is simply propagating this kind of behaviour instead of working against it.

    Sorry for my english - not my first language.

    Freedom of speech? It's not like we want to remove people's right to say what they wish to. I may be unable to speak to the president of the US but this is not related to freedom of speech. People who are proven to be detrimental to the hearthstone society should be banned from sending friend requests and maybe emotes. Freedom of speech is a whole other thing.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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