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    posted a message on [RoS] Malygos Spell Rogue. 57% winrate over hundreds of games.

    Thank you. I just updated the list and description. Saps were just better than Leeroy and Nomi, though not as much fun. Too many fast decks and you don't need Leeroy with all this spell damage.

    Posted in: [RoS] Malygos Spell Rogue. 57% winrate over hundreds of games.
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    posted a message on [RoS] Malygos Spell Rogue. 57% winrate over hundreds of games.

    I am getting ready to update the list. I replaced Nomi for a second sap since Nomi is usually dead in hand and only won me one game ever. I am currently rank 4 from rank 10 with this deck with a 56% winrate.

    Posted in: [RoS] Malygos Spell Rogue. 57% winrate over hundreds of games.
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    posted a message on Wild Even Paladin

    I never play it without buffing it the same turn, unless it's a gambit of some sort, which happens very rarely. The Vorax is a 1x, so you can't count on drawing it. I view it like pyro/equality -- it's a very powerful combo that I can use if I have the cards and it makes sense. I have considered putting in bells, but not for the Vorax. Sometimes I really desperately want a pyro activator in the early game but a) don't have equality, b) don't want to use equality, or c) didn't go second so I don't have the coin. However, that is a small number of games overall so I decided against it. The four buffs in the deck are sufficient, and arcane dynamo usually gives you at least one choice of steed or dinosize.

    I would love to run a second arcane dynamo just because I really like the card in this deck, but realistically a single copy is good enough and I don't want to cut anything else for it. I like having the four 8-drops because it gives me something big to slam down consistently on turn 8 if I am in a position to do so. It also means that a couple hard removal like Hex isn't going to wipe me out, which a problem I used to have in the old days playing control paladin. Against priest they would just entomb your two big guys and you would have nothing.


    Posted in: Wild Even Paladin
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    posted a message on OLD Play a Friend! 4.0



    Trade only. You go first.

    Posted in: Players and Teams Discussion
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    posted a message on OLD Play a Friend! 3.0

    Battletag: gauss#1977

    Region: NA

    Trade only you go first.


    Posted in: Players and Teams Discussion
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    posted a message on [MSG] Astral Communion Druid

    Wow, that's a great point about Raven Idol. I'm going to start keeping it in my Mulligan and change the deck description right away. Thank you trying the deck and giving such amazing feedback. I agree that it's nice to give these kinds of cards their last send-off. Ironically I have a math degree but didn't bother to do the math. lol. Shame on me.

    Posted in: [MSG] Astral Communion Druid
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    posted a message on The Diablo 20th Anniversary Tavern Brawl: Release Date and Everything We Know

    Jesus fucking christ people. The most entitled brats ever. 

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Midrange Jade Druid

    Feral Rage is already in the deck. I see what you mean about auctioneer. I think some tech choices will have to be made depending on how things really pan out. If pirate warrior becomes popular and shamans are still running spirit claws, then maybe 2x ooze makes more sense than mistress of mixtures. Or an ooze and a harrison but that's a worse curve. The healing from moonglade is in anticipation of the meta speeding up and not having time to auctioneer. Only time will tell.

    Rag is a great because it can come from barnes, can kill other jade golems (of reasonable size) in a mirror match, or you give you the yolo burst to close out a game. I think he is strong enough to make the cut. It's also consistent, serves as quasi-removal in a deck that doesn't have good removal, and can be a stepping stone power play until the golems get bigger. That's my reasoning anyway. 

    Posted in: Midrange Jade Druid
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    posted a message on Midrange Jade Druid

    I played a lot of token druid after WoG came out. I even crafted two copies of Wisps of the Old Gods on day one, but I don't think that approach will work here. You have a lot of spells, but violet teacher actually seems weak compared to this. I think if token is going to survive it needs to get a lot more aggressive and start running double savage roar, not jade golems. I have a feeling that face decks are going to come back and unless something else can keep them in check and still do ok against these jade decks I don't see that not happening, especially with Blizzard pushing zoo paladin.

    Posted in: Midrange Jade Druid
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    posted a message on Valeera's Bag of Burgled Spells is This Week's Tavern Brawl!
    Quote from denkerry >>

    i dont get why you people complain... brawl = fun. if u want some competition go play ladder mate :)

     Maybe because stupid random shit isn't fun?
    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Blizzard world championship - no black players, no black casters.
    Quote from Boxfox67 >>
    Quote from Remster101 >>

    So we need affirmative action for winning tournaments now?

    "Well you played the best and won the tournament, but this dude is black, so let's just say he won"

    Quote from Remster101 >>

    So we need affirmative action for winning tournaments now?

    "Well you played the best and won the tournament, but this dude is black, so let's just say he won"

     LOL this, what a pointless thread,  this is how progressive thinkers want the world to be, uhh I was told in college that black lives matter more then my privileged white life, so I'm offended about this
     Well, thanks for revealing yourself to be nothing more than a baiting troll. 
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Blizzard world championship - no black players, no black casters.
    Quote from Remster101 >>

    So we need affirmative action for winning tournaments now?

    "Well you played the best and won the tournament, but this dude is black, so let's just say he won"

    I didn't say they should do that. I said that would be the only way to change the outcome given the particulars of the circumstances. This isn't a skill deficit, it's a representation deficit. Not that many black people live where they can qualify and have the money to do so. There is no way for Blizzard to fix that. 
    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on Blizzard world championship - no black players, no black casters.

    I personally believe this is a problem of affluence and geography. Yes, it's a free game, but how many of the players at Blizzcon have been f2p? How many can afford the time to play the hours needed? How many can travel to events? Add that to the fact that Asia doesn't have that many black people as a percentage of the population and that Africa isn't represented at all. The United States is only ~13% African American, as an example. Not that many black people live in an area where they can qualify, are in large numbers, and have the affluence to be a dedicated gamer compared to their peers. Let's also not discount the horrible reception our "community" has given to the few who have accomplished anything. 

    Without some kind of affirmative action or opening up in Africa (of which there are challenges), I don't see this changing much. They could have, however, gotten TerrenceM to be a caster. 

    A bigger question to which there isn't such a nice answer is why there are so few female players and casters. The answer is Sexism in the community and culture. Period. It's a huge problem. Cora is pretty cool, and I know that more women work on Hearthstone, and surely many women play hearthstone, but the competitive community is built on Twitch and Youtube. Good luck in that environment. All the more credit to Hafu and Eloise. Too many 14 year old (and 24 year old) boys ruin it for half the population.  They need a good bopping. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on The Gadgetzan Gazette - Vol. 32 hint?(RED MANA?????)

    I mean, it's difficult to understand how it's going to work. I only see two choices. First, it's a permanent addition to the game, in which they will have to keep adding these cards forever because otherwise this expansion will rotate out. Second, it's a temporary effect that is brought into the game and stays in the game by a limited number of cards. I find that more likely, but how does that work? Do some cards add them for a tempo loss and then others use them for a tempo gain? I'm looking forward to seeing what they unveil. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Hamster the surprise of hearthstone world championship 2016
    Quote from darker11 >>

    why didn't i pick him instead of Thijs, damn you Thjis....

     Don't blame Thijs because you chose to be a lemming instead of a hamster. 
    Posted in: General Discussion
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