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    posted a message on Heart of the Mulligans

    I expect no sympathy, but...

    HOLY FUCK! As noted in my previous post, this is the first time I try to make an honest push for legend. I am in rank 3 right now and this... This is just on a whole nother level of bad. I always considered myself a smarter HS player, but this whole thing of the game being won and lost in the Mulligan phase is just mind blowing. 

    Against Paladins: if they don't 1 or 2 one drops on turn 1, you won. If they've drawn corridor creeper within the first 3 turns, they're chances of winning just doubled. 

    Against warlocks, if they make it to turn 6, they've tripled their times of winning. 

    Against Rogues, if they have keleseth, gg. If they have shadowstep + keleseth, like, why are you even playing.

    Against priests: you just gotta pray they don't have every answer in their opening hand, or pray they dont highroll off a Barnes. 

    Just the fact that the game can be decided in the first 4 turns is wtf lol. And I don't mean simply dying by turn 4. I mean the fact that Ben Brode and the Hearthstone gods blessed your mulligan, congratulations you've won!

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    posted a message on Grinding to legend

    I don't mean to turn this into a journal, but after taking a couple days off i started the grind again earlier today and managed to get to rank 4. It does seem to be better if i take some time off in between or i get off if i'm starting to get a little more tilted. Especially if i start noticing horrible misplays. But other then that, the past 5 grind is real lol. Not having the win streak bonus really makes you feel like you have to work for everything. I really hope i don't start feeling burnt out or apathetic towards this right now because i'm feeling really good about this run and i'd be a shame to have it reset and all this effort wasted. 

    Thanks to everyone for giving me help.

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    posted a message on Grinding to legend

    I went from rank 13-8 in a little under 3 hours. The hardest moves so far was getting to rank 9 and then to rank 8. Like @Aegis24 said, that 55% winrate really starts to take a toll. This is usually the part where i start faltering off and lose interest. I'm probably going to put it down for a bit and continue either later today or pick back up tomorrow


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    posted a message on Grinding to legend

    Always try to remember that “it’s just a gamel when you tilt, also try to do other stuff when you get tilted, maybe play another game ( that’s not frustrating ) go for a walk or watch some videos, it really helps. And if you go on a losing streak take a break, and remember that the more you lose the more it’s likely to win. Btw this are tips from a LoL player but they apply to HS too, good luck.

     Do you give it your full attention when you're playing or do you try to do something else so it's not always your main focus?
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    posted a message on Grinding to legend
    Quote from GratedWasabi >>

    If you just want to hit Legend to see the symbol, no sense of satisfaction?

    Play Smorc Paladin. Always play full curve and always go face. You'll hit legend by 7 or 8 hours of gameplay, guaranteed.

     I don't want to and i don't plan on it, but as i said on top, if i hit a wall of 200 priests in a row, and somebody barges in saying smorc pally is the greatest counter to priest, i'd have to be insane not to take it. But knowing my luck i switch to smorc pally and my next 10 games are against perfect counters to pally.
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    posted a message on Do you think, the Meta has settled by now?

    The meta has settled in and Razakus Priest is still on the top of the list. From here on out you'll see the same tier 1 deck with tweaks, but nothing will come to contention. It'll take a huge round of nerfs to see any real movement. Blizzard effectively made it so that Priest has all the answers to aggro now on top of being able to play all the broken tempo cards too.

    Edit: Would like to say, the rest of the decks ie. Aggro/Murloc Pally, Control/Cube Warlock and Tempo Rogue will also be strong but there is more likely a power war between those decks fighting for the #2 spot effectively.

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    posted a message on Grinding to legend

    Just some info - So, i finally have some time to hunker down and give Legend an honest try. I've never reached legend before, mostly because of time constraint and the grind after a while just starts to wear on me; but i have made it to rank 5 on various occasions. 

    So, my question to you all, is how do you guys do it? How do you guys usually reach legend, or the higher ranks in general? How do you stop from going Full TILT Poker? And if you do, how do you calm yourselves down? Is it okay to try to reach it in one sitting? How do you know when to switch up the deck or start teching vs a certain class? Do you ever insta-concede if you run into a deck that you know is a horrible match-up for you? Do you auto-squelch?

    Any tips would be be extremely helpful/

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    posted a message on Does The Darkness work
    Quote from GratedWasabi >>

    If Raza worked like "Your hero power is free while your has no duplicates" it'd be maybe okay?

    But as is the Darkness does nothing. Even then, it wouldn't be very good.

    Quote from GratedWasabi >>

    If Raza worked like "Your hero power is free while your has no duplicates" it'd be maybe okay?

    But as is the Darkness does nothing. Even then, it wouldn't be very good.

    Quote from GratedWasabi >>

    If Raza worked like "Your hero power is free while your has no duplicates" it'd be maybe okay?

    But as is the Darkness does nothing. Even then, it wouldn't be very good.

