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    posted a message on WCDC Season 7 Finale - Mini Comp #1 (Submission)


    The last words Azun ever heard were, "I don't feel so good..."

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    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 7.20 - Submission Topic

    My submission:

    Adherent of G'huun

    "You'll bleed for G'huun."

    Based on the blood trolls that worship G'huun, who drain the blood from their enemies and use it to make themselves stronger.

    This card does not copy Deathrattles or Battlecries. Even though Deathrattle is a keyword, a specific Deathrattle attached to a minion is not a keyword and is therefore not copied. Since there is no language distinction between a keyword like Charge and a keyword like Battlecry , this card would specifically be checking for things like Windfury , Taunt , Lifesteal, etc.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 7.20 - Discussion Topic


    Quote from Kovachut >>

    This may sound as a dumb question, but would the epic card copy deathrattles as well? If yes, then this card might be too powerful in/versus deathrattle decks. At first I thought how it will copy basic stuff like divine shield, taunt, windfury etc etc.

    My intention was for it to copy things like taunt, windfury, lifesteal, etc. and not battlecries or deathrattles. However, it seems like Battlecry, Adapt, and Deathrattle are considered keywords as are things like windfury, etc. I'll try to figure out a way to change the wording so that it's much more apparent that it does NOT copy deathrattles and the like.
    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 2

    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 7.20 - Discussion Topic

    More Reviews:

    Page 5:

    @Pumpkin03: Seems interesting. The drawback of not triggering the Battlecry is a good choice, imo. My biggest problem is how powerful it might be in Mage. Control Mage is all about getting Jaina online, and the ability to have the redundancy AND sometimes be able to drop her on turn 6 might just be a bit too powerful. It's somewhat similar with other expensive DKs like Gul'dan and Anduin but a bit less pronounced since their Battlecries are a lot more powerful. It could probably cost more.

    @Kovachut: Sen'jin is a very cool design. The idea of a passive Hero Power overloading you is a bit wonky to me, but it seems fine. Bwonsamdi is a bit scary as a neutral boardclear, especially considering he doesn't have the drawback that Deathwing does. Considering that there are times that he would be even bigger than Deathwing (and even if he's only a 5/5 you still keep your whole hand) the effect is probably too strong. Troll Mystic: fun design. From what I understand of the text, both players see only Troll Mystics? I think either Sen'jin or Mystic would be a good entry.

    @waterwalker: They are all very well designed. Drakkari Berserker seems to be the weakest of the three, considering that cards that care about things being frozen rarely see play. Witchy Doctor is a cool design, kind of a fun way to play around with Divine Spirit without making it wholly uninteractable not to mention making it a bit more skill testing. Hardy Shieldbearer actually might be a bit too powerful, considering its a Neutral 1-drop. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it can basically trade into every 1 Attack minion without taking damage. That would probably make it an auto-include in every Aggro deck. I personally would pick Witchy Doctor.

    @SrVitor: Jingoistic Troll is too powerful as a 3 drop. I would either decrease its Attack to 1, or increase its cost to 4. I like the effect (even though Hearthstone doesn't yet have double damage--but it should), although caring about things from another class is usually a Rogue thing. If you adjust the stats or the cost, though, it's a good card.

    @Kaeldris: Go for it. It's a good design.

    @linkblade91: It's a cool card.

    @Fortify: I think they're both fine cards. I didn't realize the first card wasn't constricted to friendly Beasts, so there's likely no issue with Hadronox, so that card is all right. I actually think you would be fine switching the cost and stats of the two cards, considering the first version has a bigger board impact, so it would be more balanced if it cost more, and the second version seems perfectly balanced as a 3/5 for 4.

