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    posted a message on Bad Manners (BM) in Hearthstone

    I think the whole concept of BMing in Hearthstone is really amusing, but I always avoid it unless the opponent BMs me first, because I'm a nice guy and I know people are really sensitive about it. I quite simply can't wrap my head around why emoting "My greetings" before playing the FoN/Savage Roar combo seems to be the real life equivalent of a murder for most people. It's just banter, after all, and being oversensitive about it quite simply isn't healthy. Try to take it with a smile, and your life in Hearthstone will get much more easy.

    As for the people who add you to wish you and your family a life in hell, is it really such a big problem? I've probably played several thousand games, and I've only had it happen to me about six times. People who do this probably has a combination of a really shitty day and some issues in their real life, so be the bigger person and ignore it.

    TL;DR: Chill!

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Headed for Legend - S13 April 2015

    Just reached legend for the first time in my Hearthstone career after climbing from rank 4 to legend in a little less than 4 hours! I never saw that coming. What's funny is that this is the month I've least anticipated it, mainly because of several important exams and my job. Now I'm finally beginning to understand why people say that the mental aspect of this game is so important. I've had a tendency to get really stressed when I try really hard to reach legend, resulting in tons of stupid misplays. This month, however, I've mainly played to calm down after hours of boring reading, resulting in me being much more relaxed when playing.

    I've mainly played Grim Patron warrior and Zoo(TempoStorm version). The latter is ridiculously strong, especially in the EU meta, where warriors, druids and freeze mages (!) are everywhere. I've also had a fairly decent (although not positive) winrate against hunters, mainly by taking huge risks by flooding the board and drawing Sea Giant at the right time.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Why Grim Patrons are really OP

    Decided to give this deck a try, and to my amusement I won the first game in one turn by getting the berserkers to 15 and 17 after some funny death's bite and whirlwind shenenigans :P It's a very hard deck to play, but to my surprise it seems to be fairly consistent. So far this deck has gotten me from rank 11 to 7, with positive winrates against almost everything, with tempo mage (0 wins) and control warrior (only met one) being the exception. I've surprisingly won everytime I've met druid so far.

    What I find promising is that when I lost, I feel it was because of my mistakes, rather than the deck itself, with me wasting the berserkers too early and thus not having enough damage to win being my most common mistake. Timing your plays effectively, and not wasting any of the important cards seems to be key in piloting this deck successfully. 

    Posted in: Warrior
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    posted a message on New Card - Dragon Consort (Paladin)

    My body is ready!

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Is a faster control warrior viable? Deck help
    Quote from bhabanism »

    How are your matches going with it? 

    I've actually gone 6-2 with it. It actually seems to do fairly decent against paladin, with 3/3 wins. The rest of the wins was against 1 control hunter and 2 warriors (both of them wasted most of their removal before turn 7). I lost against facehunter and Zoo. Kel'Thuzad seems to work fairly decent, but I still want some more early threats, as I suspect this deck will fall short when I start meeting mech mage and more face hunters. I'm considering replacing one of the Acolytes with Zombie Chow, as one seems to be enough for now, as well as replacing Brawl and a minion with Annoy-o-Tron and either a second Chow or perhaps Amani Berserker/Harvest golem. With more early game minions Brawl shouldn't really be necessary. 

    Ideas for other changes are welcome :)

    Posted in: Warrior
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