     The only thing I could see giving me hope is that in best case scenario, I drop The darkness on 4 and his Raza is therefore dead in his hand until he draws all the candles 2 turns later, kills it with Anduin DK and I cry all the way to the concede button.
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    posted a message on Does The Darkness work
    Quote from Bennoloth >>

    I don't have the card, but thinking it does not work since:

    1. It doesn't stop DK from being played

    2. DK destroys it with battlecry

    3. They only have to draw 2 candles to activate Raza, not 3, and they pack a ton of draw.

    4. It is literally 4 mana do nothing against a deck you can only beat with intense pressure.

     That's what i figured. I'm playing Control Warlock right now and that feels like molasses compared to the speed of Razakus priest. having a dead turn 4 would do nothing but probably delay the inevitable 
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    posted a message on Does The Darkness work

    So, I recently pulled The Darkness and on my quest to climb the ever thorn filled ladder, I've ran into what feels like a wall of Priests. I imagine they are the Gate Keepers of the ladder. I know putting two of to try to counter a class is a trash concept for the health of your deck, and putting a one of is pretty much a crapshoot, but has anyone seen any margin of success with The Darkness countering priest? And how does it fair against other classes? Is there any hard counter to priest right now? Or should I just curl up and let the freezing cold of winterveil consume my hate and accept that the Blockade of Priests are here to stay for at least a lot of months.

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    posted a message on Just thought id share...
    Quote from JackScale >>

    Well...this happened.

     you both shared your "well met". He played a minion, you played a minion. He didnt like your minions, you didnt like his. You had a garbage opening hand and few good draws. Luckily you were rewarded with what should look like a meme but is actually a problem in hS right now.
    Salt aside, it happens. I know you were very excited when it happened. It's hard not to when you have 13/13 power on turn 3
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    posted a message on Can we start treating Priest like Shaman yet?
    Quote from ShroomHands >>

    What is with the HS community constantly displaying this us vs. them mentality? If you play priest you are a brain dead monster. If you never played patron warrior you don't know how it is to pilot a difficult deck. If you don't make your own decks you are a pathetic little loser. If you make your own you are superior, unless you are losing to a specific class then either you built it wrong or again that whole class needs a nerf. Spend money on the game? You are dumb and responsible for making the game worse. F2P you are dedicated and have more reasons to complain. Can't we all just see it is a game? If you aren't having fun or enjoying it don't spend your money on it or don't play. Why are all these people spending their time on a forum like this that hosts decks if they never netdeck or have positive experiences with the game? Rant ended.

     It stopped having the "it's just a game" sheen when ladder was introduced and when there started being tournaments. Having a ladder system creates a superiority instinct. Some people are fine staying at rank 20 for their cardbacks and playing casual the rest of the month. Some find it challenging to try and climb the ladder. Some try to fight for rewards in the arena. And those that see this as just a game aren't on forums. On top of everything, these types of forums were created so that the more committed players can get together and talk about the game and not so much about the decks. I still have a huge problem with the Hearthpwn authors posting decks when the number one problem is how "cancerous" *insert any deck* here is. I created a post voicing my displeasure. I didn't tell other people to click on it. They're insecurities wanted to click on it just to comment "salt" and not offer anything productive. Just like it peaked your interest to want to voice your displeasure with "just another meaningless rant post"
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    posted a message on Can we start treating Priest like Shaman yet?

    I like how everybody was on board when it came to shitting on warrior, shaman, hunter, rogue and warlock but now that it comes to priest, suddenly everybody gets defensive and "SALT"!

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    posted a message on Can we start treating Priest like Shaman yet?
    Quote from Marsaro >>
    Quote from KawsmikW >>
    Quote from Marsaro >>

    Somehow an entire class is equivalent to a specific archetype like Pirate Warrior...

    Gimme dat salt.

     Yes, because anything other then Big priest or one of the variants of Razakus, priest is unplayable. And those 3 decks are as garbage and mindlessly auto-pilot as pirate warrior. there is literally no debating it.
     Dragon Priest ? Big Spell Priest ? Not Tier 1, but not unplayable. 
    Also, Razakus mindless auto-pilot ? Give me a break. 
     Yes Razakus is auto-pilot. I don't know what it is with the hearthstone community that thinks any of these decks are even remotely hard to use. It's like once a deck starts using more then 2 cards a turn, suddenly it takes a genius to pilot it. Unless you played patron warrior, then you don't know what a hard deck to pilot is
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    posted a message on Can we start treating Priest like Shaman yet?
    Quote from Marsaro >>

    Somehow an entire class is equivalent to a specific archetype like Pirate Warrior...

    Gimme dat salt.

     Yes, because anything other then Big priest or one of the variants of Razakus, priest is unplayable. And those 3 decks are as garbage and mindlessly auto-pilot as pirate warrior. there is literally no debating it.
    Posted in: General Discussion
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