    @CheeseEtc: Rogue's recursion effects potentially make Snake Oil Salesman almost too powerful in disrupting the opponent's draws. It's also just good in a tempo deck trying to blank their opponent's draws for a turn. Drakuru seems like an interesting design, however I feel that 6-cost is too low on the curve for that kind of effect considering that Lich King costs 8 and gives you one card, and Tess recasts all Death Knight cards. Skilled Grafter is a cool card, although I worry that Keleseth decks would run two copies to fill out their curve, considering that most minions crafted would be better than any printed 2-drop. Maybe he could be a class card to keep every deck from putting him in.

    @Noah_McGrath: Cool design. The scariest issue for me is how powerful it makes Control Warlock: Your opponent has to play around Twisting Nether EVERY TURN. They have to play around Siphon Soul EVERY TURN. Obviously you lose access to Defile, but that's fine when you can play Nether on 5. Losing access to Defile and Mortal Coil is worth that. I like the flavor of the card and I'm racking my brain trying to figure out ways to keep it from being too broken. I think if it was a Battlecry instead of Start of Game that would be fine (you could even lose the spell cost restriction and just say "Battlecry: For the rest of the game, the first spell you cast each turn costs Health instead of mana.")

    Page 4:

    @WhiskeyJack: I thinks it's a fine card. Probably one of the better Rush minions, although not with the same immediate impact as Militia Commander. Gives Rush decks a bit more flexibility. I like it.

    @YoThats: I think it may need to be class-specific, considering how likely it would be to wipe an Aggro deck's entire board in the current meta. (Spiteful Druid is the only Tempo deck I can think of that routinely runs minions with greater than 3 health). That being said, making it class-specific (like Warrior) would make it likely balanced. Stats are fine for a 6-cost Taunt minion with a powerful but situational effect.

    @ArgentCommander: I understand the flavor of him giving you his toolbox, except I don't understand how 'Hex' is part of that toolbox. The Cauldron and the Apprentice make sense, though. I think just the two cards is fine, since 6 mana draw 3 (including a guaranteed hard removal) is possibly too powerful.

     Page 3:

    @MardyVain: Seems cool. Could be a good stall tool for Big decks like Warrior and Druid while not being too powerful on its own.

    @ffinderous: Zul'jin seems kind of scary as a finisher for Face Hunter (or some kind of Secret Hunter). That being said, as someone who has played Spectral Cutlass Rogue I know how difficult it is to build up a huge weapon and actually get it to stick without your opponent dropping weapon removal on it. So Zul'jin is probably fine. Hazza'rah should probably be either a Battlecry or a Deathrattle because getting that effect twice is probably a bit too powerful, especially for a 6 drop.

    @Lathy: Cool. Good effect, has a lot of implications. Probably not very powerful since the spell is almost completely random, but I like that about it. I like that the bigger minion you sacrifice, the more control you have over the RNG, which is good flavor.

    @chenzhenxiaobaobao: I like cards that care about positioning.I think this is a well-balanced card. One question: what does this do if your opponent has one minion? Nothing? Deal 8 to it?

    @Rapidosamurai: Probably too powerful of an effect for a 6 drop, would make more sense as a 10-drop. Cool effect, though.

    @Tomerick88: It's a good effect. I'm guessing that the cast from your weapon would Overload you like Yogg does? His biggest problem is that he needs a weapon to buff, so he's a bit situational, not to mention that most Shaman weapons are not good right now (that's not his fault). The best weapon for him to hit is Doomhammer, but that requires a few turns to set up. I think his stats could actually be tweaked upwards and he would still be balanced.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 7.20 - Discussion Topic

     Made some tweaks to Samedi and Kriminel. I felt like Lifesteal doesn't work for Warrior, so I gave Samedi Taunt instead (as suggested). I also made Kriminel a little bulkier. I didn't want to reduce his cost because I didn't want him to be able to be played the same turn as Leeroy. I've also created a new card. This is based on the blood trolls who worship G'huun, who can drain the life from their enemies and alter their own bodies.

