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    posted a message on New Card Reveal - Bonemare

     Basically a faster, less greedy version of jade chieftain. 

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    posted a message on New Paladin Legendary Card Reveal - Bolvar, Fireblood

    Interesting card, paladin is always searching for good 5 drops. If the sinergy will be there this card will generate a ton of friction being a 7 health divine shield that one should kill before even trading  with other minions, if not this card will be just a niche tech,  easily replaced with a more reliable card.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on What's up with Maiev on my Honor 8?

    I have the same bug on my honor 8, wierd. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Finders Keepers

    I put together this simple jade N'Zoth shaman deck to try finders keepers and the card always served me well, too bad some of these cards are about to rotate and this deck won't be viable anymore, it was pretty funny to play.

    Posted in: Finders Keepers
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    posted a message on Jade Druid

    I play this deck with gadgetzan auctioneer, is terrible for tempo matches but it's good against control decks if you don't get good draws and literally wins you games against renolock so I run 2 innervate and 1 feral rage with is usually even better to get value out of Fandral or stuff like that. I also don't run the 2 drakes wich are going to the all of fame and instead run bloodmage thalnos and hogger. A card like second rate bruiser is better than hogger against aggro but you have to run 1 and draw it in time so you have to choose.  Hogger instead generate infinite value and it must be removed immediately so it's also a tech against value decks in a fase of the game where you often can't apply enough pressure. I tried teching this deck with pretty much everything and hogger has the best meme/value ratio so give him a chance if you have it, especially if you don't play ranked where as it is now you have to tech against shaman as much as possible. 

    Posted in: Jade Druid
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    posted a message on Jades are everywhere

    I'm relatively new to this game but I played this deck and its variations since I lack many legendary for other decks; I had the best results swapping the two Azure Drake with two Wild Growth. I understand that even if the drakes don't fit in the theme of this deck those are just very good card and can be found in half of any good deck in the current meta, there's synergy with the spell damage, there's the card draw and leave a decent body that can be a bit troublesome for some opponents, like priests, so why taking these out? moreover in a deck that lacks minions. First of all I played both variations against different kinds of decks and mine just plays faster, better and wins more, with the obvious drawback that every time you take a card out you end up in a situation where you would have needed it. The most important thing is that the drake is pretty much always a card you don't want to draw, just a card that draws another card and it has no impact on the core mechanic of the deck (ramp mana/ramp golems/ramp giants/play sick auctioneer shenanigans), the increased spell damage that makes the difference is the dream but not only is an extremely inconsistent mechanic but sometimes the plays you have to do to make it count slows the game even further. The drake only shines only if you play it exactly on curve with 5 mana, but its much worse than the wild growth if you draw it in the early game, which is the weak point of this deck, and worse in the endgame where a wild growth can draw on ten mana, with an auctioneer or even more with both. Another important thing is that you have two more spells for the arcane giants, that's especially needed if you draw the giants in the first half of the deck, resulting in a smoother midgame if you want to play the golems on curve and don't want a miracle.

    Posted in: Jades are everywhere
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