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    posted a message on Original player returning begging for help
    Going theoughf Quote from Echo_ >>

    Okay, well druid doesn't really have a control deck going for it right now, and it also requires a lot of epics and some legendaries. As for warrior, the class is still incredibly expensive but you already have some cards that warrior is using and for hunter, the class is still cheap, has some midrange decks that are pretty strong right now for the most part and actually is now using King Krush in some decks.

    Out of all the legendaries you have, the ones still relevant for today are King Krush, Harrison Jones, Al'Akir, Leeroy, Alexstraza, Bloodmage Thalnos and Ysera. Not saying the rest of them are bad (well Pagle has definitely seen better days), but those are the ones that are seeing a lot of play right now. 

    For Druid decks, the current strong decks are Malygos druid, Togwaggle Druid and Token Druid, which both Malygos and Togwaggle both being combo decks and Token being just oldschool token. For Warrior, the current strong decks are Odd Quest warrior, Odd Warrior and Recruit warrior. All of these are control decks and all of them cost an arm and a leg due to all the legendaries they require, (that being said they are still really fun). As for Hunter, the strongest decks for it are Deathrattle Hunter, Mechrattle hunter (which is pretty much the same as Deathrattle, just with more mechs), Secret Hunter and Spell hunter. All of these decks run a few core cards that are all strong, but all of them tend to be on the cheaper side, along with all of them being midrange decks.

    Is there any deck you'd want me to explain more in detail? Also, if you could keep us updated on the legendaries you get from the 10 packs and from the Knights of the Frozen Throne campaign, that can help a lot since a lot of the Death knight hero cards are absurdly strong.

    Awesome response thank you.  Still trying to soak it all in, but I’m mainly just looking for fun decks that I can get some wins with  and eventually build up a respectable setz. Now that I think about it I’m not hung up on Amy one class or play stayed now lol.   

    Going through frozen thrown now an that lord marrow is a pain in the ass. 

    Posted in: General Deck Building
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    posted a message on Original player returning begging for help
    Quote from Echo_ >>

    So first things first, I'd reccomend you buying 10 packs of each set you haven't opened yet and play through the Knights of the Frozen throne campaign. The first 10 packs of a new set guarantee you a legendary and it'll help to get as much legendaries as possible to see what there is to work with. As for the Knights of the Frozen Throne campaign, you get several packs and a free death knight hero card as a reward.

    Other than that, you have a pretty decent amount of playable classic legendaries, is there any playstyle you like to play?

    Thanks for the advice, i did like some control decks.  Liked Druid, Warrior pally mixed with some hunter. 

    Posted in: General Deck Building
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    posted a message on Original player returning begging for help
    Quote from Yuno_Gasai >>

    IN MY OPINION these are some of the most played and best decks in the meta right now:

    Odd Rogue, Heal Zoo, Malygos Druid, Odd Warrior, and Tempo Mage.

    If you have any questions or anything you can add me on Battle.net. My Battle.net tag is Killua#12611.

    Awesome thank you, I will check those out.   


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    Posted in: General Deck Building
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    posted a message on Original player returning begging for help

    hey everyone,

    started playing day 1 and loved it.  Stopped right before naxx due to new family, kids and shit.  Just got back into it and wow I’m lost and out classed.  Not sure where to even begin or how to build a competitive deck.  I have almost all classic cards and some legendaries.  Any help on how to build or links to any non garbage decks with these cards would be greatly appreciated. 

    As far as legendaries I have.

    King krush, tirion fording, edwin vancleef, al’akir, dr. Morgan, Bloodmage thalnos, nat pagle , king mukla, harrison jones, leeroy jenkins, carine bloodhoof, the Black Knight, baron geddon, gruul, Marin the foy, alexstaza, ysera 


    please help!




    Posted in: General Deck Building
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