    SamediKriminelAdherent of G'huun

    Quote from eScapegoat1270 >>


    Quote from IgnatiusJReilly >>

     Zalazane is cool. I think I would like it better if it were a class card, instead of Neutral. The effect is maybe a bit too difficult to deal with for it to be available to all classes. I like the design.

     I couldn't pick one... so... compromise?


    Yeah, I think Zalazane fits nicely into the Kabal. 
    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 6

    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 7.20 - Discussion Topic

    An attempt at some card reviews: (They're in reverse order, sorry about that)


    Malorne seems interesting. I think the wording "Silence this minion and shuffle it into your opponent's deck" is a bit clearer, since the current phrasing could be taken to mean "silence your opponent's deck." Nice flavor.


    Has a solid effect, seems balanced. I think lore-wise this doesn't make a ton of sense to be Hakkar and I think the effect could easily be transferred to another character if you're worried about not standing out. If you aren't worried, then it doesn't matter.


    Seems really powerful, I think it should cost 10 considering it (usually) summons another huge body and all of the Corrupted Dragons have powerful effects. Malygos and Nozdormu in particular seem a little too strong, as rolling one of them may just end the game on the spot. The flavor goes really well with Hakkar, though.


    Plague Infester is a little too strong as is, as it can be comboed relatively easily with Silence to muck up your opponent's hand. I wouldn't be opposed to it transforming one card, though. Rising Starlet is a very powerful tempo play, especially on turn 2. Giving your opponent a 3/4 when it dies is not that big of a drawback considering it would most likely not hit the board until turns 4 or 5. Would likely see play in every Tempo deck. I think I like Plague Infester more, if the power level is dialed back some.


    I think adding Fate Spinner's "Secretly" tag to the Battlecry would make it clear that your opponent doesn't know the target. Seems a little weak, since it's not likely to still be in play when the chosen minion is summoned. I like the flavor of it, though, and think it's a really cool design.


    Intriguing. I like the names of the Tricks. Ya Momma's text should likely be "+2 Health and Taunt" as most cards with that kind of effect have it ordered that way. Also, Zuni should summon the Nagas "for" your opponent, not "to." I like the card.


    Crazed Conjurer seems like it would work well in Zoo, which is all right. My biggest issue is that its synergy with Cubelock may make it too powerful, allowing you to cheat out a second Doomguard when you kill the first, or another Voidlord. Baleful Banker also comes to mind as a way to abuse it. That being said, I like that there are interesting combos that can be pulled off with this card. It may need to be bumped up a bit in cost to balance it. I also think "duplicate" is not the exact right word for the effect. I was thinking "another copy of it," but I'm not sure.


    I actually like Drakkari Frost Warden the most. Super flavorful, does some cool things with cards that give Taunt. Some might worry about its synergy with things like Earth Shock, but that's essentially a 2 mana 3/2 that costs two cards so I don't really think it's an issue. The other cards are fine.


    Griftah seems like a card that Rogue would love, especially Miracle Rogue. Amulet seems balanced since the spell is essentially just a combo-enabler/card draw. The only thing that worries me is the ability to make a huge van Cleef turn the following turn, so for that reason alone it might be better as a 4-drop or higher. Your Hakkar has a very cool effect and I spent at least a minute running through all the possibilites in my mind. To me, that's the sign of a cool design.


    I like Bwonsamdi and Lifestealer the most. Samdi seems like a Priest-specific N'Zoth (I think it should say "Summon all minions"), synergizes nicely with some big tools and even incentivizes healing opposing minions, which is cool. (Obviously it says heal, so no synergy with Auchenai which is a nice touch). I like the kind of mana sink of Troll Lifestealer that allows you to make a fairly big dude if left unchecked. Hakkar is decent, but a little bit too good with Warlock's Spellstone for my taste. Har'koa is... confusing and has too much wording. I really like Bwonsamdi.


