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    posted a message on D5 to Legend 88% Winrate - Paladin Murloc Association (WILD)

    Don't get carried away ...

    It's a really fun deck to play , but climbing the ladder to Legend , thats where it gets tricky or almost impossible.

    I mean gratz to those 5 people that were able I'm sure it wasnt an easy climb.  D10 to D5 is fine  , but no way near 88% till legend , thats like winning the lottery. It barely has a win rate of slightly over 52% in the D5-Legend zone.

    What were looking for is consistency. Murlocs in general struggle with that. You will probably hit legend if you have rng on your side and spam 100+ games thats if you dont burn out and start doing mistakes. It is possible.

    A small piece of advice do not I repeat do not craft sunkeeper . I've spammed 50 + games i barely used him and when used he was useless getting me out of a sitaution or board clear. Thanks for giving time and posting this deck.

    I would keep an eye out for alternatives if this does not work for you and really want to hit Legend with a murloc deck  , gratz to those who made it .

    Posted in: D5 to Legend 88% Winrate - Paladin Murloc Association (WILD)
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