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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place!

    Im a FtP player trying to budget all my arena dust on getting good common and rare cards. I have 3-4 epics and a lucky Malygos which I treasure :].  

    I'm here to speak of my frustration on powerful legendary cards that I don't own or have a real counter to, and these result in automatic losses for me.
    Yeah I spent a whopping 400 dust for that BgH (and got the other in a pack) but it is hardly an answer to that bullcrap dr boom. The only situation when I don't eventually lose to a Dr boom played is when the opponent's board is empty and mine has 4+ minions. All other situations result in eventual defeat. The boombots just kill stuff that cost me 5+ mana to play or smash my face and the opponent rushes me down.
    I hate good old antonidas too. If the opponent uses any type of protection like a taunt or cloak or counterspell, and that bastard stays alive more than a turn, I just lose again. lose lose lose :[
    I hate ragnaros too. Rest of the legends I guess I don't mind because they are slow enough to deal with.
    Its so annoying how I try to play a tempo game and do all the moves right, and the opponent whose making missplays galore drops a single card which puts him super ahead in the lead. I just refuse to waste any more time on ladder if I cant break rank 14 because of these legendary cards. God fcking damn it.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Bug with echoing ooze and Brann?


    Posted in: Card Discussion
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