    It's an OK design. I'm a little confused as to how it works--do they pair up and switch? If that's the case, what happens if there's an odd number of minions? Does it go in a random order? Can a minion swap twice? Can a minion swap its Attack with another minion's Health, or is it just a straight-up Attack for Attack and Health for Health swap?


    Skullsplitter Vanguard is a decent card, although I think it would work better in a class that doesn't have access to Armor. Warrior doesn't really care about regaining life, since it can just hit the button and regain that life another way.


    Zalazane is cool. I think I would like it better if it were a class card, instead of Neutral. The effect is maybe a bit too difficult to deal with for it to be available to all classes. I like the design.


    I think the card is balanced. I've always thought that effect was worded "Destroy enemy minions opposite this one," but since there aren't cards like that I'm not sure. Certainly is a cool effect that Hearthstone could use.


    Stealth is the biggest worry for me from a balance standpoint, I think Poisonous could be a decent replacement (or Divine Shield). I just don't like the idea of a Stealthed Windfury minion that your opponent just can't deal with until next turn. Comparing it to Galvadon shows how powerful this card is, since you have to build a very specific deck to even have access to Galvadon while this can just go in a deck. Maybe bump the mana cost to 7? Other than that, it's a neat design.


    Zoologist is a cool card. It has some worrying recursive synergies with Hadronox, so I would maybe take a look at changing the second choice. Maybe changing the second choice to something more like Menagerie Warden's Battlecry would be good. But I like this card, and if you think it doesn't need changing then that's fine.


    Cool card. It's a little bit worrisome that this card can just eat your opponent's board and be fine, so I would personally suggest changing the effect to only proc when a friendly minion dies, otherwise it can just dominate the board as an unkillable monster. But maybe that's what you were going for, but it seems a little TOO unkillable from my perspective.


    Does it pull from the pool of all Deathrattles, or just those in Standard? Obviously the power level fluctuates based on the Deathrattle gained. Grading it as a 6 5/5 Deathrattle: Draw a Card (probably the most neutral outcome) it seems underpowered but of course it could get a number of better Deathrattles. The effect is fun.


    Deathcrier is cool. To me it feels like a hyper tech card for a very specific meta (Cubelock and Hadronox Druid are really the only decks whose strength relies on their Deathrattles, and they excel at killing their things before their opponent can answer them) so it might actually be underpowered.


    Musa has some very cool synergies and I like the flavor. Correct me if I'm wrong on these extrapolations on other Secrets: Wandering Monster summons a 4 cost. Dart Trap deals 6 (or 7)? Venomstrike summons a 3/4 Cobra. Freezing Trap increases cost by 3. Cat Trick summons a 5/3. Explosive Trap deals 3. Rat Trap summons a 7/7. Hidden Cache gives +3/+3. Seems like a powerful card. I like it. The stats are maybe a bit too durable for such a powerful 3 drop.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 1

    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 7.20 - Discussion Topic

    This is my first idea. Probably will be making a few more cards, but I wanted to post this to get some advice vis a vis balance and flavor. These cards are based on the Voodoo Loa Baron Samedi, a loa of death and resurrection, and his more violent and brutal aspect, Baron Kriminel. Samedi and Kriminel seemed to fit best in Warrior. Kriminel's wording seems clunky to me, but unsure how to change it while retaining the effect.


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    posted a message on Toki monster Hunt

    Make sure to pick up the Quest if it's offered to you. +3 Spell Damage or Double Time are very useful. I beat her by controlling her board so that she could never land her Hero Power (I think I had +3 Spell Damage and double starting health but I wouldn't recommend picking up the latter). It does take some luck, and a lot of time as she will start the game over again at some point. But the most important thing, for me was having a board presence and contesting her minions so that she couldn't overwhelm me with her Hero Power.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 7.16 - Discussion Topic

    I'll go ahead and attempt to review some cards while I'm at it:

    @Vision136: I like Kinetic Blow, it has good synergy with things like Rotface and Gunspire, not to mention Execute. A small, dumb thing is that  it should be "its remaining health," not "it's remaining health." Not that it matters. :p

    @Tranndil: Eternal Duty is really interesting. Its wording is a bit confusing; it took me a few times to understand that it would summon ONE Silver Hand Recruit with its enchantments (I think). I assume the "enchantments" are meant to encapsulate things like Level Up!, Stegodon Adapts, and other buffs. It feels a bit random, but I like the design of it.

    @YoThats: It seems like you look at this as a tech against Baku and aggro, but it's also insane in slow matchups against Warlock. Not to mention that you essentially give your opponent a dead draw of a spell that does nothing but swap Hero Powers. A little more powerful than you intended, I think, but I think it could be pretty fun in a slow matchup between, say, Control Priest and Control Warrior.

    @Kaeldris: I think the wording of this card is spot-on, although we haven't really see any "Overload equal to X" cards before, so I'm not sure. That being said, it seems like a well-designed card. There aren't too many Shaman spells that are amazing if they cost 0, so this could be an interesting value added card. I like the payoff and the drawback.

    @THWeaver: Fel Crafting: 1 mana Draw 2 is very good, even with the drawback of being damaged. Not to mention that this synergizes with cards that like it when you hurt yourself. The flavor's nice, and the effect seems well thought out. Marsh Fishing is fun, but probably very weak. Prophecy is also a well-designed card. I think I like Fel Crafting the most.

    @waterwalker: Retribution has a lot of words, so it seems a little daunting at first glance. That being said, I can't think of any way to cut it down while retaining your intended meaning, but I would change "When" to "After."

    @Vilegloom: Light's Guidance feels like it could be worded different, like "Discover a card that restores Health." Mindbent Puppet could be insane in a deck with Velen, even if the effect is random you could stall long enough to make him the only minion in hand and then Mind Blast for 40 while spending only 8 mana (Mindbent Puppetx2+Velen Copyx2+Mindblastx2). I don't like that. Death Shock is pretty cool, with a good drawback even if destroying a minion for 1 is incredibly powerful. I think i like Death Shock the most.

    @YJHS2000: So it seems like more of a value card as opposed to the reworked Charge, although it does allow for multiple loops on the same turn. Could work to help Warrior regain the board in certain situations, but in that scenario it feels weaker than Brawl.

    @chenzhenxiaobaobao: Corrupted Raven Idol is definitely the coolest. Soul Corruption feels a little too good, especially in the best case scenario of destroying a Lackey+discarding one of your opponent's cards. Persuation feels like a more powerful Sacred Trial, but I don't think that matters because Corrupted Raven Idol is definitely the card you should go with.

    @ASifyouwoulD: I think Balancing Scales should read "Choose a friendly minion. Whenever a minion gains Attack, [b]it[/b] gains +1 Attack." I personally find that card has the most interesting possibilities. The Spellstone could be good in Zoo decks that don't run Gul'dan, and Double Tap is cool, but I think Balancing Scales makes me think the most.

    @Kovachut: Totem Fury could make a Token Shaman viable, since it's sort of a faster Thunderbluff Valiant. It is comparable to Mark of the Lotus, but only affects Totems so I think it feels balanced. Mind Reading feels like power creep. It's worse than Drakonid OP only in the sense that it doesn't give you a 5/6 body or trigger your Duskbreaker. Other than that, it is better than Drakonid OP, imo. Desperate Times has a cool, flavorful effect. Probably too weak, but I like the flavor of it. For me, it's between Totem Fury and Desperate Times and I'm personally leaning Totem Fury.

    @MrUncreative: To me, it's a bit like a worse Prep, except it can also hit minions. It's an OK card, the design is solid.

    @Cogito_Ergo_Sum: I feel like the sentences in Riptide Rejuvenation should be reversed, but that's just my thought. Bag of Tricks is a lot of fun, but the wording seems like if you discovered a minion then played it that the played minion would be replaced by that spell at end of turn. Investigate is a daunting read, but has a lot of flexibility. Has about as many interfaces as a Kazakus potion, so it's not like we haven't seen a card this complicated before. That being said, we've never seen a card like Investigate before and it's a really clever idea.


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    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 7.16 - Discussion Topic

    I have a couple of cards:

    Shadow MimicryShady DealA Lesson in Sacrifice

    Shadow Mimicry and A Lesson in Sacrifice encapsulate the first idea I had thinking about this expansion, that of some sort of balanced hand disruption that really only works as a way to disrupt combos. A Lesson in Sacrifice specifically took me a while to balance, because obviously I can't just summon and destroy them (because of Possessed Lackey) and I can't Silence them, then destroy them at the end of the turn (because of Carnivorous Cube). I think this version is balanced, although the wording may be a little confusing. Obviously it can be played when Warlock has no minions in hand, but Warlocks can't really plan on having a minionless hand unless they commit to that sort of deck. Shady Deal is an angle that Mill Rogue can take. Obviously it's pretty powerful in combo with things like Elven Minstrel and Sprint, but acts as a worse Coldlight Oracle in any but true Fatigue scenarios since it doesn't allow you to draw cards. Shadow Mimicry allows you to either disrupt your opponent's curve, or delay a combo. Most likely the weakest card of the three, but they may all be too powerful.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 7.15 - Discussion Topic


    Quote from Kovachut >>

    Ok, I came up a new idea and I redesigned my old cards. What do you think:


    I think that Cave Archaeologist is the most interesting and does some cool things, but I also think that Pet Dragon is a good card. Both push a Tempo archetype for Hunter, which is what I would expect if Hunters did get some Dragon tools. Archaeologist probably has more applications, especially considering that most played one-drops have either 2 or 3 Health nowadays (or Divine Shield). I personally don't care for minions that are just Big Dudes (especially when they're vulnerable to Silence), so I'm not a fan of Wyrmrest Champion but that could just be me. So I personally would go with Cave Archaeologist. As an aside, I think that the art maybe needs to be zoomed in a bit.
    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 4

    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 7.15 - Submission Topic

    My submission:

    Dragonscale Bow

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    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 7.15 - Discussion Topic


    Quote from Sillyraptor >>

     I think Guard the Hoard fits well into Hunter secrets, however, I'm not sure how it should be worded. With the current wording I assume it would proc immediately after they spend their last mana crystal? All other secrets start with either "when" or "after" so I think for consistency's sake yours should as well. I think in their current state I like Lake Wyrm better, since it rewards Hunters for doing things on board, rather than holding in hand which I think fits better with Hunter's identity.
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    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 7.15 - Discussion Topic

    Wanted to do something with Dragons and Rush, since in my mind Dragons are like the lords of the battlefield, swooping down to take out anyone who is in their way. Looting the Hoard was my first pass at such a card, and is thus probably the blandest of the three.

    Vengeful DrakeDragonscale BowLooting the Hoard

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 9

    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 7.10 - Submission Topic

    My Submission:

    Apothecary Velyx

    "I'm telling you, your minions are only MOSTLY dead."


    Smelling Salts Elusive Concoction Explosive Concoction Bolstering Concoction

    When Velyx comes down on the board, all minions (including Velyx) go dormant, like he just threw out a sleeping potion. So he buys you at least one turn, as your opponent's minions won't be able to attack the turn they wake up and he can be comboed with Doomsayer to give you more time (unless your opponent plays the Smelling Salts, in which case he gives you an asymmetrical boardclear). Once your opponent plays the Smelling Salts, you get one of three powerful Concoction spells to both awaken your minions and improve your board state. This also allows for counterplay from your opponent: if their board doesn't matter as much to them they can hold onto the Smelling Salts for a while to deny you the Concoction.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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